
Exam videos
New videos Warm Up Friday, 15 November 2019

Author's comment: Enjoooooy !!! (all the infos in the ending :p) .

Author: Luciole
Anime: Haikyuu, Hajime no Ippo, Kuroko no baske
Music: Prodigy - The day is my ennemy (DOPE remix)
Awards: 2nd Action at Souls Team IC XIII Change The Game

Warm Up


New videos Digital City Thursday, 14 November 2019

Author's comment: Hey! Voila ma participation à l'IC Rewind d'il y a quelques semaine, je suis plutôt content du résultat et j'ai vraiment aimé faire ce crossover! C'est sans doute mon dernier IC avant un moment, à cause de mes études, j'ai pu travailler sur cet amv que 2 jours et demi (à peine) sur 4, et le manque de temps se remarque sur certaines parties.
Je vous souhaite un bon week end (ou même vacance pour certains)

Author: SylverZ
Anime: Hamatora, No Game No Life, Devil Survivor 2, Sword Art Online, Bakemono No Ko, Zankyou No Terror, Mob Psycho, Yu-Gi-Oh
Music: Nurko, Ronit - Falling Again
Awards: 1 место в общем зачете, 1 место в категории Psyche на Rewind IC #3

Digital City


New videos Fear Slayer Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Inspired by many youtube sfx amvs.

Приветы! Ударник труда здесь! Решил попробовать что-то в стиле многих ютуб сфх едиторов (до этого я старался делать немного по-другому, но это, скорее, банально из-за музыки), даже превью стиль спёр! Правда, попытался реализовать его не только в превью постере, но и в самом видео. Собсна это всё, вот... как обычно, айсишный типикал экшон.

Клип, занявший второе место - недавно залитый Fortunae.
У моего клипа пятое место :D

Author: RadicalDreamer
Anime: Kimetsu no yaiba
Music: The Score - The Fear

Fear Slayer


New videos Fortunae Monday, 11 November 2019

Story line: the world is dominated by two entities: the red eyes and blue eyes divinities. As the representation of bad/good goddess. They play with fate, throwing a coin to decide the victim’s future if they should live or die. Rin enters to their world knowing that the coin landed on the “death” side. she runs to escape her fate but fate is what it is and she eventually dies. It’s time for a new victim ... she will survive or she will die?
I had a lot of fun making this AMV, I liked the concept and the combination of different sources.

I won second place at Rewind IC.
I hope you will like it too.

Author: dynamoamvx
Anime: Kakegurui, Fate UBW, The magus bride, Another, Your name, Angels Of Death, Tokyo Ghoul, Hibike Euphonium, To aru kagaku no railgun, Bayonetta
Music: Bella Goldwin - Higher than life
Awards: 2nd place @ Rewind IC



New videos Rampages Sunday, 10 November 2019

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

Берем дикого пацана, викингов, корабли, оружие и бревно.
Смешиваем, но не взбалтываем.

Содержит: монтаж, частичку души и незаконченные боевые сцены.
Не содержит: хентай, драму и серьезные спойлеры.

Приятного просмотра!

Author: MetL Storm
Anime: Vinland Saga
Music: Sawtooth - The God Particle



New videos Desired Hues Friday, 08 November 2019

Author's comment: Aaahhhh, so excited this won Storytelling at AWA this year QwQ. It means a lot that people overall enjoyed it enough to vote for it!
Heeeey, it has been a hot minute since I did a bisexual AMV. Birepresentation is just not great anywhere, so when I came up with the idea I knew I had to make it haha. Bi pride yay~
I had a lot of fun using the colors of the flag in my fades and leaks. The leaks have been a pretty divisive aspect of the video, but ultimately, I decided to keep them. I personally really like them, and I just wanted to blast my pride flag colors all over the place. xD
Also, fuck the bird and the brown hair girl (I haven't seen the series or movie). I had to recreate way too many backgrounds because they felt like they had to be involved all the time.
Shin and I collabed on a video for AWA this year too. We somehow managed to snag Best Drama x__x We haven't won with a collab at AWA before, so we were both super happy when we heard. Sadly, it won't be out until probably sometime in December. There isn't a ton we have left to do, but I literally have 0 editing time right now between school, other career-related, and my crippling obsession with d&d.

Author: Xophilarus
Anime: Tamako Market
Music: Of Monsters and Men - Hunger
Awards: Best Storytelling на Anime Weekend Atlanta VAT Pro 2019

Desired Hues


New videos Hysteria Wednesday, 06 November 2019

Author's comment: AHHHHHHHH Pro 2019!!! was so fun! so many strong videos!! Thank you again to everyone that voted for me!!!

Author: BioticAMVs
Anime: Fate/Stay Night Heavens Feel 1&2, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Fate/Zero, Fate/Grand Order
Music: Au/Ra - Panic Room
Awards: Best Technical, Best Video на Anime Weekend Atlanta VAT Pro 2019



New videos Amity Monday, 04 November 2019

Akko and Diana, two witch students of the Luna Nova Academy, can't stand each other. However, when a giant badass alien rocket appears out of nowhere, they have to put their relationship aside and work together to save the world. Who knows, maybe that'll forge a bond between them.

Amity is an AMV made to pay my respects to studio Trigger's anime Little Witch Academia and especially its amazing animation. It really was a treat to edit. I hope it is a treat to watch too <3.

Author: Tommy-Dawg
Anime: Little Witch Academia (OVA), Little Witch Academia (TV), Little Witch Academia: Mahoujikake no Parade
Music: La Roux - Bulletproof



Site news Best of Exam section (October 2019) Sunday, 03 November 2019

Elixir - Deathblow

Luciole - FADE IV

nurikokourin - Scourge

N261 - No Pain, No Life

Kalink Amv - Distant Memory

DAPSEpako - WOTN 2.0

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 36
Average rating: 2.66
Number of comments: 157 (~4.4 comments per video)
Number of votes: 544 (~15.1 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 6 (~14 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos RC: Cells Saturday, 02 November 2019

6 место на Japan Expo 2017

Author's comment: Kon'nichiwa c'est iKuZze, voila mon clip pour cette Japan Expo 2017 !
Cela à été compliqué pour moi de sortir un clip du fait que je voulait vraiment faire un truc lourd, j'ai abandonné de nombreux projet et j'ai eu une petit coup de mou ou j'ai pas clipper pendant 2, 3 mois. Au final je me suis lancé dans un IC sur Tokyo Ghoul, j'avais toujours eu envie de clipper cette anime avant même qu'il sorte mdrr
A ma grande surprise j'ai fini 6e et j'ai eu énormément de bon retour alors que je ne m'y attendait absolument pas !
Du coups voila

Author: iKuZze
Anime: Tokyo Ghoul
Music: Wildways - What you feel

RC: Cells


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