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Soul Mutilation

There are minor spoilers in video

This is my first video that i significantly used AE and this is the entry for the IC of my team. Thanks to Lighting Arrow for the Thumnail. The original serie of Evangelion is awesome but the rebuild are really shitty, you don't need watch they.

Anime: Evangelion Rebuild
Music: RED - Impostor

Soul Mutilation

Soul Mutilation

Soul Mutilation

Soul Mutilation

Soul Mutilation

Soul Mutilation

Soul Mutilation

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3.19 3.19 (53 votes)
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Author: (video created: 19.12.2016)
Studio: Indigo Team
Submitted by: Cear 23.12.2016 at 23:44
3.19 3.19 (53 votes)
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Comments (14)
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Cear   User profile
  25.12.2016 16:10
Keep dreaming in your world baby
IdiAlex   User profile
  25.12.2016 21:24
Lightning Arrow, yeah, I see you're right. Thanks for explanation.

Cear, if you had a look at statistics, you would have seen that chinese is two times more popular than english. Having a discussion is a thing you suck at, so pls save me from your "sharp tongue" if it really so.
Arrow   User profile  Video channel
  25.12.2016 14:59
IdiAlex yeah ok, whatever man. Logic surrenders. You want to help the author but dont want to do it in a language he understands? That's a really egoistic thing. You see that he doesnt speak russian (english description) but comment in russian and then you say you want to help? Where is the logic in that?
Yeah what cear said might be a little rude "Speak english is too hard for your brain", but yes, when you can speak english (Because you can) why dont you write in english? If you didnt know shit in english, ok, but you, you know english.
The main problem is that there is a bottleneck when you write your comment in Russian. Even if i take the time to translate, which i will obviously do, i can still not understand a percentage of what you might be saying. I understood your russian comment around 50-70%, but lion's 100%.
IdiAlex   User profile
  25.12.2016 14:27
Lightning Arrow, why should I speak english? Because description is written in english? Mb I don't know this language. Let's write desc in chinese, I should learn chinese to leave a comment? I write in language which is comfortable for me because it's my native. If you're not shure in translation you can ask me for it, but I won't adjust every author I see.

Lightning Arrow wrote:
Why do you guys comment?

Lightning Arrow wrote:
for the author to get better

Arrow   User profile  Video channel
  25.12.2016 12:20
IdiAlex wrote:

P.S. You could just ask politely for a translation.

can you help me a little bit? I have a question no one can answer. Why do you guys comment? I mean, is it for the author to get better or just for you to feel good? I like to think it's the first one but you guys prove me wrong every damn time. If a video's description is english the sumbitter obviously doesnt know russian. So, why do you comment in russian?
IdiAlex   User profile
  25.12.2016 01:44
Cear, ok, I see you can't have a normal dialogue. Only rudeness and stupidity. Hope I won't see you any longer.
Cear   User profile
  25.12.2016 01:24
lol u can't see cause you're blind maybe, the sense is easy to understand for a normal person. Btw they will understand u with google translate?
IdiAlex   User profile
  25.12.2016 01:17
Cear, can't see any sense in your words. Community isn't the thing that decide what language I should speak. People who want to understand me will do it.

P.S. You could just ask politely for a translation.
P.S.S. Russian is much harder then English
Cear   User profile
  25.12.2016 00:55
IdiAlex wrote:
Cear, it's russian website. Moreover, it isn't your deal what language I am speaking

has nothing to do :D , many people may not understand what you say and you continue speaking russian just because your ass is lazy? Why do a community then?

Lion0608 wrote:
I do not assume, my vision is the only right opinion.
Sometimes small frames changes close to bytes is too cutting for the eye. There are several editing easy to fix mistakes, despite the whole video was decently editied.
The vocals are too plangent just to make such bite sync, especially enchanced with sudden fades to black. The inside scene sync offently was behind the main bites, like at 1:30 scene.
The plot looks good, but this is the sort of Eva-videos, showing the reality in the same way as other well-known videos, like Engel and Kokain Sugar
So can't enjoy this video, though deserving 4.

Thanks for your comment, at least i can undestand you
IdiAlex   User profile
  24.12.2016 22:43
Cear, it's russian website. Moreover, it isn't your deal what language I am speaking
Lion0608   User profile
  24.12.2016 20:30
I do not assume, my vision is the only right opinion.
Sometimes small frames changes close to bytes is too cutting for the eye. There are several editing easy to fix mistakes, despite the whole video was decently editied.
The vocals are too plangent just to make such bite sync, especially enchanced with sudden fades to black. The inside scene sync offently was behind the main bites, like at 1:30 scene.
The plot looks good, but this is the sort of Eva-videos, showing the reality in the same way as other well-known videos, like Engel and Kokain Sugar
So can't enjoy this video, though deserving 4.
Pushok   User profile
  24.12.2016 20:22
Трек к себе в копилку. Клип не вытянул
Cear   User profile
  24.12.2016 20:04
Speak english is too hard for your brain
IdiAlex   User profile
  24.12.2016 14:55
Уже давно продумываю клип на эту песню в голове и выглядит он совсем не так. Раскадровка явно не та. Атмосферность не выдержана. Лютое имхо, конечно, но тут я совершенно незаслуженно поставлю 2.

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