Начало раздела > Big Contest 2018
La La Land 05.05.2018

Hey everyone!
Wow, it has literally been a year since I finished a serous AMV that wasn't an IC hahaha. I knew I wanted to make something for Big Contest this year, but I wasn't sure what. I went back and forth between a couple of projects before I started this one. I had recently watched this movie, and then I was listening to this song one day, and it just came to me. The best AMVs are the ones that kind of make themselves, and just come together so easily. At first I struggled stylistically with what I wanted to do, and what I wanted my visual effects to look like. It had changed a lot from my early betas of this video. But overall, I'm just so happy to be able to complete a new AMV! I hope you enjoy this somewhat experimental project of mine XD.

Jazzy ♥

Аниме: Kimi no Na wa (Your Name)
Музыка: DVBBS & Shaun Frank - La La Land ft. Delaney Jane

La La Land

Комментарии: 46 |  Рейтинг: 4.264.26
Автор: JazzsVids

Roxanne 08.05.2018

Hi everyone, this is my project for BC 2018. I just want to thanks a lot all my studio mates cause they had to see lots of betas ( and when I say lots of beta I mean A LOT). This video was ispired by the movie "Moulin Rogue" and it's all about Roxanne, a lustful woman ,slave of her past and enable to fight it. It was a great challenge for me since I had to recreate frame by frame some scenes and try something particular but I'm satisfied and that's already an important achievement for me. Hope you guys enjoy it ;)
Привет всем, это мой проект для BC 2018. Я просто хочу очень поблагодарить всех своих товарищей по студии, потому что им приходилось видеть много бета-версий (и когда я говорю много беты, я имею в виду A LOT). Это видео было снято фильмом «Мулен-разбойник», и это все о Роксане, похотливой женщине, рабыне ее прошлого и позволяющей бороться с ней. Это был большой вызов для меня, так как мне пришлось воссоздать кадр за кадром, некоторые сцены и попробовать что-то особенное, но я доволен, и это уже важное достижение для меня. Надеюсь, что вы, ребята, наслаждайтесь ;)

Картинка Making Of (~9.54 MB)

Аниме: Mine Fujiko to iu onna, Owarimonogatari, Steins;Gate , Children of the Whale, Gankutsuou, Lupin movies, Mnemosyne, Kakegurui, Kiznaiver +Various
Музыка: El tango de Roxanne - Moulin Rouge soundtrack


Комментарии: 48 |  Рейтинг: 4.174.17
Автор: Kroner -AMV-

M Y N 01.06.2018

wanted to do a retelling of this relationship in a more... romantic angle
(☞゚∀゚)☞ (◕ヮ◕✿)/................................ .................................. ............................ ........................ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Аниме: Kizumonogatari, Bakemonogatari, Nekomonogatari
Музыка: Bazzi - Mine


Комментарии: 31 |  Рейтинг: 4.134.13
Автор: UnluckyArtist

Sour Diesel 22.05.2018

I felt like making a video with frames and sliding panels. Its got a little bit of drama, romance, fun, and what have you.

Аниме: Nisekoi
Музыка: The 1975 - The Sound

Sour Diesel

Комментарии: 40 |  Рейтинг: 3.953.95
Автор: Shin

You Make Me Smile 09.05.2018

Hey :3
I just made something cute i guess. Everyone likes cute lesbian moe girls.
Ok sry. I know that the anime is kinda overused, but I really had to make this after hearing the song for the first time.
Inspired by Eazy's "pretty cool" vid.
Ok bye. Thanks for watching °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Аниме: Tamako Market, Tamako Love Story
Музыка: Raptures of Lovers - Passionfruit

You Make Me Smile

Комментарии: 38 |  Рейтинг: 3.913.91
Автор: VideoBeats

Stranger Visions 11.04.2018

Всем привет, решил в этом году, снова поучаствовать на БК. В этот раз это не трейлер, как некоторые могли бы подумать)), а нечто другое, то, в чем я не особо силен, как мне кажется, и это кроссовер с сюжетом (хотя кроссовер, наверное громко сказано). Попытался создать интересный, а главное понятный сюжет, хорошо реализовать его в техническом плане, а что из этого получилось, решать вам. Если у вас возникли вопросы по происходящему на экране, ниже будет более-менее детальный пересказ, но его лучше прочитать после просмотра, чтоб не сильно спойлерить себе происходящее в клипе. Что же, приятного просмотра).

