
Exam videos
New videos Heaven's War Tuesday, 11 August 2015

This video is my submission for the Rogue Speed IC hosted by r3act Team Sessions. I entered the action category. I hope that everyone enjoys and good luck to the other participants. Feel free to leave any comments.

Author: Crookz
Anime: Aldnoah Zero
Music: Lana Del Rey - Born to die (Gemini remix)

Heaven's War


New videos T.W.U.W Monday, 10 August 2015

11 место на Japan Expo 2015.

Author's comment: Voici mon clip pour la Japan Expo 2015. J'ai voulu changer de genre, j'en avais un peu marre de l'action. Je n'ai pas passé beaucoup de temps sur cet amv mais bon je le trouve cool quand même. Special thanks à Oxide sinon je n'aurai rien sorti pour la Japan
Enjoy !!!!

Author: Hayden
Anime: Nisekoi
Music: Man With A Mission - Take What U Want



New videos Technologic M@D Sunday, 09 August 2015

This upbeat colourful AMV/M@D (which started out as a late night project experimenting with visual novel openings and replicating the effects) and blossomed into a 2 month project, for ever expanding on the base idea, which included a few animations of my own i blended in =] You will notice the theme of 2D Shapes, this is because a common theme I found in all the visual novel OPs i looked into had some form of 2D pattern *mostly shapes* The main concept is ofcourse based around creativity ~ proving that what we visualize can create magic! ~~Inspiration is the key~~ So sit back, relax and enjoy is bouncy colour explosion, starting smooth (building up anticipation) for the drop ;)

Author: ram491991
Anime: 103+ Visual Novel Openings, original animation
Music: Ghost Rider - Turn Around
Awards: People's Choice Award - SMASH Con 2015

Technologic M@D


New videos Renegade (Freedom cry) Saturday, 08 August 2015

I made this video for Japan Expo 2015. I really like my video "Renegade (still running)", it's one of my personal favourites, and more than one person told me through the years that I would have to make a second chapter. So I decided to edit it, and this is the result: a kind of prequel of my previous work. Hope you like it.
"Just who the hell do you think I am!"

Картинка Making Of (~3.22 MB)

Author: [key]Scarlet
Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Gurren-Hen, Lagann-Hen)
Music: Manafest - The Chase

Renegade (freedom cry)


New videos Sword And Magic Friday, 07 August 2015

Клип появился на свет благодаря двум моим навязчивым идеям. Первая - это сделать клип по потрясающим мувикам по Берсерку, вторая - сделать клип по не менее потрясающему саундтреку к трейлеру мною очень любимой игры "Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота".
Добро пожаловать в мир героев и падших, в мир страсти и отваги, в мир, где правят Меч и Магия!

Author: Corwin
Anime: Berserk The Golden Age
Music: The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Sword of Destiny

Sword And Magic


Misc Happy Birthday Lion0608 Thursday, 06 August 2015

Сегодня замечательный день, день рождения Lion0608 - Льва, клипмейкера и просто хорошего человека. По этому поводу решил сделать небольшой подарок, и за пару дней отремастерил работу, которую мы вместе с ней, в попыхах и с баттхёртом, делали на CollabCon2012. Хоть у меня сейчас не так много времени, но для замечательных людей - ничего не жалко. Счастье тебе, Лионь. Много печеньек и добра, никогда не вешай нос, знай - тебя помнят и любят :3 Теперь не вредничать, - а ну марш смотреть и обмазываться! Новый ремастер на 20% круче и теперь с вкусом Мари! Доге одобряет.


New videos Fallen Souls Wednesday, 05 August 2015

A little tribute to this amazing game. I wanted to make something using artwork alone and when I found a song that matched the atmosphere of the game, I slowly started working on this. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for watching.

Author: Ryuu-Dono
Anime: Transistor (Artwork)
Music: Thorn Van Dee - The Lands Of Nythontrica

Fallen Souls


New videos Nekos & Inus Trailer Tuesday, 04 August 2015

Author's comment: Something I've been wanting to do for a while now and finally decided to make for Otakon 2015's AMV Contest where it ended up winning Best Trailer/Parody. Special Thanks to: Hamstar138, Shorisquared, Amaterasu, Kireblue, Gaelstrom, Re-Evolution Studios, Becauseimbored1, & others I probably have forgotten D:

Author: MycathatesyouAMV
Anime: Black Butler, Cat Returns, Chi's Sweet Home. Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Danganronpa The Animation, Dog & Scissors, Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Gods, Elfen Lied, Excel Saga, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Gintama, Heaven's Memo Pad, My Neighbor Totoro, Naruto, Nichijou, No Game No Life, Pokémon, Silver Spoon, Soul Eater
Music: Cats & Dogs Trailer Audio
Awards: Best Trailer/Parody на Otakon 2015

Nekos & Inus Trailer


New videos Ambush Monday, 03 August 2015

(I highly recommend headphones for watching it, so you will can appreciate the details)
This AMV was made in 72 hours and participated in the Imagination Overflow Team IC. Thanks to Redrum for his tips, without his help I couldn't have made this project. I always like to make something different and testing genres that are out of my comfort zone in the IC contest. It's the first time that I try a psychedelic AMV but I would want to do it. I think that is very important making a good atmosphere, that's why I focused on it, but I'd have wanted to make it better because I can improve it, but I had no time. The first day I searched scenes and I cutted it. The second day I added the scenes to the timeline and made the video and outro. The last day I changed some clips and I added correction color, effects and basic camera moves. I really learned a lot in theses 72 hours and I'm quite happy. That's all, I hope you enjoy it!

Author: Strat
Anime: Grisaia no Kajitsu, Grisaia no Meikyuu, Grisaia no Rakuen
Music: Synaecide - Sculped Lens
Awards: 1st Place - Imagination Overflow Team IC



New videos Reaching Out Monday, 03 August 2015

Всем привет. Долго думал и решил залить этот клип на ньюс. Первоначально делал его на день рождения Агито, но сделал полторы минуты и потерял вдохновение и просто было ощущение, что делал что-то не то. Но все-таки позже я его допилил, и так совпало, что в это же время заканчивался конкурс Japan Expo 2015. Загрузил я его на конкурс, но слился, так как не смог тягаться со столь эффортными работами. Но ничего страшного, я не сдамся и, может, в будущем, сделаю работу, которая будет тягаться с другими клипами, а пока что буду думать, что пилить дальше. Всем приятного просмотра и я надеюсь, что вы не прочтете до конца эту лабуду, что я настрочил.

Author: Fobos
Anime: Mirai Nikki
Music: Ashes Remain - On My Own

Reaching Out


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