
Exam videos
New videos Enter The Void Tuesday, 27 March 2018

I saw the series B: the beginning on Netflix and I came out with this idea. This is a video about human fears and how deep they are when you go deeper in the abyss of the mind. Thx to Kazkon and [Key] Scarlet, and to my whole team

Author: Kroner -AMV-
Anime: B: The beginning, Psycho-pass, Kurozuka
Music: Perturbator - Corrupted by design

Enter The Void


Contests AMV contest & V-MIX competition at MomoCon 2018 Monday, 26 March 2018


MomoCon is an annual 4-day multi-genre convention held in downtown Atlanta, Georgia and the 6th largest anime convention in North America. MomoCon is now accepting submissions for it's 2018 AMV & V-MIX Competitions! This year AMV contest will be welcoming submissions that use all forms of animation! MomoCon also has a separate Video Remix (V-MIX) competition that welcomes live action submissions, Cosplay Music Videos, etc. 
Videos released after May 1st, 2017 are eligible for participation if they were not submitted to the previous MomoCon. The submission deadline is Monday, April 23rd, 2018.  Generous prizes are reserved for winners in multiple nominations with the total prize fund of $1200.

Detailed rules at our forum
Registration of participants


New videos Dethrone Sunday, 25 March 2018

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

This is my newest amv with some sports anime for Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM , i m glad to finished it, and thanks alex cheer and support , I hope you will enjoy my amv as much as I enjoyed making it.

Anime: Kuroko no Basuke, haikyuu, ACE of Diamond, Prince of Stride
Music: Сoldrain - Inside out



Contests Results of Soul's Team Iron Chef XIV Sunday, 25 March 2018

Best Action: Nyala - Deepware 2 
Best Romance/Drama: 
Sunlight - Black Mirror
Best Fun
Hedge - Deviance III
Best Dance: Elixir - Rave N'Rock

Best Horror: Amai Eli - Bad Dream
Best Psyche
Redrum - Horus 

Top 10 contest videos
1. Redrum - Horus
2. Nyala - Deepware 2 
3. Sunlight - Black Mirror
4. Dn@ - SM*SH
5. lokkiclu - L'Appel du Vide
6. Elixir - Rave N'Rock
7. Amai Eli - Bad Dream
8. Hedge - Deviance III
9. Eion - Fantasia
10.Ikuzze - YoHRa

Team ranking (ТОП-3)
1. DRAGONS (Redrum, Dn@, Sunlight)
2. ELIT3 (Kyoroichi, Elixir, GK)
3. Code: Invictus (Luna, MagicDarkLight, Lokkiclu)

Full team ranking
Full category ranking


New videos Conquer Your Girl Saturday, 24 March 2018

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

Here my new AMV made in 3 days for ST IC! This was my first time that I made a crossover in a little time, it was fun but also very stresfull! I focused my work around the idea of a "videogame" in which there is a boy (Keima) who must conquer one of the girls to win the game! I hope you like my new AMV!

Author: AntaresHeart07
Anime: The World God Only Knows, Gekkan Shojo Nozaki Kun, Pokemon XY, Nichijou, MM!, Fairy Tail, Nisekoi, Mayo Chiki!, Your lie in april, Keijo, Gabriel Dropout
Music: BAP - Feel so good

Conquer Your Girl


New videos Only Slightly Exaggerated | Travel Oregon Friday, 23 March 2018

Рекламный ролик, знакомящий зрителей с красотами штата Орегон – в слегка «преувеличенной» манере. Сделан по заказу Орегонской комиссии по туризму (агентство, ответственное за развитие туристической отрасли штата). Создатели ролика, студии Psyop и SunCreatures, вдохновлялись работами Хаяо Миадзаки.

Author: Psyop, SunCreatures
Anime: Original animation
Music: Oregon Symphony - Travel Oregon

Only Slightly Exaggerated | Travel Oregon


New videos HYPERLUST Thursday, 22 March 2018

Внезапно, в безумном списке номинантов на VCA 2018, откопал годноту.
Зы: На орговской страничке клипа (ссылку оставил) есть ссылка на на какую-то лютую (овер полтора гига) версию, сюда тащить не стал, но кому интересно, наверно посмотрят.

Author's comment: I have to admit: "Horror" and "Romance" is a bit far fetched for this AMV. Somehow I still see it fitting.  This is my first attempt on making a glitchart AMV. Not quite as glitchy as I would have imagined, but pulling of continuous Datamoshing with hiqh quality video codecs was not reliable enough for tight editing sync. Glitchart is widely ignored in AMVs and I think, I will have a further look into it in future projects.
What the hell is she coding?
She programming her own boyfriend via a internet supercomputer network called Golem. Golem is a real project that I'm interessted in, but of course such hyper realistic experiences are not part of it. Let's see if we can get them in the near future.

Author: Bauzi
Anime: Serial Experiments Lain, Genius Party
Music: Röyksopp & Robyn – Sayit



New videos Aesthetic Anime Girl Music Video Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Author's comment: take this as generic anime girl music video 2 im back bois and not bois we'll get to normal schedule asap "asap" "asaaaaaaaaap" i guess? also we develved from vhs to 16mm now be awreww

Making of

Author: leolide
Anime: Tamako Love Story, Bakuon!!, Shingeki no Bahamut vs Seiren, Sakura Quest, Non Non Biyori, Saekano flat, Sagrada Reset, New Game!, Himouto! Umaru-chan, Eromanga-sensei, Gabriel DropOut, Hibike! Euphonium, Nisekoi, Gin no Guardian, Fuuka, Fukumenkei Noise, Frame Arms Girl, Kyoukai no Kanata, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desuka?, Musaigen no Phantom World, K-On!, Kokoro Connect, Monogatari Series, Kizumonogatari, Hinako Note, Koe no Katachi, Masamune-kun no Revenge, Love Live! Sunshine!, High School Fleet,
Music: Fazerdaze — Lucky Girl

Aesthetic Anime Girl Music Video


New videos Bad Dream Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

Победитель в категории Horror.

Author's comment: amv made for ST IC XIV. Time taken 3 days kms. Glad i joined tho with Eion and Pikapika. I tried my best tbh and i guess this is all i can do in 3 days rip. Also special thanks to Ryuu for actually being useful tbh

Author: Amai Eli
Anime: Mahoutsukai no Yome
Music: Ruelle - Bad Dream
Awards: Best Horror на Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

Bad Dream


New videos Say what? Monday, 19 March 2018

Hiii everyone!! This is my entry for Laziness Dominat IC 2.0, made in 3 days! Hope you like it and thanks for watching!! Enjoy! :3

Author: Joy's AMV
Anime: Masamune-kun no Revenge
Music: 3OH!3 - I know how to say

Say what?


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