История об обычном мальчишке, повседневность которого, крутится вокруг походов в школу и домой, игр с друзьями и общения в школе. Но его преследует чувство что за ним кто-то наблюдает, порой ему мерещатся очень странные видения. После одного из таких видений, к нему начинают возвращаться воспоминания, о людях которых нет в этом мире, но такое чувство что он хорошо их знает. В поисках ответов он возвращается домой, и приходит в место, в котором, как ему кажется, должен был жить очень близкий ему человек. После чего, воспоминания возвращаются, и он осознает, что все вокруг - выдумка, все его друзья, все, что с ним происходило в школе, это его же выдумка, на самом деле, он находится за миг до собственно смерти. В момент осознания этого мир вокруг него меняется, а существо, которое иногда показывалось в его видениях (олицетворение смерти, в данном случае), начинает его преследовать, и в итоге настигает, что означает окончательную смерть.

Картинка Making Of (~3.54 MB)

Аниме: Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Stranger Things
Музыка: Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Soldiers, Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - To Be Continued

Stranger Visions

Комментарии: 58 |  Рейтинг: 3.883.88
Автор: AngrySmile

The Last Waltz 19.04.2018

Making this video have been both really fun and really horrible. Had to watch some scenes over and over which wasnt too fun. Im really happy with the end result thou! :) Dropped this project like 3 times during the editing process so took me a long time to finish it! Hope yall enjoy!

Аниме: Kara no Kyoukai, No game No life, Death Parade, Marvel Defenders, Kimi no na wa
Музыка: Infected Mushroom - Heavyweight

The Last Waltz

Комментарии: 43 |  Рейтинг: 3.873.87
Автор: Insofistikerad

Winter Bird 30.05.2018

This is not my first time on amvnews but i have never introduced myself so i will do it here now ^.^ I'm Patryk, from Poland and i'm 16 years old, my favorite categories are drama and romance. I'm really glad i'm joining again this year! Last year, i joined big contest and learned a lot about editing, so thanks! This is a special edit for my mother, who had a hard year and loves watching my AMVs and shows it to family and friends of her >.< (but she never says good stuff about it) ekhm that gives me so much motivation to finish something :D

Sawako (main character) lost her memories but she doesn't know why. Then she sees a boy. Sawako doesn't know who this boy is but she knows that he is someone important to her. When she tries to talk to him, he ignores her...
But why? What happened? Then she meets a familiar looking person... After a while she understands that it's herself but there is something wrong with her face? Why can't Sawako see it? Is it her imagination? A person happens to grab her hand and then half of her memories are back. She starts understanding why she feels like that person is important for her. It's her boyfriend, the love of her life. But why does he ignore her? What will happen if all her memories back?

Картинка Making Of (~7 MB)

Аниме: Kimi ni Todoke
Музыка: AURORA - Winter Bird

Winter Bird

Комментарии: 25 |  Рейтинг: 3.873.87
Автор: Kenji

Vivant 06.05.2018

Hey I freaking love Wakfu and I wanted to capture the adventurous feeling I got from the show in this video. The working title of it was "Nekokitkat did this song better" but I feel like I approached the song in a different way at the end. The credits are pretty long and there are spoilers but only for season 1.

