
Exam videos
New videos Wait For Me Thursday, 10 November 2022

Hello, I made this amv for Indigo Team IC: Dyad Edition, but I decided not to finish it a lot. Anyways hope you enjoy. .

Author: Kiyoshi
Anime: Fate Heaven's Fee
Music: From Ashes to New - Wait For Me, Stigmata - Сентябрь

Wait For Me


New videos 21st Century Metropolis Tuesday, 08 November 2022

There is actually nothing to say about this AMV. Let me tell you something about modern metropolis instead.

The modern metropolis is a strange living organism. It grows. It sucks people into it. It lures them with opportunities and excitement. Its chaos hold together by a strange order and rhythm. In this cycle day and night fade together. To be awake or to sleep doesn't matter. Everything is running and up all the time. New technologies creep in and flip your life upside down. You've been to a place yesterday and now there is a new hive of apartments, offices and living quarters. The metropolis hunger drew it out from seemingly nowhere. Art installations break you up in your routine and attack your senses like guerrilla warriors. Some try to escape their dream day like state. However daily life has a tight grip on them. The sense of loneliness and sadness keeps creeping in, while you are surrounded by masses of anonymous faces, that don't matter to you. Some try to break free from the repetition and succeed. They got enough money to flee to rural areas or distant lose suburbs. Either you are a part of the monster, or you run and never come back.

This is the 21st Century Metropolis.

On a personal note: This is heavily inspired to my trips to the sprawls of Tokyo and Osaka. Those who were there, might understand my feelings. It calls to me again. After years of Covid I'm eager to go again.

Technical notes: This is a wild mix of anime, live action, stock material, found footage, fotos and 3D graphics. All held together by a colour scheme and pixelart. This took a lot of time, with a lot of long breaks and a complete overhaul. However, when I see the result, I don't want this any other way. I can't believe I indulged this madness and finished it!

Media info: The song is "Cirrus" made by the great artist "Bonobo". It's the official music video mix with some smaller edits and changes made by me.

Author: Bauzi
Anime: Live Action, Aggressive Retsuko, Akira, Bakemonogatari, BELLE, Blade Runner: Black Out 2022, The Boy And The Beast, Cowboy Bebop, Cowboy Bebop - The Movie: Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Evangelion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone, Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance, Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo, Flavors Of Youth, The Garden Of Words, Genius Party Beyond, Ghost In The Shell, Ghost In The Shell 2.0, Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence, Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Metropolis, Odd Taxi, One-Punch Man, Patlabor 2: The Movie, Patlabor: The Movie, Psycho-Pass, Psycho-Pass 2, Terror In Resonance, Weathering With You
Music: Bonobo - Cirrus
Awards: 1st place at AniNite Pro contest 2022

21st Century Metropolis


New videos Shonen Heroes Sunday, 06 November 2022

Here we go with a collab with my friend Fobos for AKROSS Con 2022
This is just the first video about "Shonen Heroes" where we are gonna use our favourites battle shonen (?'?-'?)?
(here we used the first arcs for each anime)
This time we went for a classic song, I hope you'll like it (??∀?)?

Author: TakeshiAMV, Fobos
Anime: Magi, Naruto, Gintama, Fairy Tail, Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, One Piece
Music: Skillet - Hero

Shonen Heroes


Site news If you cannot login... Saturday, 05 November 2022

Due to changes in encodings and software, some people with special unicode passwords may have problems authenticating. Due to the fact that the password has already been hashed and cannot be restored, please let Turbo or okhostok know about it (if your mail is not working, if it is working, then use the form) by creating a new account.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.


