

Announcing Soul's Team Iron Chef 11: There Will Be

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


Soul's Team welcomes you to the annual Iron Chef contest, the most well-know and expected online Iron Chef of all. Compose a team of three, elect the capitain, choose one of the 6 genre categories and make an AMV in 72 hours (from February 26th till March 1st).  Check the complete rules below and get ready!

Complete rules (at

Registration of teams

Rules in Russian at AMVNews forum


Author: Minstrel Views: 3775 time
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Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  11.02.2015 05:53
HOT@BbI4[$x$]   User profile
  10.02.2015 16:19
Я-то подумал, что амв про гуля :(
NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  10.02.2015 15:05
Вновь зарегались ACTIVOROX'ом.

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