
Exam videos
New videos Losing Control Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Tried to go for a blend of horror and drama with this one. This show goes absolutely perfectly with both the creepy nature of the song, and the actual lyrics as well. This AMV depicts the characters of the show battling to stay in control, either internally or externally, and I tried to add a bit more to the feel with a few effects thrown in. Definitely a theme and scene focused video though.

Anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Movies 1-2, Puella Magi Madoka magica: Rebelioon, Madoka Magica
Music: Helsey - Control

Losing Control


New videos Thállein Monday, 28 March 2016

Author's comment: Ta-da~! This is my new finished project, everyone! It was actually a spur-of-the-moment attempt to try something new after receiving some instruction from BioticAMVs (she's a sweetheart!!) about compositing modes and parent-child tracks in Sony Vegas. Basically, I wanted to try some new effects and I had been thinking about working with this song for over a year. And thus, Thállein was born. This was meant to carry a theme of love -- something like what it feels to be in love, and to fall into love. The fear, the exhilaration, the confusion, the raw experience. Young love. Pure love. The very early love of teenagers and hopeless romantics.
Thállein made its debut at Anime Weekend Atlanta during the Professional Awards competition, meaning that my editor peers voted for its based upon not who edited it, but upon its merit as a video. Taking two awards home from this contest is a huge honor, and I want to say thank you to each and every peer that voted. That means so much to me, to know that my skill has come this far QwQ.
Also, small trivia, "Thállein" is the ancient Greek term meaning "to flourish," or to grow and be fruitful. This is also the name for the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry :)

Author: GuntherAMVs
Anime: Nisekoi, Nisekoi - False Love
Music: Scot Stafford - Duet
Awards: Best Drama/Romance на Katsucon 2015



New videos The Wind Calls Friday, 25 March 2016

Победитель VCA 2016 в номинации Best First Video.

Author's comment: My first ever AMV.

Author: Tyrfalger
Anime: Kaze Tachinu
Music: Thomas Bergersen - Homecoming
Awards: Best First Video на VCA 2016

The Wind Calls


Contests Winners of VCA 2016 Thursday, 24 March 2016

  VCA 2016 Results

Video of the Year
F.Y.C - Dn@  

Best Action Video 
F.Y.C - Dn@ 

Best Character Profile 
John the Hellhound - Silentman

Best Collaborative Video 
Anime's Got Talent - AMVLuna, JazzsVids, Replay Studios

Best Comedy Video 
Anime's Got Talent - AMVLuna (+2)

Best Dance Video 
Just Funkin' Dandy - Shin

Best Dramatic Video 
Nefarium Psychologica - Shin

Best First Video 
The Wind Calls - Tyrfalger

Best Fun Video 
Anime's Got Talent - AMVLuna (+2)

Best Horror Video 
GEHIRNSTURMEN - lolligerjoj

Best Multi-Editor Project 
Break the Rules MEP - Kimberly

Best Parody Video 
Anime's Got Talent - AMVLuna (+2)

Best Romantic Video 
 Dandelion - Oneways

Best Storytelling
John the Hellhound - Silentman

Best Sentimental Video 
Parallel Convergence - Xophilarus

Best Short Video 
Lucky Duck - drewaconclusion

Best Single Source Video 
Just Funkin' Dandy - Shin

Best Trailer or Commercial 
Nekos & Inus Trailer - MycathatesyouAMV 

Best Use of Instrumental Music 
Nomura - Pic4art

Best Use of Lip Synch 
Just Funkin' Dandy - Shin

Best Use of Multiple Anime 
Anime's Got Talent - AMVLuna (+2)

Best Use of Special Effects 
John the Hellhound - Silentman

Most Artistic Video 
F.Y.C - Dn@ 

Most Original Video 
F.Y.C - Dn@ 

Editor of the Year 

Most Improved Editor 

Most Helpful Member 

Rookie of the Year 



Contests Конкурс AMV на фестивале Animation Zone 7 Thursday, 24 March 2016


Организаторы фестиваля Animation Zone (г. Тольятти) приглашают всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV в рамках фестиваля. К участию принимаются неэксклюзивные работы, не занимавшие призовых мест в онлайн - и оффлайн-конкурсах аналогичной тематики. Не более двух клипов от одного участника. Дедлайн приема работ - 20 апреля 2016 г.  Предусмотрены призы для победителей, иногородним участникам приз может быть отправлен почтой. 

Тема конкурса на нашем форуме
Правила конкурса на сайте организаторов 


New videos Stinger Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Просто захотелось чуточку фана и дэнса по гатарям на ньюзе. Только и всего.

Клип участник третьего раунда конкурса AMV Roulette 2016. Установки этого раунда: экшн на рок или метал, не менее 10 секунд сцен с плачущими персонажами в видеоряде.

Author: Copycat Revolver
Anime: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari (Kuro), Monogatari Series Second Season, Tsukimonogatari
Music: AWOLNATION - Burn It Down



New videos Cooking By The Book Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Through the struggle of creating the perfect dish from a lazy peer. The entire video is teaching Ritsu (Light Brown Hair) to bake a cake. Through the constant harassing of her close friend Mio (Black Hair) pestering her. Ritsu breaks down and begins baking. Little does she know, it was a pie all along.

Author: Kyci
Anime: K-ON!
Music: Lazy Town - Cooking By The Book
Awards: Ohayocon 2016 Best Comedy Award, Setsucon 2016 Judges Choice, People's Choice Award.

Cooking By The Book


New videos Clear Skies Monday, 21 March 2016

Author's comment: Another slow Ghibli from me. Sorry xD I just really liked the combo.

Author: Pieandbeer
Anime: Kiki's Delivery Service
Music: Cloud Cult - You're The Only Thing In Your Way, Cloud Cult - Forces Of The Unseen

Clear Skies


Contests Results of Soul's Team Iron Chef XII Sunday, 20 March 2016


Best ActionDn@ - H.N.L.O
Best Romance/Drama: Elerye - Skullpture
Best Fun
Creed - MoJoZapp
Best Dance: Fadoo-sama - Midgard Vice City

Best Horror/Psyche:
 ThePooh - Carnival
Best of Otodayo Supa Street: Tricky - D.R.I.F.T

Team Ranking (Top 3 + teams with Russian participants)

1st place - Broken Tier (Dn@, Fadoo-sama, Creed)
2nd place - God Like Rookies (Zuuki , Elerye, Naoya)
3rd place - Gurlz !  (AMVLuna, Sephi, Jazzsvids) 

18th place - Last Chance (NewOvermind, Disengager, Lion0608)
19th place - One More 2 (Vipper, Dm1try[A], zhulkatala)
21st place - Mega Gyper Ultra Team (Red King, Black_Thunder, REVISiON) 
33rd place - Road To 打打打 Syndrome (LunaticDelusionHD, VovanKoperativ, Fox114)
40th place - I Posti Fissi
64th place - One More (KSANDR, Shel, Migel)

Team Ranking
Category Ranking  


Contests AMVNews: Big Contest 2016 (Demonstration) Saturday, 19 March 2016

Date Author Video title Video page
11.08.2016 leolide minivandesu~ Link
10.08.2016 AnimeMashup Hypnotic Resonance Link
08.08.2016 LuciferAMV Soma Link
04.08.2016 KazeShin Beautiful Ghost Link
01.08.2016 Cynic POP Culture Link
30.07.2016 MesoGear Weird Wired Monday Link
Show full table

All contest videos

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