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Ashen Leaves

There are minor spoilers in video

A passion project of mine, which I wanted to make in tribute of my favorite game series and the unique experience it gave me.
All of the footage is filmed by me in game, for non cutscenes special free camera tools were used to capture in game shots.

Anime: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring
Music: Blueneck - Pneumothorax
Awards: 5 место в общем зачете, Лучший GMV на конкурсе AMVNews: Big Contest 2023

Ashen Leaves

Ashen Leaves

Ashen Leaves

Ashen Leaves

Ashen Leaves

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3.68 3.68 (72 votes)
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Author: (video created: 05.04.2023)
Studio: Ethereal Team
Submitted by: Charios 12.04.2023 at 03:03
3.68 3.68 (72 votes)
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Comments (25)
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Charios   User profile  Video channel
  17.06.2023 13:40
LovecraftDaniel wrote:
Best work of BigCon for my subjective opinion, as From Software games fan. Touching and nostalgic. Take five points from my soul, mate)

Thank you! Means a lot
LovecraftDaniel   User profile
  17.06.2023 10:23
Best work of BigCon for my subjective opinion, as From Software games fan. Touching and nostalgic. Take five points from my soul, mate)
5c0rp10n   User profile  Video channel
  13.06.2023 13:22
крутые сцены конечно, в остальном даже не знаю
Charios   User profile  Video channel
  09.06.2023 00:45
TrueRogue wrote:
Holy shit, this is masterpiece!

Thank you!!
TrueRogue   User profile
  08.06.2023 19:16
Holy shit, this is masterpiece!
Charios   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2023 12:21
David Heli wrote:
Not a fan of souls games, but the video is definitely well done, a solid 4. Where did you get the monologues for the video?

Thank you! Recorded it myself while playing the game, same as with all of the video footage in the video!
David Heli   User profile  Video channel
  25.05.2023 23:44
Not a fan of souls games, but the video is definitely well done, a solid 4. Where did you get the monologues for the video?
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  22.05.2023 01:44
скучно, банально, затянуто, но мне даже слегка понравилось
Fobos   User profile
  21.05.2023 16:02
Gambetta   User profile  Video channel
  18.05.2023 11:36
Default Avatar
Какая красивая и цельная история! Пропитанная духом героического фэнтези, даже для названия выбран тот же шрифт, что на постере "Властелина Колец". Пауки, древние статуи, заброшенные крепости, пещеры с костями (Мория же!), страшное, впечатляющее полотно на стене, недра вулкана...
Было не скучно, и я с удовольствием пересмотрела видео. Спасибо!
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  16.05.2023 22:23
TakeshiAMV   User profile  Video channel
  12.05.2023 20:29
Nice job
IrenSS   User profile  Video channel
  04.05.2023 20:43
Charios, I see what you mean. I re-watched and it does get more intense along with the music, agree. In this case, I would personally take it a step further and have the voices overlay even more at some point, closer to the climax, to make it more deliberate, rather than leave an occasional impression of "hmm these voices here kinda overlapped a little". Also, the lines on 2:30 - 2:40 are softer and calmer compared to the ones before and after and I think that made it a bit jarring in terms of the buildup towards more aggressive tonalities.

But of course, it's all up to you and your vision of how you realize it and as long as it expresses your idea and the passion for the game, which it clearly does, all is well with the world ։DDD
Charios   User profile  Video channel
  04.05.2023 10:54
IrenSS wrote:
I feel like the further the video progressed, the more distracting and overwhelming these voice-over lines became. I wish there was more breathing room left in-between voice lines, so that there was time to truly grasp and internalize what they say and savor just the music and the visuals, especially in the second half of the video when the tension grew stronger. I understand that these lines are also part of the world and "narrative" in a sense, but their non-stop presence weakens their effect and turns them into an obstacle of some sort, rather than a strong artistic device. Overall very nice video with beautiful visuals and eerie atmosphere. I just think that a little bit of thoughtful "silence" would make it even better :)) Good luck on the contest!

Appreciate the feedback! I put quotes closer together where they started overlapping as song's intensity kept rising to gradually build tension into a song chorus to be like almost overwhelming so that when it's over there is a stronger sense of relief. That's to tie in with narrative and emotions i wanted to convey from these games :)
IrenSS   User profile  Video channel
  03.05.2023 21:10
I feel like the further the video progressed, the more distracting and overwhelming these voice-over lines became. I wish there was more breathing room left in-between voice lines, so that there was time to truly grasp and internalize what they say and savor just the music and the visuals, especially in the second half of the video when the tension grew stronger. I understand that these lines are also part of the world and "narrative" in a sense, but their non-stop presence weakens their effect and turns them into an obstacle of some sort, rather than a strong artistic device. Overall very nice video with beautiful visuals and eerie atmosphere. I just think that a little bit of thoughtful "silence" would make it even better :)) Good luck on the contest!
Charios   User profile  Video channel
  03.05.2023 16:41
Bauzi wrote:
There are some cuts in the first third of the video that are too harsh and rather disturbing to my viewing experience. It's just a little thing. Other than that: Truely great! Well done.

Thank you! Which ones if you don't mind me asking :)
Bauzi   User profile  Video channel
  03.05.2023 15:22
There are some cuts in the first third of the video that are too harsh and rather disturbing to my viewing experience. It's just a little thing. Other than that: Truely great! Well done.
Lightning   User profile  Video channel
  29.04.2023 17:36
Insofistikerad   User profile
  14.04.2023 20:21
I can imagine this hits harder among Souls/bourne/ring fans but. Such a great sceneselection and the pacing is fantastic!
Great job!
I can imagine this hits harder among Souls/bourne/ring fans but. Such a great sceneselection and the pacing is fantastic!
Great job!
Charios   User profile  Video channel
  14.04.2023 19:21
Thank you all for notes and criticisms!
Chaiberry   User profile  Video channel
  14.04.2023 13:40
I love it !
JustRukia   User profile
  15.04.2023 02:08
Автор явно не совсем понимает, как нужно подходить и выдерживать работы такого плана.
Начиная от постановки кадра, заканчивая работой с голосом. С последним проблем больше всего, а точнее в его количестве, особенно под кульминацию. Это просто жесть какая-то, один голос наползает на другой и как будто они хотят перекричать друг друга в пафосности, что портит и засоряет звуковое наполнение. Нету баланса между музыкой и голосам, а сам монтаж как-то резкий и с сильными перепадами, хотя музыка очень плавная поднимается по своему накалу. И по итогу убивает всю кульминацию, а имена кульминация всегда самая важная часть в данных работах.
Из положительного можно отметить хорошую работу с палитрой цвета на каждом отдельном кадре. Жаль, что вся это приятная глазу картинка поверхностно смотрится со всем остальных.
Leberate   User profile  Video channel
  12.04.2023 10:08
если бы Darksss 73 не сказал тайминг я бы дропнул это на первой минуте
Lion0608   User profile
  12.04.2023 08:35
Darksss 73 wrote:
разгонялся конечно долго = до 02:16

А вообще полуичлась неплохая работа, местами конечно монтаж поровней просился. Ну не каждый конкурс ыдаать шедевры уровня самого же автора на БК 2021.
В общем атвору удачи, музыка понриавлась. Слова за кадром были в тему.
Darksss 73   User profile
  12.04.2023 05:59
Ну,у,у,у, впечатляет ( + я фанат Дарков), разгонялся конечно долго = до 02:16 = но и так сойдёт.

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