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Youth in motion 19.05.2018

Комментарий автора: The point of this video is to encourage people to watch the anime, so I was more careful about spoilers than I normally am. It became my favorite anime of all time after last season SO I JUST HAD TO DO SOMETHING WITH IT! It is hard to explain exactly why, but it explores friendship and the fear of failure in such an amazing way. The characters are all so great and relatable, and the pacing is also just perfect. This video definitely doesn't do the anime justice, but I hope it will at least get a few more people to watch this show qwq.

Аниме: Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho
Музыка: Ingrid Michaelson - Afterlife

Youth in motion

Комментарии: 7 |  Рейтинг: 3.753.75
Автор: Xophilarus

Destiny 19.05.2018


Esta es mi primera participación en BIG y mi primer AMV
Usando mascaras, mascaras y más mascaras.

Para hacer este AMV me inspire en un rap de "Canserbero - Mundo De Piedra", el cual me hace pensar que el destino te puede deparar muchas cosas, tanto para bien como para mal. Como esas pequeñas, grandes, malas y buenas ocasiones, las cuales llamamos "Maldición", "suerte", "milagro" o simple "coincidencia". Y se me hace muy extraño, por así decirlo, en como se mueve todo el mundo. Tan solo algo, una persona puede hacer que te detengas 30 segundos cuando vas por el pan a una tienda que esta a 5 minutos de tu casa, Y me pregunto, que hubiera pasado si no me hubiera detenido esos 30 segundos, o si hubiera salido de casa 1 minuto antes, no me hubiera encontrado a esa persona.
Puede ser algo tonto lo que estoy diciendo, y tal vez lo sea... Pero es en eso en lo que me hace pensar cuando escucho ese tema.

Espero les guste el vídeo y que lo disfruten! :)

Аниме: Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Toki o Kakeru Shōjo, Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda, Runner 3, Kimi no Na wa, Kizumonogatari Movie III
Музыка: Bad style - Time Back


Комментарии: 33 |  Рейтинг: 3.653.65
Автор: DAPSEpako

Limerence 18.05.2018

Комментарий автора: Hi guys, video made in 2 days for the IC LAZINESS NO LIMIT organized by AMV ITALIA. I have won it. This was very fun and terribly difficult to edit. I hope you enjoy. Special thanks to LukeG who's supported me.

Аниме: Kizumonogatari I Tekketsu-hen, Kizumonogatari II Nekketsu-hen, Kizumonogatari III - Reiketsu-hen
Музыка: Scooter - Nessaja
Награды: 1° place into IC LAZINESS NO LIMIT


Комментарии: 17 |  Рейтинг: 3.753.75
Автор: Okami

Miss Independent 17.05.2018

Комментарий автора: First of all, I want to say that this video has brought upon the world the full force of my infinite wrath, which burns deeper than the tormented hellfires of Mordor. Ookami-san is one of my favorite series ever, but I didn't realize until after I started making this vid for AWA that I had an extreme lack of romance footage. ~_~ Hence all the masking, story rearranging, and use of Toradora footage to make up for it. I ended up with 39 different video tracks in Sony Vegas, which crashed while rendering so many times I can't remember. The original completion for AWA did a number on my carpal tunnel, and after the con I decided to go back and fix a few things that I didn't have time to do initially. There are still some problems, but honestly Vegas can't handle any more masks. :P So I guess I'm stuck where I am. I'm still really proud of this vid, though.

Аниме: Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
Музыка: Kelly Clarkson - Miss Independent, Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway (Glee Version)
Награды: AWA Pro 2014 Best Romance, Another Anime Con 2014 Best Romance, Anime USA 2014 Best Romance

Miss Independent

Комментарии: 7 |  Рейтинг: 3.293.29
Автор: Obsidian Zero

HANA 13.05.2018

Hi, finally here's my entry for Big Contest 2018!
It was really difficult to finish it 'cuz of some school stuff, hope you like it!
The story is about Kanbaru and Senjogahara, two girls who fall in love. Then, their relashionship becomes complicated: betrayal, misunderstandings and bad feelings make Kanbaru to approach to a monkey demon. That's not a news because Kanbaru met that demon in her hard childhood. The demon takes possesion of her and the only one who can stops the Kanbaru's rage is Senjogahara.

Аниме: Hanamonogatari, Bakemonogatari, Kizumonogatari
Музыка:Chouchou - Teardrop


Комментарии: 24 |  Рейтинг: 3.583.58
Автор: ybStar

RoE trailer: Скоро всё (не) закончится 12.05.2018

Хидеаки Анно и Khara скоро развернут рекламную компанию по поводу выхода четвёртой части.
А я, как грамотный фанат, уже клипаю трейлеры и сопроводительные материалы, чтобы завлечь новых фанатов в уютную секту евафагов. Стало быть, вводный трейлер в этот замечательный китайский порномультик, который, возможно, станет дополнительным стимулом приобщится к Еве, теперь уже по новому.

