Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef 10: X-Burner Edition
Author's comment: Ippo Makunouchi est un jeune et timide lycéen de 16 ans qui n’a pas d’amis car il consacre tout son temps libre à aider sa mère, qui l'élève seule, dans l’entreprise familiale de location de bateaux de pêche. Il est couramment victime de brutalités et d’humiliations par une bande de voyous menée par Umezawa, un de ses camarades de classe. Un jour, un boxeur professionnel témoin de la scène, Mamoru Takamura, le sauve de ses bourreaux et emmène Ippo blessé au club de boxe Kamogawa, tenu par le boxeur retraité Genji Kamogawa, pour le soigner. Une fois Ippo réveillé, Takamura tente de lui remonter le moral en le persuadant de se défouler sur un sac de sable, expérience qui révèle chez lui une grande puissance de frappe et un talent inné pour la boxe. Se découvrant une passion pour ce sport et poussé par le désir de devenir fort, le jeune Ippo décide de devenir boxeur professionnel et commence son entraînement au sein du club vers les plus hauts niveaux.
Information Author: Redrum
Anime: Kara no kyoukai, Steins Gate, Toki wo kakeru shôjo, Ookami kodomo no ame to yuki
Music: Of Machines - Sailing Alone Around the Room
Awards: 2 место в категории Horror / Psychedelic на Soul's Team Iron Chef X
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Contests Конкурс AMV на фестивале Аматэрасу-2014
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Author's comment: Noragami was a bit of a pleasant surprise for me, to be honest. I really haven't been into much new anime lately, but after my friend and I marathoned it, I ended up enjoying it a lot!
The video is focused on Yukine (who ended up being my favorite character ehehe ;;///) and his relationship with Yato. In the video I wanted to focus mostly on fear, because that was the main cause of all of his actions.
Information Author: Chiikaboom
Anime: Noragami
Music: Plumb - Invisible
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Author's comment: Wanted to try something different than my other videos, so naturally I made a Horror-Action AMV (BTW I've never watched a horror movie in my life so this was hard).
Information Author: Baka Oppai
Anime: Angel Beats!, Another, Black Rock Shooter, Corpse Party Tortured Souls, Eve no Jikan, Fate Zero, Guilty Crown, Hunter x Hunter (2011), Hyouka, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Monogatari, Naruto: Shippuuden, One Piece, Paprika, Rozen Maiden (2013), Shiki, Shingeki no Kyojin, Steins;Gate, Sword Art Online, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Music: Noisia - Machine Gun (Amon Tobin Remix)
Awards: Anime Crossroads 2013 - Fan Favorite, Sands of Anime 2014 - Best of Show, G-AMV 2014 - Instrumental Winner, Texas Furry Fiesta! 2014 - Drama Finalist, Genericon 2014 - Drama/Horror Judge/ Audience Winner, Genericon 2014 - Viewers Choice & Judges Choice
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Contests Winners of CreaCon 2014
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Продолжение МЕP'а Technika за авторством группы клипмейкеров со всего мира.
Information Author: Fadoo-sama, MagicDarkLight, Digicat, Redrum, xBlue, Okill, Sephi, Zuuki, Madao, Shinzo, Akuzo, Overture,
Anime: To aru kagaku no railgun, Kyoukai no kanata, Black rock shooter, Bakemonogatari, Ga-rei zero, Tales of abyss, Steins Gate, Nagi no asukara, Macross frontier, Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Hyouka, Nerawareta gakuen, Toki wo kakeru shojo, Yumekui merry
Music: Nektarios & Kirsty Hawkshaw - Dawn [FadooMix]
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Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef 10: X-Burner Edition
First time I made that kind of dance vid. I'm pretty proud of the result because I think that its my best work in an IC up to now and I tried out some new things in this video which look pretty good (ok still some improvement possible xD).
Souls Team is a 3-day-IC. I only had two days because I was busy. One day I spent with scene selection. The other day was editing and fx. puh. now I'm happy that its over.
next year again! :D
Information Author: JadeCharm
Anime: Beyond The Boundary (TV), Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai (TV), Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai Next (TV), Chihayafuru (TV), Cubexcursedxcurious, D.C.III ~ Da Capo III ~ (TV), Date A Live (TV), Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, Guilty Crown (TV), Hakkenden, Hentai Ouji To Warawanai Neko, The Idolmaster (TV), Inu X Boku Secret Service (TV), K-ON! (TV), Kami-Sama No Inai Nichiyoubi, Kanon (TV - 2006), Karneval, Kokoro Connect (TV), Little Busters! (TV), Love Lab, The Pet Girl Of Sakurasou (TV), Photo Kano, Tamako Market, Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Come Wa Machigatteiru
Music: Meiko - Leave The Lights On (Culture Code Remix)
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Contests Финалисты соревнования CreaCon 2014
Monday, 17 March 2014
Определились финалисты конкурса клипов CreaCon 2013 (используются "не-аниме" исходники). В финал в основной номинации попали 20 клипов. Подробности под катом.
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New videos Corrupted by a pure rain
Monday, 17 March 2014
Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef 10: X-Burner Edition
Победитель в категории Horror / Psychedelic на Soul's Team Iron Chef X.
Выдержка из комментария автора: It's about a girl possessed by a goddess. And that goddess doesn't want to let the girl to fall in love. So she shows her weird things and try to control her friends to make her forget about her love. At first she's not aware about being possessed and she just feel like she's being stalked. But she progressively becomes conscious of the goddess and while her lover also tries to find her, she then decides to learn the proper way to get rid of this spirit. They meet again and happy end.
Information Author: Kain-x-Spirits
Anime: Red data girl, Kara no Kyoukai, Inu x Boku SS, Shinsekai Yori, Another, Owaru Sekai to Birthday, Blood-C, ZX Ignition, Magical Warfare, Seikon no Qwaser, Tsukihime, Ao no exorcist, Brave10, Shikabane Hime, Black Cat, Senki Zessho Symphogear, Murder Princess, To aru Majutsu no Index, Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou
Music: Receptor - Run run run
Awards: Лучший клип в категории Horror / Psychedelic на Soul's Team Iron Chef X
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Contests Results of Soul's Team Iron Chef X
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Best Action: Dn@ - Hunted Down
Best Romance - [MadaraxD] - Paper Wings
Best Fun: JazzsVids - Ready for the Rave
Best Dance: Sephi - Zero
Best Horror/Psychedelic: Kain-x-Spirits - Corrupted by a pure rain
Team Ranking (Top 5 + Russian-speaking teams)
1st place - BroKeN TieR (Fadoo-sama, Dn@, Creed)
2nd place - Swag Approach ([MadaraxD], gabberMD, Luna)
3rd place - Fists of Steel (Sephi, Tricky, Akuzo)
4th place - NO RESCUE - Genesis Operation (Madao, Nyala, Redrum)
5th place - Activorox (ActiveNoise, NewOvermind, Fox114)
19th place is divided between 3 teams including Overbass (5c0rp10n, Br0m) and Lunchroom Riot (Engine_of_death, VovanKoperativ)
24th place - Noname Team (Chono, b3r)
28th place - Nyanmaru Team
See full results at Soul's Team forum
Team Ranking
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