
Exam videos
New videos Meteor Thursday, 17 September 2015

Author's comment: Yo, ça fait longtemps. Petit retour sur un solo au calme. Pour faire simple, Sephi m'a filé une zik, j'ai matté le film saint seiya, je me suis dit hey pas mal alors MDL m'a fait le cut et j'ai clipé le film. Je devait sortir ce clip y'a un moment déja mais trop de league of legends donc au final j'ai pas passé trop de temps dessus mais pris plus de temps pour le sortir. Un peu déçu d'avoir manqué de scènes sur la fin mais j'ai fini comme j'ai pu. Maintenant attaquons le clip JE.

Author: Akuzo
Anime: Saint Seiya Movie - Legend of Sanctuary
Music: Spoken - Through it All



Contests AMV-France Online Contest - Rebirth Tuesday, 15 September 2015


AMV-France invites you to take part in Online Contest - Rebirth. The very specific feature of this contest is complete anonymity of both participants and judges. The contest is opened for exclusive entries, i.e videos made specially for this event. It is forbidden to release the contest videos online before the end of the contest to keep the anonymity of the creators. Contest deadline is October 31st.

Registration of participants
Contest thread at AMVNews forum


New videos Girl Monday, 14 September 2015

Клип не рекомендован к просмотру лицам до 16 лет. Третий по счету клип по вселенной, знакомой всем по ME!ME!ME! Он же сиквел оригинала. В этот раз более легкий видеоряд без жести.

Author: Yoshizaki, Iseki Shuichi
Anime: Original animation
Music: Toy`s Factory feat Daoko feat Daoko - Oresama



New videos Lost Storms Sunday, 13 September 2015

If you haven't watched yet Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas, do it! It's an amazing series! Unfortunately, this anime isn't completed, the producers decided to suspend it! That's why I titled my amv "Lost Storms", Saint Seiya series lost its epicness after this anime! Anyway, I hope you like it ^^

Author: AntaresHeart07
Anime: Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas
Music: Our Last Night - Dark Storms

Lost Storms


New videos Ardent VII - The End Sunday, 13 September 2015

MDL:C’est déjà la fin d’une série de duo plus ouf les uns que les autres. J’espère que vous avez kiffé les mater autant que nous à les faire mais il fallait bien que ça cesse, y en a un peu marre d’inspirer des 20aines de milliards de jeunes amvs makers farouches ! Plus sérieusement c’était vraiment culte de faire cette série avec Luciole, on a commencé ça dans des teams différentes avec un concept complètement posé (mais pas représenté du tout à l’époque), on a progressé à chaque fois dans notre collaboration et en tentant de renouveler un peu la formule et au final il y a eu la fusion, j’pense que c’est vraiment plus que parfait que le dernier sorte pour l’anniversaire de la team comme ça, même si c’est pas fait exprès bounce. Donc voilà, c’est le 7 parce que pour moi le Chaos Control c’est un peu le 6 au final et qu’en plus j’ai pu faire une référence à un jeu qui s’annonce surouf pour moi donc c’est culte. Et puis ça sonne bien 7 What a Face. RAPPELEZ-VOUS DE NOS NOMS!!

Luciole :Yo les amis, c'est ainsi qu'on se retrouve pour le tout dernier Ardent Sky! J’espère que vous avez aimés ces 7 clips plus shonen les un que les autres! Perso j'ai jamais était autant content de clipper que lors d'un ardent sky (exception pour le 4) et c'est un peu triste de finir mais au final ce dernier clip est tellement ouf que je suis fier de terminer la série ainsi! Et sinon oui ce n'est pas le 6 mais le 7 ! On a eu un débat avec MDL, lui disait qu'il fallait que se soit le 7 et moi le 6. Au final il a eu la meilleur idée du monde en glissant un clin d’œil à FF15 Razz. Bref je sais pas trop quoi dire d'autre, comme a dit MDL c'est vraiment culte qu'il soit sortir pour l'anniv de la team sans le vouloir en plus xD
Ardent (Phoenix team) Sky (Sora no Kagami) c'est vraiment le symbole même de la STK, c'est vraiment l'union ultime bordel c'est plus que parfait et j'suis content d'avoir partager ça avec vous! Je m’arrête là, et j’espère que vous apprécierez tout autant que nous ce clip! Enjoy!!!

Author: Luciole, MDL
Anime: Mix
Music: Melody Fall - Remember the name

Ardent VII - The End


New videos Reminiscence Saturday, 12 September 2015

Я смотрю, как твою жизнь охватывают языки пламени, а ты готов чем угодно поклясться, что
хотел бы измениться, но вот луна медленно тонет в облаках, и ты снова там, откуда начинал,
тебе нечего сказать, нет ни доводов, ни аргументов, когда все сказано и сделано, сделано и
сказано, что может решить еще один день?

