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So I actually started this one immediately after "Abstract" since I had so much fun editing with openings/endings. Unfortunately, I had forgotten how much I hate editing with pop songs so I ended up doing nothing with this for a few months *sigh*. This is pretty silly and fast paced (and I haven't actually seen over half the anime I used) but I think overall I like it. My next amv will be a slower paced "serious" one though....whenever I get to finishing it....

Anime: Various
Music: Charli XCX - Boys
Awards: Anime Weekend Atlanta Expo 2020 - Most Thirsty







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3.38 3.38 (50 votes)
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Author: (video created: 04.07.2020)
Submitted by: CrackTheSky 17.01.2021 at 09:16
3.38 3.38 (50 votes)
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Comments (9)
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iris-am   User profile
  12.10.2021 07:06
Вроде хорошо, но местами с ускорениями и сменой кадров перебор.
Милослав   User profile
  09.03.2021 13:50
Вот какого а моего мнения тут точно не хватает
Lajt   User profile
  22.01.2021 13:58
вроде и круто сделано, но к середине одинаковые переходы эти поднадоели...некоторые кадры мне кажется не оч вписались, но в целом все равно понравилось
telepati   User profile
  19.01.2021 08:23
клип стал смотрибелен ближе к концу, не понравилось
slavarussko   User profile
  18.01.2021 23:35
Вау, какой шикарный перехлёст кадров...
renacava   User profile
  17.01.2021 22:51
that was fun
Synæsthesia   User profile  Video channel
  17.01.2021 20:00
I love everything about this! It flows so good
NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  17.01.2021 14:58
But... it's just a good sync random
And some of the frames look very strange next to each other.
Radical_Yue   User profile  Video channel
  17.01.2021 12:08
It's been a while since I watched an AMV that was literally nothing but anime intros/endings, damn.
The biggest issues this video suffers from are actually caused by the use of OP/ED footage. The footage in anime OP/ED are usually crazy overanimated, detailed, and pop more than your typical scenes nabbed from the standard episode. EVERYTHING is hyper stylized to it's own anime and since the footage is always very over the top it means that the video doesn't really have the proper pacing and feeling to match when the song comes down. During any of the verses this song is very empty and rather slow so anime girls running around corners clashing with super bright and colorful scenes from an over the top opening sequence just don't feel like they mesh properly.
There is nothing really done to give the video it's own style. Everything clashes and there really isn't dynamic to be found. Even just sticking to a certain color scheme or using OPs/EDs made by the same studio could help things click a bit better. There is some clever and fun little bits of external sync during the chorus sections but I really, really struggled to sit through this with how random and detached everything felt.

Sorry, it just didn't do it for me :

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