И да, я клятвенно обещал больше не делать клипов по Еве, но это ведь не клип)

Деус е....т вообще адовые клипы.
Ну такой вот примерно рецепт усредненный, потому что вариаций масса.
Берется трек, он не режется, резать - это не про Деуса. Он берет ОВУ, вываливает её на трек и сразу начинает клеить. Добавляет в клип огромное количество баяных кадров, штампов, неофицальной озучки и ГЛИЧА! для забористости, класический стробомонтаж сверху. Все это клеиться до дыма из глаз. Потом конвертируется в х264 прямо в редакторе, вручную и ремукситься с другим звуком. Потом Деуса заносит и щедро полив всех остальных клиподелов под их клипами дерьмом он начинает заливать. При этом заливая на ньюз, обязательно пишет поехавшую пасту. Пишет и приговаривает полушепотом "ух б..". При этом у него на лбу аж пот выступает. Любезно мне иногда предлагает побетатестить, но я отказываюсь. Надо ли говорить о том какой дичайший пердеж потом в коментах? Вонища такая, что обои от стен отклеиваются.

По дополнительной ссылке версия без цк.

По второй дополнительной ссылке на версия 10 бит с заботливо сохранённым шумком, задавленными градиентами и раздутым сверх всякой меры битрейтом.

Аниме: Rebuild of Evangelion
Музыка: Audiomachine - Blood and Stone (Ivan Torrent Remix - Epic Choral Hybrid)

RoE trailer: Скоро всё (не) закончится

Комментарии: 70 |  Рейтинг: 3.473.47
Автор: AweDeus, mwDeus

Make It Up 10.05.2018

К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Комментарий автора: Hello everyone! Just your average "Konosuba AMV". But sadly I can't title it that. The video generally follows our main hero Kazuma through his adventures of disasters and disappointment. Made this video because I truly felt sorry for the guy.
You go Kazuma, stay strong.
Thanks for watching! See you next time :)

Аниме: Konosuba
Музыка: Sam Tsui - Make it up
Награды: ZENKAIKON 2018 AMV Showdown - Best comedy

Make It Up

Комментарии: 6 |  Рейтинг: 3.673.67
Автор: Kyci

KNOW THE LEDGE 09.05.2018

So this was an AMV i made in 4-5 hours, for WeeklyAMVContest, two days after the clips were released.
Now, despite having been made in such a short time, I feel like this is still a complete AMV. Sure, it's not even 2 minutes, but I find long AMVs weird :/
To anyone who can understand the lyrics, there's very clear lyric sync consistently throughout the whole AMV. But what's different about this and a lot of other lyric sync-heavy rap AMVs is that I more or less still show you the original sequence of how the anime unfolds, rather than choosing scenes from any part of the movie's sequence just to forcefully match them with the music's lyrics. My lyric syncing is always phenomenal, if I must say (check my Mob Psycho AMV "run..." for proof).
Naturally, though, I'm not being toooo strict in following the anime's original sequence, and in the "chorus"-ish parts (you know with all the DJ scratching etc) I mash up various scenes without regard for where in the movie they're from. This is just because the music at that point gives me the "mash-up" kind of sound, but I also need to increase the pace while also choosing high intensity scenes, so can't rely on still following the movie's order there.
But then when I indeed am trying to show a sequence of events going on, I'm not being lazy and just dropping in scenes from the order of the anime either. At 1:23, Tetsuo has a shocked face and turns around and this goes really well with the lyrics (and scenes) that come next. But before this, I had to show his face actually turn surprised, which I did at 1:21. But that scene of him getting shocked is actually from later on in the anime than from when he turns his head and sees those soldiers shoot at him. And if that wasn't enough, the scene of the camera zooming in on Kaneda was from waaaaay later in the movie. There is a similar shot of Kaneda right at that point of the scene (after tetsuo gets shocked) but my sense of cinematography dictated I choose the one where the camera zooms in (it really enhances the idea that what Tetsuo saw was shocking and so he had to focus his sight on it and then once he's focused and thought about it, he then turns his head to the next appearing threat...)
Okay there's more I wanna say but I can't be bothered anymore but you get the point...my 4 hour vid is the best Akira amv of all time. Peace.
edit: oh yeah also in the anime I can never tell right off the bat whether the main character is Tetsuo or Kaneda. All the posters show Kaneda, but let's be real Tetsuo is like the icon of the movie. This is one of the features of the movie that made it so great. But yes, I wanted to carry over this feature into the AMV, that's why the first scene is Kaneda doing his thing, then third is Tetsuo doing his thing (if you go watch that part of the movie, it was Kaori in it too but I did some pro editing and made it a Tetsuo-only scene because I had to for this concept), then the 5th thing is a very rapid back and forth between them both turning their heads to initiate some action. But...since the movie does put greater importance on Kaneda at the start, I made it look as if there was this "exchange" of who'd start the AMV and Kaneda wins. Then the first piece of lip sync is from him, but the last piece of lip sync in the AMV is Tetsuo. Haters will say I am making this shit up now, but no legit this shit was all calculated and what I was thinking while editing. Don't doubt my IQ.

