

Nan Desu Kan 2015 Finalists

Sunday, 06 September 2015

Nan Desu Kan AMV contest finalists are here. As usual, many strong non-exclusive entries from well-known authors. Perhaps next year one of you will be ready to fight for famous "Asuka" award?

Category X

Minimum Wage - PieandBeer
Volleybot - Celia Phantomhive
Yato's God Complex - Rider4Z
Scrumtrulescent Smorgasbord - Kisanzi
Victims of the Night - CrackTheSky
Maybe...Tomorrow - ZephyrStar
Mass Perfection - SVProductions

Phantom Reminiscence - Aerialesque
Pain Into Power - Drabaz
Brave - ailynerie
Dollhouse - xAmberMelodies
Beautiful Delusion - Madscientist
Echo of Life - Ookami
Mission Control - Anicsi
Digital Crown - Beard Guy
Anime Cannibal Shia LaBeouf - Ojive
Fluff and Pink Stuff - sakuraslight
Contest Trolling 101 - Mr. Pilkington
Captain DandEo - LC_Lapen
March of the Penguindrum - Camichan19
Say All I Need - Nekokitkat
My Demons - Yuka770
Quite Like You - SheeGee
The Confession - GuntherAMVs
Kiss the Sky - xGeminii
Re-Written - alchemymini
Accidently in Lust - xSnowflakes
The Melody of my Life - Okami
Distant Flickering - MagicDarkLight
Panic Station - Kiriforce
Allure - JSK
Call to Arms - foreigntrees
Shamans Curse - ceddic
I'm Alive! - Hirou Keimou
Take a Leap - MomtoCutiePia
The Show Must Go On - Lussuriioso
Second Chance - jade_eyed_angel
Fight Song - NightcoreMelodyRemix
American Beauty - Kagoween
Silver Soul - FarmMD
Cradle of Feathers - Ardamaeus
Champion - Elixir
Knucklehead McSpazatron - Nellogs
Giggles n Jiggles - Shin, Xophilarus and GuntherAMVs
Super Peace Busters Are Friends Forever - Ryvannis
Our Kingdom - Moonpie
Rouge Isolement - Team Mutiny
Author: Minstrel Views: 3561 time
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Comments (4)
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NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  10.09.2015 08:12
IrenSS, да нормально
IrenSS   User profile  Video channel
  07.09.2015 17:15
NewOvermind, ну, может человек просто заранее поздравил
NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  07.09.2015 09:03
Pushok wrote:
ПоздравЛяшки победителям

Еще рано, это только финалисты же)
>>Вот-вот станут известны победители конкурса AMV в рамках крупного американского аниме-конвента Nan Desu Kan
Pushok   User profile
  06.09.2015 21:47
ПоздравЛяшки победителям

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