

Indigo Team Iron Chef

Saturday, 08 July 2017


AMV studio Indigo Team invites you to join the second IC hosted by the studio. The IC will start on Friday 21-07 00:00 (GMT +3) and end on Sunday 23-07 23:59. You can enter with either a solo AMV or a collab/MEP. There's a special category for live action videos! Money prizes reserved for the winners. 

IC rules at our forum
Registration for the IC


Author: Minstrel Views: 1605 time
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Comments (3)
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David Heli   User profile  Video channel
  15.07.2017 10:50
Diplomacy of Wolves wrote:
Что за аниме на картинке самого клипа? ( не воспроизводя его )

Моя геройская академия
Diplomacy of Wolves   User profile  Video channel
  15.07.2017 00:51
Что за аниме на картинке самого клипа? ( не воспроизводя его )
[Genetix]   User profile  Video channel
  09.07.2017 00:29

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