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Ruthless Devotion

There are serious spoilers in video!

Shinteki (novice) (Previous works / Предыдущие работы): This whole video was a new experience for me, since this was the first time that i made amv that isn't completely random. Irriadin really was the perfect pro i needed to do something like this and has really been a huge help. This whole video wasn't really in my comfort zone and i decided to experiment with a lot of different things and also learned a lot of new stuff thanks to him. There's a lot of stuff that could've been better but i'm happy with the outcome!

irriadin (pro): Shinteki contacted me about seven months before Level-Up started to ask if I would be interested in being his pro. I was impressed by how far in advance he was thinking, and after finishing this video, I have to say that his work ethic is fantastic. Together we picked a dynamic song and created a story to focus almost entirely on Kiritsugu, even though this was very difficult due to limited source footage at times. There's more that could have been done in the video, but I'm satisfied with the AMV he created. In the end, I'm proud of Shinteki's accomplishments and have no doubt that he's going to go on to make great works in the future.

Anime: Fate/Zero, Kara No Kyoukai, Zetusen no Tempest, Zankyou no Terror, Berserk: Golden Age III, Steins;Gate, Darker Than Black, Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Music: Tom Odell - Another Love

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

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4.00 4.00 (230 votes)
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Author: (video created: 08.03.2015)
Submitted by: irriadinAMV 25.03.2015 at 17:29
4.00 4.00 (230 votes)
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Comments (36)
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S.A. Robert   User profile
  14.08.2015 14:32
immikun wrote:
Большая часть клипа - тоска смертная. Я не проникся.

Аналогичное впечатление от просмотра. Клип одна сплошная тягомотина.
ZaRish   User profile
  16.05.2015 18:29
Отличный. Я мало видел АМВ на Ф/З, поэтому это пока лучший для меня) 5
Kvant   User profile
  10.05.2015 19:05
Блин, вот первая часть, - хороший клип с приятным м/в, а потом пошли стреляние из базук по самолётам и ещё какая-то "невтёмная мистическая хрень" (хотя м/в всё равно приятным осталось).
Стремление к пафосу и визуальной показухе сильно портит отменную в принципе работу.
Axiles   User profile
  20.04.2015 20:34
оригинальная робота на Fate/Zero, 5 и в копилку
AntaresHeart07   User profile  Video channel
  15.04.2015 22:42
you made a really beautifull amv! 5 for me
MagicDarkLight   User profile
  14.04.2015 22:55
This was really nice, I honestly thought you would place higher. Maybe people are just done with Fate Zero, or I don't know. Good job anyways :)
Gamarjoba   User profile
  06.04.2015 21:17
Я один проникся?
Я Фейт только читал)

По мне так на пять)
immikun   User profile
  05.04.2015 06:41
Большая часть клипа - тоска смертная. Я не проникся. 3
Jocker8Clz   User profile  Video channel
  31.03.2015 19:17
really love this one !! 5
damned   User profile
  30.03.2015 18:01
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Шикарная работа.Впечатлился
NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  30.03.2015 17:50
Очень хорошая работа.
Rila   User profile
  29.03.2015 15:48
Mousee wrote:
Вот это сильная работа. Понравилась очень.

угу сильно
Mousee   User profile
  28.03.2015 14:48
Вот это сильная работа. Понравилась очень.
maxximm   User profile
  27.03.2015 15:00
Сама идея такого амв не по душе , вывернули душу гг на изнанку , с подачей лучших моментов его жизни
И в добавок:
Больше половины клипа не было откровенной магии и блин нате вам, зачем , можно наверно было уже обойтись и без этого.
Avient   User profile  Video channel
  27.03.2015 03:20
Great job ivan5 from me, but I think its more accurately between 4-5. Nezumi brings up a lot of good points. I definetly think you leveled up tho gjgjgj
Dairan   User profile  Video channel
  27.03.2015 02:26
Как по мне явный лидер конкурса. Спасибо автору. 5.
SWS   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2015 20:50
Minori_xd wrote:
а как свой клип добавить?

Почитайте эту тему на фооруме:

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Minori_xd   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2015 18:43
а как свой клип добавить?
RealShinteki   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2015 18:21
Thanks everyone!
nezumichan wrote:
I want to like this because I can see that you put a lot of effort and thought into it. And you have all my respect for starting things so far in advance of the contest, I don't have that kind of discipline.

However, there are too many things that don't work for me. The numerous fades to black in the first part of the video interrupt the flow and, at some point, begin to make my eyes hurt, along with those white gradients in the top left corner (would have preferred them to be dimmer) that you used on too many scenes.

