
Exam videos
New videos Kuma - Sutra Thursday, 01 August 2019

I played around with an interesting combination of sources to see how can I make it work. Using Ikuhara's anime gave me some room to try and utilize his similiar but still different types of scenes. The style is very different to what I usually do and it was quite challenging to make in only 3 days.

Author: DrPenguin
Anime: Yurikuma Arashi
Music: Cat Dealers - Your Body

Kuma - Sutra


New videos Become as Gods Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Приветы. Я тут экспериментировал с 3д немного и решил кое-как интегрировать это в клип, который делал на IC (типа смотрите, как могу!). Вердикты после бета тестов были слишком хороши, поэтому я приберег и доработал клип для NCS 2019.
Ну и в общем, сделал я это не зря :)

Author: RadicalDreamer
Anime: No Game No Life Zero
Music: Really Slow Motion - Pandemic
Awards: NCS 2019 1st place

Become as Gods


New videos Free spirit Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Оригинальный файл на зеркале 1.

Author's comment: Everything's gonna be alright and that's all what i'd like to say.

Author: Astan'ia
Anime: 3-gatsu no lion, zankyou no terror, hibike no euphonium, kyoukai no kanata, hinata no aoshigure, tamako love story, chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai!, suzumiya haruhi, hyouka, uchiage hanabi, girl who lept through time, nerawareta gakuen, byousoku 5 centimeter, koe no katachi, kimi no suizo wo tabetai, Clannad: after story, fate/stay night ubw, charlotte, ef: tales of melodies, kimi ni na wa , ore gairu
Music: Khalid - Better
Awards: Hanabi fest 2019 - 1st place

Free spirit


New videos Fate/Stay Night 2015 Stop Motion- Saber vs Archer Monday, 29 July 2019

Кукольная анимация с участием героев аниме Fate/Stay Night.

Author's comment:
I'm a big fan of Fate series since the 2004 PC game, and I do love the FSN 2014. I tried to add some story element in this video, it's not good enough as I thought, but it's worthy to take a new step. Just hope you guys liked it and thanks for watching!

Author: Jordan Tseng
Anime: Original animation
Music: Unknown

Fate/Stay Night 2015 Stop Motion- Saber vs Archer


New videos Unbreakable Girls 2 Saturday, 27 July 2019

Комментарий авторов: Yo all! So, finally after so much years 2nd unbreakable girls is here ! I searched for a good song too much time and i choosed this one bcs im really love this song so much and i think its fit with theme xD
Actually as some of you know, this mep was started too much month ago and only now we finished bcs too much ppl dropped (yea i'm a bad host)
And maybe some of animes didn't fit together well and lazy outro (i dont have inspo for this one now sorry x.x) But i dont think this mep is bad, i like it and maybe some of you will enjoy it like me.
Thanks for watching and thanks for all who try to do part and participated in my mep ! See ya in 3rd part, it will be the last mep of this series and one of my last mep overall !

Author: Agito, BxP, Sakki, DaRyu, Shiron, Fobos
Anime: Canaan, Ghost in the Shell, Mardock Scramble, Black Lagoon, Sword Art Online, Phantom Requiem
Music: 3D Stas - Anger

Unbreakable Girls 2


Contests AMV contest at Nan Desu Kan 2019 Saturday, 27 July 2019


Nan Desu Kan, one of the 10 biggest anime conventions in USA is now taking submission for 2019 AMV contest. Get your videos in for a chance to win a world famous "Asuka" awardNon-exclusive videos created after September 1st, 2018 are accepted in case those didn't participate in Nan Des Kan before. There are several new prize categories this year, check the rules to find out! To enter the contest simply fill in this form. Submission deadline is August 3r, 2019.

Full rules (in English) 


New videos Fake Friends Friday, 26 July 2019

First: In memory of the victims of the attack at the Studio of Kyoto Animation at 18th July 2019! A studio that has created so many beautiful works like this one.

What does friendship mean? ... how do you define it? For me, it was a must and a need to portray this anime as AMV as he also comes across in the movie, with what he wants to tell us ... especially the crux of the message ... it's basically NOT a Drama-Romance ... but more a story/plot with all "socially critical issues". ... like hypocrisy, egoism/selflessness and lack of empathy! .. which is accumulating more and more in our society, social media and communities. And the deep meaning behind it doesn´t exist. You call someone a friend, but the meaning behind it is often disregarded .... Well, is there still (true) friendship? I waited extra until I found a song for this concept ... Hope a few can enjoy it^^

Author: miso
Anime: Koe no Katachi
Music: Eddie - Still Healing

Fake Friends


New videos Silent Wanders Thursday, 25 July 2019

Hello, this is my entry for Algeria IC in the Drama/Romance category.
This amv is personally important to me, describes what happened to me I really feel related to it.
I hope you will like it anyway.

Картинка Making Of (~4.32 MB)

Author: dynamoamvx
Anime: 3-gatsu no lion, Clannad, Ano hana, Say I love you, 5 cm per second, Your name, Your lie in april, Eden, Ef-tale of melodies
Music: ALIUS - Nobody Can Hear You feat. Ariela

Silent Wanders


Contests Stylize IC 11th Edition: Obscure Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Eden Team invites everyone to join the 11th edition of Stylize IC. As usual, you are expected to create a video in three days time using the music provided by the organizers. Any footage is allowed (not only anime, but also videogames and movies). You can participate either solo or as a group. The IC lasts from August 8th 8:00 pm (UTC+2) ‘til August 11th 23:59 pm (UTC+2)

Full rules at our forum
Registration thread at Eden Team forum


Contests Indigo Team IC 4: The Siege Monday, 22 July 2019

AMV studio Indigo Team invites you to join the fourth IC hosted by the studio. The IC will start on Friday 25-07 00:00 (GMT +1) and end on Sunday 28-07 23:59 (GMT +1). You can enter with solo AMVs well as with collabs/MEPs. Money prizes reserved for the winners (the total prize fund is $225). 

IC rules at our forum
Registration thread at Indigo Team forum


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