Thanks to JaKeH for participating in this IC with me! It was my first time participating in an IC, wasn't sure if I would even finish a video before the deadline, knowing how slow I am, but we did and it turned out pretty nice so enjoy!
Информация Автор: Charios, JaKeH
Аниме: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Promare
Музыка: TRiDENT - Continue
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Video made for Olympic Games IC hosted by AMVHellas. The concept of the IC is that you make a video to represent your country like in the real Olympic games. This video started as a fun/comedy one but some other categories got mixed in along the way. The sync got a bit weird at times and maybe the video got too random overall, but I still hope some of you can enjoy it. All feedback is encouraged and highly appreciated!
Информация Автор: Li0n
Аниме: Space Dandy
Музыка: Chinese Man - I Got That Tune (Tha Trickaz Remix)
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Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity
Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.
Комментарий автора: This is my entry for #STIC17.
Hello, here's my Soul's Team IC XVII #STICXVII entry, I wanted to switch category but in the end I didn't and joined dance. Still I wanted to do something a bit different than what I did before and I hope I managed to make it happen.
I entered with Skydean and Hedge as the Millenium Curse and it was really fun to edit, I am happy with the result so I hope you'll enjoy it too!
Информация Автор: MagicDarkLight
Аниме: Mix
Музыка: K/DA - DRUM GO DUM ft. Aluna, Wolftyla, Bekuh BOOM
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Конкурсы Победители VCA 2021
Пятница, 26 Март 2021
Короткометражка, созданная группой студентов Канадзавского колледжа искусств под руководством режиссера-аниматора Хиромасы Ёнэбаяси ("Ариэтти из страны лилипутов", "Воспоминания о Марни").
Информация Автор: Hiromasa Yonebayashi
Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Original audio
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Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity
Yo, this is my last time joining STIC and probably one of my last vids, I went for the category I started with: Drama.
About the vid: it's the story of the anime with a touch of cuteness. Even if it was pretty short, Everything Flows is one of the few animes that really got me because it leaves you a touch of sadness, but also a touch of happiness while watching, and I tried to portrait the same feelings here, Hope you guys like it.
Картинка Making Of (~1.93 MB)
Информация Автор: Kroner -AMV-
Аниме: Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows + Various
Музыка: Danny Olson - Hide and Seek ft. JT Roach (Don Diablo Edit)
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Конкурсы Конкурс [TERM 2021] Mute All Contest
Воскресенье, 21 Март 2021
Студия TERM MAd Club (Китай) приглашает всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе [TERM 2021] Mute All Contest. К участию принимаются эксклюзивные AMV и MMV любой тематики. Дедлайн подачи работ - 12 июня 2021 года. Предусмотрены призы для победителей, призовой фонд - 50 000 юаней.
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Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity
Победитель в категории Horror
Этот клип - отсылка к серии фильмов The Purge. Русские субтитры прилагаются.
Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.
Информация Автор: AMVLuna
Аниме: Charlotte /Tokyo Ghoul / Fate Stay Night series / Kyoukai no Kanata / Fate Zero / Zankyou no Terror / Darker than Black / Kabukichou Sherlock / Mirai Nikki / Re:Zero / Boogiepop wa Warawanai / Kakegurui / Sword Art Online / SSSS.Gridman / Tsukihime Remake / Another / Guilty Crown / Satsuriku no Tenshi / Kara no Kyoukai / Corpse Party: Tortured Souls / Kamisama no Memo-chou / Death Parade / Inuyashiki
Музыка: Nick Road - The Mirrors
Награды: Best Horror на Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity
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Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity
Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.
Well, hello there, this is basically a spiritual sequel, to my last year entry Howling Storm, i got my pc right before the ic start so it was almost a miracle that i edit for it, sorry for do another fate, but i didn't had anything else dowload and i didn't want to waste my time in that.
Информация Автор: LionAmV
Аниме: Fate Promocional Videos - Fate Apocrypha - Fate Babylonia - Fate grand order first order - Fate Extra Last Encore - Fate extra CCC - Fate Stay Night Heavens Feel movie 1, 2 - Fate stay night Heaven's feel Trailer Movie 3
Музыка: Midnight Conspiracy, Cenob1te - Sentinel
![[Fate Series] Dreamland - STICXVII](/images/news087/1616028492-5BFate-Series5D-Dreamland---STICXVII_1.jpg) Подробнее →
Клип участник конкурса Soul's Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity
Победитель в категории Fun
Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.
Информация Автор: H4WK
Аниме: Mix
Музыка: Hollywood Undead - Comin In Hot
Награды: Best Fun на Souls' Team Iron Chef 17: Audacity
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