Author's comment: Нет повести печальнее на свете, чем повесть о Ромео и ... измене. Столь хрупки девичьи сердца, столь импульсивны анимешны души (а у беременных у школьниц и тем паче XD). Любовь предательством очернена и обратится в ненависть она. *** Прозаично говоря: моя очередная незатейливая работка. Содержит немного альтернативы.
P.S.: до окончания работы других клипов по этому аниме не смотрела, так что если (ВНЕЗАПНО) увидите нечто знакомое - так сложились звезды >_>
Information Author: orlyana Anime: School Days Music: Avril Lavigne - Innocence
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New videos I Think I'm A Clone Now (Kaysow Extended Remake)
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Author's comment: After finishing up Engel, there's been demand for a better encoded one, in corrected aspect ratio. While tinkering about with that, I got a request from Sand Camel Productions to go at it with Studio Service's classic "I Think I'm A Clone Now", and eagerly accepted. It's a nice little video, not grand or anything, but neat nonetheless. And a good excuse to get away from Engel for a while, trying to figure this 4:3 bullshit out.
For this; thank Sand Camel for getting it done, James Kao and Gregory Marques for the original edit, and Kionon for the awe-inspiring aspect ratio. Oh and me too, don't forget me.
There was this little clip in it with a chibi animation of Rei, which I couldn't tell for the life of me where it came from, so I redid that in flash. That's the "original animation" =)
This is the final, extended version. I really liked the song, and thought it a shame it ended so fast, so now it's about 30 seconds longer than the original video. It came out quite nicely, I'd say.
Information Author: Kaysow Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion Music: Weird Al Yankovic - I Think I'm A Clone Now
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New videos 補完計劃 (Family supplemen
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Клип с первого дня MaDeMAD 2011.
Information Author: LIVE/EVIL Anime: Various Music: 澤野弘之 - 自由への逃走
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Author's comment: Давно хотелось сделать что-нибудь на Реборна, но все не находил подходящую музыку, а радномный экшн как то делать не хотелось. В итоге решил сделать трейлер и взял аудиодорожку фонаря. Дубляж в русском трейлере звучит лучше исходной английской дорожки, так что начал работать с русской версией. Много хлопот доставил липсинк (в след. раз буду брать трейлер, где поменьше говорят -__-) и поиск подходящих кадров. Что из этого получилось, судить вам. Приятного просмотра) P.S. Decimo - Десятый
Information Author: C1oud Anime: Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn Music: Green Lantern Trailer Audio
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Contests Продление сроков Team Battle 2011
Saturday, 20 August 2011

По многочисленным просьбам дедлайн для отправки работ на конкурс Team Battle 2011 продлен с 20 августа до 28 августа (включительно).
New videos The way of redemption
Friday, 19 August 2011
Author's comment: This is a my old job. The anime is Sword of the Stranger and is one of my favorites. The video speaks particularly of the protagonist nanashi , or a samurai with no name , that constantly haunted by nightmares of the past, led him to seal his sword, in search of redemption. Anyway I hope you like it and the next is still better than the previous.
Information Author: Kyros Anime: Sword of the Stranger Music: Red - Hide
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Author's comment: I made this back in April/May for Kaipi's birthday except I haven't uploaded it till now because I couldn't think of a good poster idea. I'm sorry this is late. Although for you this isn't really late since you ALREADY SAW THE AMV BEFORE YOUR BIRTHDAY. But anyway, I hope you like it. ^^ Special thanks to CodeZTM, MystykAMV and TritioAFB for beta testing! ^^
Information Author: AimoAio Anime: Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Music: A Static Lullaby - Toxic
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Author's comment: This AMV was made for those who love and know how good it is to stand by who you really like. I will not spend much time talking about the video, watch and comment. And much luck in love for you all.
Information Author: Sniper Anime: B Gata H Kei (TV), Bokura ga Ita (TV), Ef - a tale of memories (TV), Inu Yasha (TV), Kissxsis (TV), Rosario + Vampire (TV), Rosario + Vampire Capu2 (TV), Yu Yu Hakusho Music: 3OH!3 - My First Kiss
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Клип с конкурса 瀧沉琉璃MAD工坊夏日祭 2010 организованного Raindrop Lazurite Studio.
Information Author: xiaobai927 Anime: Various Music: Ami Koshimizu - 玻璃の空 (Edited Ver)
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Contests Победители Collab Con 2011
Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Завершился небольшой командный конкурс от CreaSpace. Поздравляем победителей!
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