At first I thought the video would be about the female figures in Kiritsugu's life and that felt like an awesome idea. Then I saw all those Servants fighting and I didn't understand why they were present at all. I can see why Saber's there (being Kiritsugu's Servant) and if she's fighting Lancer, ok, that's fine. But Archer and Berserker don't fit at all, in my oppinion. I would have liked to see Irisviel (and Illyasviel, as well, for that matter) a bit more before he strangles her, there was no connection created between them before it got to that point (like you did with Shirley).

The song has such a beautiful structure and, although I kind of understand why you'd want to cut it here and there (shortage of scenes, I presume), the cut you made at around 2:58 is too much for me, it hits me like a hammer in the head. Two other things I want to mention are the sync that is rarely on point and the rain added to a star-filled, completely clear night sky.

By now you probably hate me, but don't get me wrong. There are many moments filled with emotion and good atmosphere, I can see that. There are also parts where you did a great job with the scene selection. It's just that the things I mentioned before hinder my overall enjoyment of the video and I can't be as hyped as everybody here, although I tried my hardest and rewatched it like 10 times just for this purpose.

Nevertheless, I encourage you to keep working hard and become better and better with each project you do. I never give this kind of feedback because I know it's not my place to do it, but I felt a strong connection to this video (because I love Kiritsugu so much) and really wanted to speak my mind about it.

I agree with some stuff. Thanks for taking the time to review, i appreciate it!
Sempai3607   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2015 17:45
Amazing work. Doesnt matter if you're novice or pro its really looks great for me . 5/5
nezumichan   User profile
  26.03.2015 16:33
I want to like this because I can see that you put a lot of effort and thought into it. And you have all my respect for starting things so far in advance of the contest, I don't have that kind of discipline.

However, there are too many things that don't work for me. The numerous fades to black in the first part of the video interrupt the flow and, at some point, begin to make my eyes hurt, along with those white gradients in the top left corner (would have preferred them to be dimmer) that you used on too many scenes.

At first I thought the video would be about the female figures in Kiritsugu's life and that felt like an awesome idea. Then I saw all those Servants fighting and I didn't understand why they were present at all. I can see why Saber's there (being Kiritsugu's Servant) and if she's fighting Lancer, ok, that's fine. But Archer and Berserker don't fit at all, in my oppinion. I would have liked to see Irisviel (and Illyasviel, as well, for that matter) a bit more before he strangles her, there was no connection created between them before it got to that point (like you did with Shirley).

The song has such a beautiful structure and, although I kind of understand why you'd want to cut it here and there (shortage of scenes, I presume), the cut you made at around 2:58 is too much for me, it hits me like a hammer in the head. Two other things I want to mention are the sync that is rarely on point and the rain added to a star-filled, completely clear night sky.

By now you probably hate me, but don't get me wrong. There are many moments filled with emotion and good atmosphere, I can see that. There are also parts where you did a great job with the scene selection. It's just that the things I mentioned before hinder my overall enjoyment of the video and I can't be as hyped as everybody here, although I tried my hardest and rewatched it like 10 times just for this purpose.

Nevertheless, I encourage you to keep working hard and become better and better with each project you do. I never give this kind of feedback because I know it's not my place to do it, but I felt a strong connection to this video (because I love Kiritsugu so much) and really wanted to speak my mind about it.
Animetube7   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2015 08:26

beast mode Ivan in the clutch

AonoFlamez   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2015 03:32
5 gj man !1
.Silver   User profile
  26.03.2015 01:08
5 just for you, my raw queen
Changelling   User profile  Video channel
  25.03.2015 23:10
Great stuff!
Hoshirogi   User profile
  25.03.2015 21:54
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i tottally loved this gg wp
Эль-тян   User profile
  25.03.2015 21:24
Ожидал от новайса Иррадина большего, халтура
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  25.03.2015 21:01
5, но песня ватная.
VovanKoperativ   User profile  Video channel
  26.03.2015 12:42
Dat song! At first I was sceptic, but it turns to be an impressive m\v. Liked the work with camera.
Dilemma   User profile  Video channel
  25.03.2015 20:39
понравился клип (кстати, вопреки тому, что трек сам по себе не особо впечатлил). исходник не смотрела, не могу оценить, как собрана стори.. но в целом всё понятно. единственное, думаю, без магии и иных персонажей, которые прямо не были связаны с гг по сюжету, было бы лучше.

nice. keep it up!

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