
Exam videos
New videos Nah Hey Tuesday, 03 July 2018

Author's comment: Final round of Project Editor. This was the video with which I ultimately placed second in the contest with. The theme of this round was to edit a video that represents you, as a person. And then the theme got changed a few times and the people did take to the streets, calling for reform. But while all this was going on, I just went with my original plan and made a video that epitomized everything I stand for as an editor (sweet dance moves).

Author: Copycat_Revolver
Anime: Nyan Koi!
Music: The Fratellis - Creepin' Up The Backstairs

Nah Hey


Site news Best of Exam section (June 2018) Tuesday, 03 July 2018


okhostok - Last Path

Namihika - No mistakes

okhostok - Lifetime

Akuzo, Flow - Iron Sudden Death

aoisenshi - Living in the Dark

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 35
Average rating: 2.99
Number of comments: 102 (~2.9 comments per video)
Number of votes: 546 (~15.6 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 3 (~8 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Vocaloid Culture Monday, 02 July 2018

Мэш-ап из более чем 30 песен в исполнении вокалоидов и Мику Хацунэ в качестве диджея. Очень качественная MMD-анимация от известного вокалоид-продюсера и клипмейкера Mitchie M.

Author's comment: I became Hatsune Miku and play live performance in virtual space. This video was made with Oculus Rift + Touch and "PlayAniMaker". The music is mashup of vocaloid songs (inspired by Madeon - Pop Culture). Please enjoy!!

Author: Mitchie M
Anime: Original 3D animation 
Music: Mitchie M - Vocaloid Culture Mashup

Vocaloid Culture


Site news Обсуждение летне-осеннего конкурса на Saturday, 30 June 2018

Прямо сейчас на нашем форуме обсуждается тематика летнего конкурса на Приглашаем всех почитать и предложить свои идеи. Через несколько дней проголосуем за все предложения и выберем лучшие.

Почитать, предложить, обсудить


New videos Wonderful Days Friday, 29 June 2018

Легкая фановая сентименталка по Yuru Camp. Внимание: аудиоряд на любителя (вокалоиды).

Author's comment: ~~ I m a g i n a r y W a v e s ~~

Author: PaNTSU oF d00m
Anime: Yuru Camp
Music: *Luna - Tell Me (ft. Rachie)

Wonderful Days


Коубы Best coubs of previous years (part 1) Thursday, 28 June 2018

50 Shades of Anime


New videos Kagemono: The Shadow Folk Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Еще одна старая, но хорошая короткометражка в нашу коллекцию.

Author's comment: This is my fourth year film at Calarts! It is the story of Beopup, a little fox who goes hunting in the woods and uncovers something rather unpleasant.

Author: Sabrina Cotugno
Anime: Original animation
Music: James Tatti - Kagemono OST

Kagemono: The Shadow Folk


Contests AMV and GMV contests at Connichi 2018 Monday, 25 June 2018


Connichi contest, the biggest and longest running AMV-contest in Germany is looking for entries! This year videos can compete in up to three categories. You may send up to four videos (three AMVs and one GMV). Prizes are waiting for the winners. Deadline for submitting entries is August 1st, 2018.

Contest thread at AMVNews forum
Full rules (English)
Full rules (German)


New videos Magic of Eternity Sunday, 24 June 2018

Author's comment: I worked really hard on this video for a while (to the point where I made two other videos partially because I was procrastinating on this one). I hope I succeeded in getting across what I love about this show so much. What can I say? There was just something magical about Finé and Izetta's relationship. =P

Author: MadMegatax
Anime: Shuumatsu no Izetta
Music: Lissie - Don't You Give Up On Me

Magic of Eternity


New videos Cowboy:Bebop Fallout Thursday, 21 June 2018

Пародия на трейлер шестой "Невыполнимой миссии". Судя по всему, клип посвящён 20-летию сериала "Cowboy Bebop".

Author's comment:
Fan-made trailer parody of Cowboy Bebop to the Mission Impossible Fallout trailer (Friction by Imagine Dragons).

Author: Rider4z
Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Music: Mission Impossible Fallout trailer audio

Cowboy:Bebop Fallout


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