
Exam videos
New videos Grasp of hope Monday, 10 October 2016

Author's comment: This was my entry for AWA Pro 2016 after such a long time without editing... it was a struggle, not gonna lie! But I'm somehow quite happy with the result :)

Author: siny
Anime: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa
Music: Florence And The Machine - No Light, No Light

Grasp of hope


New videos Weeaboo Peekaboo Sunday, 09 October 2016

Author's comment: I had a lot of hassles or other issues with this video. I wanted to steer away from cosplay and that area of fandom to try and differentiate this video from Otaku Paradise, and had other videos that have used live action to great effect that I didn't want to feel like I was doing something too similar either. I was orginally going to just do an old school toonami anime nostalgia trip and remembered the The Absolution Flies On did that so I needed to change the scope to avoid that as well.
Also, being limited to stock footage I really couldn't do what I wanted to do with this video and the final shape ended up becoming more of a commercially weeby multi anime video. Which is what I was kinda steering for to begin with, but just wish I had some different live action sequences that could have sealed it together just a tad better.

Author: Shin
Anime: Mix
Music: One Ok Rock - Clock Strikes
Awards: Anime Weekend Atlanta Pro 2016 - Best Video and Best Technical

Weeaboo Peekaboo


New videos Pilk Squad Saturday, 08 October 2016

Author's comment: One of my entries for AWA Pro 2016. Didn't exactly make what I wanted to for pro this year, as I rage quit a bunch of videos / procrastinated, so I ended up throwing this together with a week left, but I'm okay with how it came out.

Author: MycathatesyouAMV
Anime: Sabagebu
Music: Let's Go - Lil Jon, Trick Daddy, Twista

Pilk Squad


New videos Blood Memory Friday, 07 October 2016

Author's comment:一场命运注定的战斗 end of THEWORLD 永不止步 星尘斗士们 MADMAX2015参赛 对战 葵鼠的重生 
感谢ES 泛式 鸬鹚及SB CLUB的各位www JOJO这个MAD是我做的最开心的一次,希望以后也能继续坚持下去 高清下载: 密码:k6zw. BGM:ジョジョ その血の记忆~end of THE WORLD 

Author: TsukiBito牛牛
Anime: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Music: ジョジョ その血の记忆~end of THE WORLD 

Blood Memory


New videos RWBY Volume 4 Character Short Thursday, 06 October 2016

Оригинал создавал Монти Оум, но с февраля 2015 года анимацией в студии занимается Грей Хэддок.

Комментарий авторов: It's been several months since the Fall of Beacon, and the world of Remnant is still recovering. Tensions are high, lives have been lost, and the members of Team RWBY... are divided. Each of our heroines now faces a journey of their own.

Author: Gray Haddock
Anime: Original 3D animation
Music: Jeff Williams - RWBY Volume 4 trailer

RWBY Volume 4 Character Short trailer


Contests AMV-France Online Contest 2016 Tuesday, 04 October 2016


AMV-France invites you to take part in Online Contest. The very specific feature of this contest is complete anonymity of both participants and judges. The contest is opened for exclusive entries, i.e videos made specially for this event. It is forbidden to release the contest videos online before the end of the contest to keep the anonymity of the creators. Contest deadline is October 31st.

Registration of participants
Contest thread at AMVNews forum


New videos Situationsabhängigkeit Tuesday, 04 October 2016

Russian and English subtitles available!
Hey there, this is my video for this years Connichi AMV Contest. This song is about love, responsibility, couples, God, God and God. Don't worry if you don't really get the lyrics, it's mainly a fun song about a guy who's scared of a solid relationship. I hope you can have some fun with it. It was mainly done to be a crowd pleaser at the Connichi, because I was too lazy to edit something cool and awesome. 
Fun fact: My wedding was 1 month after I've made this video ¦>
Thanks a lot to my wife for saying that my video is "meh" and I have a screw loose (and also helping me mask the chipmunk part [which translates to "stripe squirrel" in german]. And thanks to lirinis and Pic4 for doing the russian subtitles :>
Oh and the title translates to "situation addiction", in case you were wondering.

Author: Lapskaus
Anime: Bakemonogatari, Nekomonogatari, Koyomimonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogatari 2nd Season, Owarimonogatari, Koimonogatari, Dark Souls 3
Music: Das Pack - Situation
Awards: Connichi 2016 5th place



New videos Hulapalu Monday, 03 October 2016

My submission for Connichi exclusive AMV-contest 2016.
I wanted to use one of my currently favorite songs. My amv-friends who also visited Connichi in september found it kinda awkward that I was using this song...guess 'Schlager' is not for everyone (just for those who drink enough haha).
Unfortunately for you guys this song is in german. Lucky for you guys I just had some time to do an english translation. (...)

See video page for English translation of lyrics / Перевод текста песни на английский - на странице клипа.

Author: JadeCharm
Anime: Space Dandy
Music: Andreas Gabalier - Hulapalu



Site news Best of Exam section (September 2016) Monday, 03 October 2016

Agito, Fobos - Friend Or Foe

MagicDarkLight - Trouble on the Dancefloor

Elerye - so2012

Nosamvs, Kyoroichi, Akuzo, Flow, Sephi, kenshinorox - Disasterpiece

Xophilarus - Yuri Juice

Ainio - Tokyo Tale

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 44
Average rating: 2.97
Number of comments: 246 (~5.6 comments per video)
Number of votes: 1082 (~24.6 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 5 (~10 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Fake Sunday, 02 October 2016

Author's comment: My video for Animatsuri 2016. I really wanted to make a m@d style video so I tried my best creating this one. It was pretty hard to find the time and motivation to make this and I rushed sooooo many things, so I'm not 100% happy with it buuuuut it's still ok lol. Hope you guys like it ^^

Author: Light
Anime: Tokyo Ghoul/:Re
Music: Arai Tasuku - Dear Alice
Awards: 2 место и Выбор зрителей на Animatsuri 2016



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