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Spirit of War

Author's comment: Yoooooooo! So glad to be finally back xD. I've been working on this clip on and off for a while, so I'm glad that I finally finished. Since I've been very busy with graduating school and getting into a good university I didn't have time to really concentrate on this clip so it's not as good as I wanted it to be. But overall I'm happy with the result and a little disappointed that I couldn't finish it for JE :/ I really wanted to edit the new episodes of gintama and show the dramatic aspect of the anime through this clip. Hopefully you will like it ^^!

Anime: Gintama, Naruto
Music: Crown the Empire - Prisoners of War, Jinsang - Summer's day

Spirit of War

Spirit of War

Spirit of War

Spirit of War

Spirit of War

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3.49 3.49 (82 votes)
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Author: (video created: 30.06.2016)
Studio: EST
Submitted by: MaverickSL 03.08.2016 at 06:49
3.49 3.49 (82 votes)
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Comments (3)
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Axiles   User profile
  13.09.2016 15:15
достойна - 4
Armresling   User profile
  11.08.2016 17:39
а вот это хороший клип, порой динамики нет, зато настроение аниме отлично передано. даже слегка обидно за то, что нет на главной странице.
IdiAlex   User profile
  03.08.2016 15:41
good one

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