New videos KNIGHT SABER CITY Saturday, 05 November 2022

I made this for Anime Weekend Atlanta 2022's Accolades contest. It didn't win but was a finalist in the Action and Throwback categories. The song always gave me "80s action anime" vibes, so I chose Bubblegum Crisis as the source. I think this turned out really good, and it probably my best video to date. Edited using Adobe Premiere Pro

Author: Synaesthesia
Anime: Bubblegum Crisis
Music: The Protomen - "This City Made Us"
Awards: AWA Accolades 2022 Finalist

KNIGHT SABER CITY (AWA Accolades 2022 Finalist)


New videos ATTACK of The Giant Mega Squirrel Friday, 04 November 2022

This is an hommage to 1950s black and white kaiju movies like the black and white Godzilla movies.

Behind the scene notes:
Between my gf and me there is a joke: "Is there a squirrel in your video? No? Than it sucks!" ... Let's turn this around and put squirrels in this. Not just squirrels, but our favourite plushies that we love so much. So I got her a greenscreen morphsuite and put her into the professional greenscreen studio at my workplace. It's an idea, that I thought about pulling of at last year's YuniCon convention.

Technical notes:
This was filmed with a Sony FX6. Some parts are even in 120fps 4k, but I don't think there was a visible benefit to it to be honest. Some assets like smokeclouds were created with Stable Diffusion and Midjourney AI. The reason is that, even if you pay for stock footage like Envato Elements, these kind assets are harder to come by than I would have thought. So why not generate them by myself and increase my AI skills too?
The video editing was smooth and fast. The cut was done in less than 8 hours. Most time took scene searching and of course the massive compositing work. My gf was so sweet to learn masking and helped me out on so many scenes. Love.
Also I was able to pull off every 42 scenes on sets in less than 42 hours and the vast majority worked out like a charm in post. This makes me quite proud.

Please let us know, what you think about this AMV!

Картинка Making Of (~0.12 MB)


Добавлен русские и английские субтитры. В mkv файл только английские субтитры.

Author: Bauzi & KamenRisu
Anime: Akira, Earth Girl Arjuna, GATE, Godzilla Singular Point, Macross Zero, Neon Genesis Evangelion (movies), One Punch Man, SSSS.GRIDMAN, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Music: Pegboard Nerds - Swamp Thing
Awards: 1st place Yunicon 2022, Viewer's Choice Award YuniCon 2022

ATTACK of The Giant Mega Squirrel


Contests Announcement of AMVNews: Anon Con 2022 Thursday, 03 November 2022

 Anon Con 2022 holds anonymous AMV competition Anon Con 2022. Each participant will be anonymized throughout the contest

Let us remind you that only exclusive videos are eligible for this contest (i.e it's forbidden to release your video anywhere on the internet before Anon Con is ended). Registration is not required. Entries accepted from November 15th till December 31st, 2022Prizes are reserved for winners.

Check the detailed contest rules below.


Attention: we are in need of promo materials for this event. If you wish to make a poster, banner or trailer, or translate the rules to your language, please contact the organizers: Turbookhostok.


New videos MISERY Wednesday, 02 November 2022

Привет, не так давно я организовал MEP, надеюсь вам понравится. Хочу поблагодарить всех, кто участвовал, спасибо за хорошую работу!

Track 1: XseFate - God Eater
Track 2: Takeshi - Jujutsu Kaisen
Track 3: Celso - Bleach
Track 4: Kiyoshi - Fate series
Track 5: Rei - Toaru series
Track 6: Fobos - My Hero Academia

Author: Kiyoshi, XseFate, Fobos, TakeshiAMV, Celso, ReiAMV
Anime: God Eater, Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, Fate series, Toaru series, My Hero Academia
Music: The Word Alive - Misery, Caskets - Ghost Like You



Site news Patch Notes for October Sunday, 30 October 2022

The following changes were introduced in October (Press Shift+F5, if you are seeing visual problems):


New videos Paracosm Sunday, 30 October 2022

My entry for Tarung AMV
Inspired by Sunlight and Redrum
well…not so good but I'm very satisfied with the result. Special thanks to Yuzuru, Crommv, ER X, Eossora
Voice by Alan Watts
Made with Alight Motion :")

Author: Fukushi
Anime: Various
Music: Kasbo - Places we don't know, Apashe - Time warp



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