

Announcement of CreaRetro 2015

Friday, 10 July 2015 invites everyone to take part in summer thematic competition CreaRetro 2015. The contest is opened for non-professional music videos made of movies, games and any kind of animation (except for anime). All video sources must be released before the year 2000. No restrictions of either genre of the video or music track. We accept exclusive entries only, i.e. the ones which have never been released online before. Entries can be submitted from 15 of August till 15th of September 2015. Prize fund totals 6000 roubles.

Detailed rules in English



Author: Turbo Views: 890 time
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EllipseIris   User profile
  12.07.2015 19:29
why hello ^^
NakkiD   User profile  Video channel
  11.07.2015 13:30
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  11.07.2015 11:27
NakkiD, этот кон по фильмам
NakkiD   User profile  Video channel
  11.07.2015 10:21
2 Ретро Кона?
или что..

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