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Heart of the Champion

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”
– Joseph Campbell
“The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is.”
― Joss Whedon

Anime: Boku No Hero Academia
Music: Pete Masitti ft. Dve James - Heart of a Champion

Heart of the Champion AMV

Heart of the Champion AMV

Heart of the Champion AMV

Heart of the Champion AMV

Heart of the Champion AMV

Heart of the Champion AMV

Heart of the Champion AMV

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Author: (video created: 31.12.2016)
Submitted by: bluefox8806 06.01.2017 at 16:19
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Comments (5)
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bluefox8806   User profile  Video channel
  10.01.2017 19:35
Lion0608 wrote:

the match music - anime could be achieved, by no means.

But here, the frames and scenes you have used right in the intro are not selected proper. the music is light, could be associated with the childhood of the character whatever.
But the scene with the monster does not correlate with the music at all.
Only the one, lacking taste to music at all, could mention that the vid in some very important scenes fits the music.
Imo, you should pay more attention to scenes selection and understanding the underlying associations the music bears in mind of the ordinary viewers.

I see .. thank you for your comment .. I will pay more attention next time .. hope you will always comment to me in English cuz I dont understand Russian .. I appreciate your comment .. thanks again .
Lion0608   User profile
  08.01.2017 22:01

the match music - anime could be achieved, by no means.

But here, the frames and scenes you have used right in the intro are not selected proper. the music is light, could be associated with the childhood of the character whatever.
But the scene with the monster does not correlate with the music at all.
Only the one, lacking taste to music at all, could mention that the vid in some very important scenes fits the music.
Imo, you should pay more attention to scenes selection and understanding the underlying associations the music bears in mind of the ordinary viewers.
bluefox8806   User profile  Video channel
  08.01.2017 18:23
yatty wrote:
the song does not really fit...

I totally disagree with u .. if u saw the whole amv well u wont say so
yatty   User profile
  07.01.2017 02:17
the song does not really fit...
KitanAMV   User profile  Video channel
  06.01.2017 16:41
Это блендинг?
нуу не идет эта песня с клипом почему то, монтаж так себе, 3, против

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