More information here

Аниме: Wakfu
Музыка: I Lived - OneRepublic, Good Life - OneRepublic


Комментарии: 38 |  Рейтинг: 3.843.84
Автор: PieandBeer

Find Your Waifu On Tinder! 28.03.2018

This is a story about 3 guys trying to find their love of their life. Taki (Your Name.), Banri (Golden Time) and Arata (ReLife). We all know how they achieved that in the Anime, but how would it look like in our world (our generation) using the magic dating App "Tinder"? Spending a lot of time on your phone, swiping through a lot of girls, having bad matches... until... you have the perfect match!
If you were able to find your Waifu on Tinder... Would you start using it?

This idea was stuck in my head for quite some time and it was hard for me to start with the video, because I knew that I am not so experienced (my previous AMVs were all very amateur-like). I knew I would never be able to deliver the kind of quality that I see here on the website. But after working on it for a couple of weeks I realized, I might even wanna try to enter a contest :)
There weren't any other editors involved in the production of this AMV.

I hope you like it!

Аниме: ReLife, Your Name., Golden Time, Gabriel Dropout, Mirai Nikki, Bakuman, DanMachi, Neon Genesis Evangelion, K-On, KonoSuba, Bakemonogatari, Naruto Shippuden, Dragon Maid, Date a Life, MM!, Spice and Wolf, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Fairy Tail, No Game No Life, Re:Zero, Your lie in April, Watamote, Denpa Onna, Steins;Gate, Love Stage, Sword Art Online, Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, DARLING in the FRANXX, Nisemonogatari, Guilty Crown, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Charlotte, Toradora!
Музыка: OneRepublic - Counting Stars

Find Your Waifu On Tinder!

Комментарии: 40 |  Рейтинг: 3.823.82
Автор: jimojima

H.A.N.A. 29.03.2018

Do we need artificial intelligence in human form?
Catch a moth, hold it in my hand
Crush it casually
Without past I can't disappoint
My ancestry
Forever can I sleep inside
Your menagerie

Картинка Making Of (~3.85 MB)

Аниме: Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregoto Tsukai, Re-Creators, C - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Музыка: Crystal castles - "affection"


Комментарии: 27 |  Рейтинг: 3.823.82
Автор: Qubit

Atonement 17.05.2018

Not much thought went into making this but I had a lot of fun editing! Didn't really plan to submit this to BC but the timing was perfect and I thought why not. I would appreciate if you guys could use English in the comment section since Google Translator sucks.

Аниме: B: The Beginning
Музыка: Grandson - Blood // Water


Комментарии: 26 |  Рейтинг: 3.803.80
Автор: Kazumoe

RotoS 26.05.2018

Rotoscoping - tracking - projection - camera - solving - grading - parallax - position - rgb - vfx - fps - dpx - keying - much moving - morfing - warping - scale - expiration - motion blur - cashing - conforming - pipeline - distortion - viewer - checkers board - blending - mat painting - shading - sequence - rapid - composing - footage - montage - node.

Аниме: Owarimonogatari S2
Музыка: PTRD - Rotoscoping


Комментарии: 49 |  Рейтинг: 3.793.79
Автор: S.A. Robert

Bluff 17.03.2018

В этот раз никакой сиськосинхры и почти никаких лолек. Страдайте!

Аниме: Kakegurui
Музыка: Cesar Davila - Irizarry and Charlie Clouser - American Horror Story (Theme Song)


Комментарии: 51 |  Рейтинг: 3.783.78
Автор: Padre

Vesper 30.04.2018

My first try on psychedelic/horror genre. I tried to match and emphasize the atmosphere of the song in combination with atmophere of Made in Abyss while maintaining the main storyline. Starting off very calm and turning into something uneasy or rather creepy.
I didn't want to stick with a story of just Riko or Nanachi, so I used the breakpoints in the song to switch between both of them.
Hope you enjoy!

Аниме: Made in Abyss
Музыка: Son Lux - Ransom


Комментарии: 31 |  Рейтинг: 3.763.76
Автор: DrPenguin

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