Author: Not found
Anime: Gate Jieitai Kanochi nite, Space Brothers, Jormungand, Black Lagoon, Durarara, Photo Kano, Prison School, Tokyo Ghoul, Toshokan Sensou, Zetsuen no Tempest, Steins;Gate, The SoulTaker, Kara no Kyoukai, Kekkai Sensen, Yoru no Yatterman, Yumekui Merry, Kamisama no Memochou, Zankyou no Terror, Blood-C: The Last Dark, Gyo, Tokyo ESP, Ga-Rei Zero, Grisaia no Kajitsu, Paranoia Agent.
Music: Mujuice - Every Day, Letter Box – Far The Days Come



New videos Echo of Life Saturday, 12 September 2015

A kid that loses his mother and is distraught but finds solace in playing music with a girl he met, who ends up having the same fate as him. He releases his emotions through his music as an attempt to deal with the inner turmoil he is experiencing.

Author: Ookami
Anime: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Music: Jason Walker - Echo
Awards: Anime Expo 2015 - Best Drama, Nan Desu Kan 2015 - Best Drama, Otakuthon 2015 - Best Drama, Kita-Kon 2015 - Best Drama, Anime World Expos 2015 - Audience Favorite

Echo of Life


New videos D.E.D. Friday, 11 September 2015

Комментарий авторов: Hey guys here is our first ever MEP, well the first MEP that we finished haha. This MEP is for Eden Team's 7th Stylize IC. For this MEP we decided to go with something simple so we went along with gangsters.

Author: Cat-Sama, Speedqueen GK, Shalyes, Kyoroichi, Benreparn, Eion, Shii, PikaPika, Ryuu-Dono
Anime: Black Lagoon, Baccano, Gangsta, Cowboy Bebop, K Project, Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, Jormungand, Canaan
Music: Dope DOD - What Happened(Tha Trickaz Remix), Nero Chord - Surface
Awards: 4th Place Overall Ranking, 3rd Place MEP Ranking 7th Stylize IC



New videos Scrumtrulescent Smorgasbord Thursday, 10 September 2015

Author's comment:'s my first new vid for 2015. It's definitely not what I expected to edit this year, but it was so smooth to edit that it seemed I was destined to make this AMV. The idea for this video came about when I was reading through the synopsis for some new anime to watch and the concept of this show sounded too silly to be real. After watching it and seeing the insane animation of the eating scenes, Radical_Yue and I turned to one another and said "Someone needs to make a video to this show...using hardcore dubstep." I jokingly headed upstairs to my computer to look for a song, and no more than ten minutes later I had found a song. It was a perfect fit for the idea, so I watched the show and began editing. From the first hour I opened premiere, the sync and flow of this video came so smoothly that again, it felt like this video willed itself into existence through me. The end product was very fun and entertaining to edit. I swear to get back to making serious videos eventually...but these types of AMVs are just too fun to edit.
(Oh, and this is one of my favorite titles for an AMV I've made. If you don't know the definition of "Scrumtrulescent", then please look it up on urban dictionary and have a laugh.)
Thanks to all my studio mates, friends, and audience members who gave me such great support when premiering the video at NDK 2015. I hope that everyone enjoys the awkward fun that is this AMV!

Author: Kisanzi
Anime: Koufuku Graffiti
Music: Duelle & CiRRO - Your Addiction (Culture Code Remix)
Awards: Best Fun/Upbeat at Nan Desu Kan 2015

Scrumtrulescent Smorgasbord


New videos Figment Wednesday, 09 September 2015

This is 60 fps anime where every new frame is a new "drawing", this was achieved with frame interpolation using the Twixtor Plugin for After Effects CS6 after removing the repeated frames manually. Figment means "something that someone believes to be real but that exists only in their imagination." The reason I used it as the title for the video is because the video is in part about chaos and the inability to manage what's currently going on, so in a way it is the process of trying to fix the chaos of a distorted reality that's currently going on in the brain.

It's 100% After Effects CS6. After Effects CS6 plugins I used for this video: Twixtor, Video Copilot - Optical Flares, Video Copilot - Twitch, Magic Bullet Looks, Trapcode Shine, ReelSmart Motion Blur

No Effects
No Effects vs. Finished
Tutorial: How to get 60fps anime using Twixtor in AE CS6


Anime: Akira, Bakemonogatari, Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance, Evangelion 3.33 You Can (Not) Advance, Karas, Monogatari Second Season, Nekomonogatari (Kuro), Nisemonogatari, Perfect Blue, Shigurui
Music: Cryptex - Slay It, Kraddy - Heart Anthem (Cryptex Remix)



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