
Last comments IrenSS

Количество комментариев за все время: 290, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
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Отрицательные оценки 145 (26.41%)
Количество положительных комментов 135 (46.55%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 25 (8.62%)
1) This Guy Are Back IrenSS | (1 | 0) | 09.11.2023 19:48
Урзак, спасибо, рада, что понравилось. Интермиссия вставлена в виде секундной Юффи на экране в колизее, которую, скорее всего, никто не заметил, но она там есть :) Материала как раз было много, и на 5, и на 10 минут предостаточно. Целью было передать дух и общий настрой без особых, при этом, спойлеров и сумасшедшей мельтешни. А еще использовать именно опенинговую версию трека. Пусть будет коротко, но весело :)

2) This Guy Are Back IrenSS | (1 | 0) | 11.06.2023 19:58
Bauzi wrote:
I do like the intro, but I don't think it fits to the rest of the video. It feels unrelated. So does the outro. To me they are more of a disturbance.

Not sure about that, I think these bring depth and setting to the "main" video, while also stylistically tying the whole thing to the source. But you can always skip, if you don't like it :))

Gambetta wrote:
Начиналось как настоящий фильм, но основная музыка, ИМХО, не соответствует неспешному и интригующему началу. Слишком резко всё меняется.

Спасибо за впечатления. Начало, конечно, несколько отличается по тональности, но легкий контраст всегда придает больше мнагогранности, чем если начинать просто с такого же типа музыки. Ну и, как вы заметили, целью было ввести зрителя в мир видео плавным и кинематографичным образом.

Lion0608, спасибо, рада, что клип нашел зрителя ❤️

3) This Guy Are Back IrenSS | (0 | 0) | 12.05.2023 22:14
TakeshiAMV wrote:
Pretty nice, I think I'll edit this song as well soon or later, btw at the end shouldn't it be "This Guy is Back" or "These Guys Are Back" ? o.o

The title is explained in the description, it's a meme :)

4) Ashen Leaves IrenSS | (1 | 0) | 04.05.2023 20:43
Charios, I see what you mean. I re-watched and it does get more intense along with the music, agree. In this case, I would personally take it a step further and have the voices overlay even more at some point, closer to the climax, to make it more deliberate, rather than leave an occasional impression of "hmm these voices here kinda overlapped a little". Also, the lines on 2:30 - 2:40 are softer and calmer compared to the ones before and after and I think that made it a bit jarring in terms of the buildup towards more aggressive tonalities.

But of course, it's all up to you and your vision of how you realize it and as long as it expresses your idea and the passion for the game, which it clearly does, all is well with the world ։DDD

5) Ashen Leaves IrenSS | (1 | 0) | 03.05.2023 21:10
I feel like the further the video progressed, the more distracting and overwhelming these voice-over lines became. I wish there was more breathing room left in-between voice lines, so that there was time to truly grasp and internalize what they say and savor just the music and the visuals, especially in the second half of the video when the tension grew stronger. I understand that these lines are also part of the world and "narrative" in a sense, but their non-stop presence weakens their effect and turns them into an obstacle of some sort, rather than a strong artistic device. Overall very nice video with beautiful visuals and eerie atmosphere. I just think that a little bit of thoughtful "silence" would make it even better :)) Good luck on the contest!

6) Eorzea IrenSS | (0 | 0) | 24.04.2023 20:14
As a fellow FFFan, I can feel how much love went into this and that the game means a lot to you. Also I love how you put your WoL there, she's so cute!! The song is not exactly my cup of tea but the atmosphere of adventure, wonder and scale is definitely there and achieved thanks to this track, so well done~

7) This Guy Are Back IrenSS | (2 | 0) | 24.04.2023 20:05
Scara wrote:
I did not expect that combo, but somehow it actually works. This was super fun to watch!
I had FF7 on my list AFTER I finish FF14, but this makes me wanna play it immediately haha

Thank you! Haha yesssss, good, that was the intention, to make people want to play this, so it seems that it worked :DD Let me know what you think of it when you do~ I also really recommend you play the original FF7 too (either before or after the Remake), because it makes the whole thing so much more meaningful and enjoyable. I know it can be painful to look at, but it'll be worth it, haha.

By the way, enjoyed your vid too~~ Made me want to try to get into ff14 again. Shame on me, I have dropped it 3 times, ARR is so slooooow :DDD

8) Waltz S | 10th Anniversary Remake IrenSS | (1 | 0) | 11.01.2023 17:39

9) Karass IrenSS | (0 | 0) | 05.01.2020 19:36
IrenSS wrote:
Kvant wrote:

Какой это вообще язык?

Хинди :)

UPD: Прошу пардону, оказывается, это Бенгальский :)) А вообще они поют на трех языках - Хинди, Бенгальском и Английском.

10) Karass IrenSS | (0 | 0) | 11.10.2019 08:01
Спасибо всем за отзывы! Приятно возвращаться в строй после долгой паузы :))

Thank you all for your comments! Feels great to be back from a long hiatus :))

Kroner -AMV- wrote:
Nice NIce Nice

I like how you unintentionally and indirectly quote Vonnegut's work again :D

"Nice, nice, very nice —
So many different people
In the same device.”

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it

Kvant wrote:
Какой это вообще язык?

Хинди :)

11) Twilight City IrenSS | (2 | 0) | 01.10.2019 09:25
Это был бы один из тех опенингов, которые я бы не мотала :) Good job!

12) Dream the impossible IrenSS | (0 | 0) | 13.04.2019 19:52
♥ (◡‿◡✿)

13) Pachyderm Panic IrenSS | (0 | 0) | 13.10.2018 16:58
В детстве всегда с нетерпением ждала этой сцены всякий раз, когда показывали "Дамбо" :D Поэтому клип сразу восприняла на "ура" и посмотрела с большим интересом и удовольствием.

14) HANA IrenSS | (0 | 0) | 13.05.2018 13:31
I liked this - nice mood and feel, and looks cool in b&w.

15) Dentelle IrenSS | (2 | 0) | 07.12.2017 10:06
tic_tac_toei, возвышенное и красивое спасибо Вам, а также всем, кто ранее отписался :)

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