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The Little Prince Returns

Альтернативная версия трейлера к мультфильму "Маленький принц". К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Author's comment: This is a fan-trailer to the film The Little Prince. I actually found this film extremely difficult with not only with trying to tell the story but also trying to transform a source to look like it came more from a book. I saw the original trailer and immediately fell in love with it. It answers to the child in all of us. Life passes us by so quickly. ^_^ Enjoy childhood and never let it go. Some of things we held dear to us then and now can stand the test of time.
I'd like to thank my main beta tester Camichan 19! Without you I honestly don't think this video would make as sense as it does nor would I be confident to release it. You''re amazing! Thank you again. :,D
I also want to thank my friend Kireblue who also helped with some finishing touch ups and alternative audio set ups if needed. :)

Anime: Cat Returns, Whisper Of The Heart
Music: The Little Prince Trailer Audio

A Little Prince Returns

A Little Prince Returns

A Little Prince Returns

A Little Prince Returns

A Little Prince Returns

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4.06 4.06 (156 votes)
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Author: (video created: 05.02.2015)
Submitted by: Minstrel 24.06.2015 at 08:36
4.06 4.06 (156 votes)
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Comments (8)
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Ксефания   User profile
  08.01.2016 11:48
Я почти поверила, что в сказке не маленький принц, а маленькая принцесса :) Спасибо за клип :)
S.A. Robert   User profile
  14.08.2015 02:16
Супер! Очень душевная работа, атмосферой проникся. Вот такие трейлеры мне нравятся.
Leegf   User profile
  27.06.2015 12:03
I think it matches badly the original trailer.
For example:
Little prince is female, it bewilders.
"There was a little prince who lived in a planet that was scarcely bigger than himself." It doesn't really seem so.
There are specific noises of a flying plane on 0:47 and 2:11, while in the clip itself there isn't a single plane. It bewilders again.
So on and so forth.
KEEREN   User profile
  26.06.2015 14:58
забавно 4
Smith'ers   User profile
  25.06.2015 19:59
Good Job.
Daru   User profile
  25.06.2015 13:48
Очень здорово, по эмоциональности не уступает самому трейлеру. Аж захотелось Шёпот пересмотреть
Disengager   User profile
  24.06.2015 16:56
L33tamv   User profile  Video channel
  24.06.2015 16:03
i enjoyed it the only thing that bothered me was that overlay you used to create an old film style there is so many techniques you could use for that type of effect i dont know why you went to that overlay :3

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