Аниме: Akira
Музыка: Eric B. & Rakim - Juice (Know the Ledge)


Комментарии: 20 |  Рейтинг: 3.303.30
Автор: Enigmo

You Make Me Smile 09.05.2018

Hey :3
I just made something cute i guess. Everyone likes cute lesbian moe girls.
Ok sry. I know that the anime is kinda overused, but I really had to make this after hearing the song for the first time.
Inspired by Eazy's "pretty cool" vid.
Ok bye. Thanks for watching °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Аниме: Tamako Market, Tamako Love Story
Музыка: Raptures of Lovers - Passionfruit

You Make Me Smile

Комментарии: 38 |  Рейтинг: 3.913.91
Автор: VideoBeats

Roxanne 08.05.2018

Hi everyone, this is my project for BC 2018. I just want to thanks a lot all my studio mates cause they had to see lots of betas ( and when I say lots of beta I mean A LOT). This video was ispired by the movie "Moulin Rogue" and it's all about Roxanne, a lustful woman ,slave of her past and enable to fight it. It was a great challenge for me since I had to recreate frame by frame some scenes and try something particular but I'm satisfied and that's already an important achievement for me. Hope you guys enjoy it ;)
Привет всем, это мой проект для BC 2018. Я просто хочу очень поблагодарить всех своих товарищей по студии, потому что им приходилось видеть много бета-версий (и когда я говорю много беты, я имею в виду A LOT). Это видео было снято фильмом «Мулен-разбойник», и это все о Роксане, похотливой женщине, рабыне ее прошлого и позволяющей бороться с ней. Это был большой вызов для меня, так как мне пришлось воссоздать кадр за кадром, некоторые сцены и попробовать что-то особенное, но я доволен, и это уже важное достижение для меня. Надеюсь, что вы, ребята, наслаждайтесь ;)

Картинка Making Of (~9.54 MB)

Аниме: Mine Fujiko to iu onna, Owarimonogatari, Steins;Gate , Children of the Whale, Gankutsuou, Lupin movies, Mnemosyne, Kakegurui, Kiznaiver +Various
Музыка: El tango de Roxanne - Moulin Rouge soundtrack


Комментарии: 48 |  Рейтинг: 4.174.17
Автор: Kroner -AMV-

Rewind 07.05.2018

This is my first time to take part in big contest.
Tell the truth, I'm so nervous.
What is I want to express?
I hope This AMV can tell you the answer.
I hope you can know why I do this amv.
In addition, the lyrics Very important, It will help you understand this AMV.
As you can see, I'm a Chinese, Because translate is not good at russian,I very much hope that you can use English to provide suggestions for my work,I'm very delight to see your suggestion And I'm happy to correct it.
Thanks for watching.
In fact, my English is also very bad. If you find any grammatical errors, It's normal, too. :-)

Аниме: Bokudake ga inai machi, Owarimonogatari, Charlotte, Hyouka, Re:Life in a different world from zero
Музыка: Alyssa Reid - Tomorrow (Unplugged)


Комментарии: 22 |  Рейтинг: 3.323.32
Автор: Wuyi

Fantasia 06.05.2018

2 место в категории Drama на Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

Комментарий автора: Teamed up with Amai Eli and Pikapika. Made in 3 days for Drama category for #STICXIV. No more crossovers for me kms

Аниме: Violet Evergarden, Mahoutsokai no Yome + others
Музыка: Fuji X David Bak - Quill


Комментарии: 10 |  Рейтинг: 3.693.69
Автор: Eion

Vivant 06.05.2018

Hey I freaking love Wakfu and I wanted to capture the adventurous feeling I got from the show in this video. The working title of it was "Nekokitkat did this song better" but I feel like I approached the song in a different way at the end. The credits are pretty long and there are spoilers but only for season 1.

More information here

Аниме: Wakfu
Музыка: I Lived - OneRepublic, Good Life - OneRepublic


Комментарии: 38 |  Рейтинг: 3.843.84
Автор: PieandBeer

877-YEN-NOW 04.05.2018

I made this video because I thought the combination fit well.
But only '90s kids will remember.
Also, watch this anime.
It's so good!

Аниме: Noragami, Noragami Aragoto
Музыка: The J.G. Wentworth Company - Bus Opera


Комментарии: 27 |  Рейтинг: 2.792.79
Автор: shorisquared

Demonology 03.05.2018

It's been a long time since the last video. I wanted to edit something I liked. I found Devilman Crybaby and after, I decided to use this song - that I stored for long time. I desired to show the tragedy of this story, the true desperation of these characters that can't survive their inner demon. Nothing more. All Demons are humans.

Аниме: Devilman Crybaby, Dimension Bomb, End of Evangelion
Музыка: 65 Days of Static - Drove Through Ghost


Комментарии: 24 |  Рейтинг: 3.223.22
Автор: SoulRVS

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