
Exam videos
New videos Whoarriors Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Author's comment: I've been wanting to make a Kyoukai no Kanata video since I started watching the series when it came out, but never found a song to my liking. I was really itching to use a Glitch Mob song, but I've used them so often that I didn't want to be too much of a broken record. (Thankfully, that itch was scratched by Gorz's fantastic video Vessels)
Anyway, I heard "Warriors" by Imagine Dragons and knew I wanted to edit with it (I've only used them once before, as opposed to 4-5 times for The Glitch Mob >_>), I just couldn't decide on a source. Kyoukai no Kanata isn't quite right lyrically, but it's what I wanted visually, so I went with it. Hope you guys like it!

Author: Ileia
Anime: Kyoukai no Kanata
Music: Imagine Dragons - Warriors



Misc Happy birthday Umika Monday, 29 December 2014

>> С Днем варенья Umika<<
Carpet-Saber, Saber114, Saberativ, SaberWS

Carpet-Saber: Поздравляшки от самого крутого молодого очаровательного, немножко, чуть-чуть, эгоцентричного мейкера на ньюсе для мейкерши, которая действительно невероятно крутая: с днюшечкой тебя~~~
Saber114 : Желаю тебе побольше Фракталов с Сейбер, Докимокур с Сейбер, Сейбер Сейбер Сейбер
Saberativ : Не хворай, не серчай, отведай пирожек, и выйграй билет в край беззаботных няш


Поздравление от Bjakua, сделанное из работ именинницы


New videos Kizuna - Reunion Sunday, 28 December 2014

Here is the 3rd installment of my Kizuna series, to be honest it is better than the previous installments. There is an obvious story to the AMV if I might say so, if you don't understand it, sorry m8 not my fault D:

Author: Kyoroichi
Anime: Naruto Shippuden, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Music: Rise Against - Wait For Me

Kizuna - Reunion


New videos Unbreakable Girls Saturday, 27 December 2014

Author's comment: Всем привет. Ну что ж, наконец-то вышел мой MEP, который я организовал 2 месяца назад. Мда, что-то не очень у меня получается мепы организовывать, ну да ладно. Все же я надеюсь, что данный проект найдет cвоего зрителя, приятного просмотра!

Author: Fobos, xGeminii, Agito, Alexx, KahloReiva, ShallowPhantom, Wownewgen
Anime: Rosario+Vampire, Blade and Soul, High School DxD, Ikki Tousen, Senran Kagura, Hyakka Ryouran, Akame ga Kill, To Aru
Music: Icon For Hire - Off With Her Head

Unbreakable Girls


New videos Come With Us Thursday, 25 December 2014

Leave your offices and tall skyscrapers

Насколько я помню, это видео про дауншифтера, который воссоединился с природой, но никто ентова не понял так, как он хотел. В общем, его забанили и он самовыпилился. А потом уже они поняли, что ОН БЫЛ ПРАВ.

Author: kyle_m
Anime: Arakawa under the bridge
Music: Professor Psygrooves - Flower Power

Come With Us


Site news A New Year reminder Thursday, 25 December 2014

Let us remind you that you still have 6 days to join us in creation of collective New Year greeting and add your part to the festive moods! Creative works of any kind are accepted by Turbo or Minstrel till December the 30th via PM.

Totoro art (c) by Simanion



Contests Announcing CreaCon 2015 Wednesday, 24 December 2014
CreaCon 2015

Annual contest of fan-made videos CreaCon 2015 has officially started. Entries accepted from March 1st till April 1st, 2015.
Any kind of exclusive fan-made videos can be entered, the ones made of movies, TV series, games, sport shows, as well as self-shot footage and original 3D. The one main restriction concerns anime music videos: those are not accepted because CreaCon was originally created as an alternative to AMV contests. Videos on any subject matter are good for participation. No previous registration required. 
Today CreaCon is the largest FMV event on Runet, so don't miss it! This year all participant videos will be shown on large subcultural convent Con.Versia  in Tomsk and a special prize is to be given to the winner of the audience voting.

Contest prizes
1 place: 4000 roubles + statuette
2 place: 3000 roubles + statuette
3 place: 2000 roubles + statuette

Detailed contest rules [Russian language]


New videos 故事的终章 (The Endi Monday, 22 December 2014

Author's comment: 自制 【MAD新人战第三日】MAD风格模仿了人民好朋友•振宇的《蜜雨》 在此谢谢ZY~ 相信不久将来我也能成为大触!~ 公开后很多人都说太闪了,我一定会改进这点,以后不滥用这样的转场了。

Клип создан для участия в BGM (Budding Group of MAD) 新人战 (Rookie War/Newcomers Battle) 2014

Author: TsukiBito牛牛
Anime: Guilty Crown
Music: Hiroyuki Sawano feat. Mika Kobayashi - Call Me Later

故事的终章 (The Ending Story)


New videos Crunktastic Cranksauce Sunday, 21 December 2014

Author's comment: Polished version of the AMV I made for the fun category in the Souls Team Iron Chef contest 2014 in which we had 3 days to edit a video from song pack.

Author: MycathatesyouAMV
Anime: Kore wa zombie desu ka?, Kore wa zombie desu ka? Of the dead
Music: Family Force 5 - Chainsaw
Awards: Best Upbeat/Dance на MTAC 2014, Best Upbeat на Animazement 2014

Crunktastic Cranksauce


New videos Fleeting Friday, 19 December 2014

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2014

Author's comment: I will add desciption later for sure :)

Author: Sunlight
Anime: Wolf Children
Music: Extreme Music - Bring Me Back to Life



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