


Results of AKROSS Con 2017 Thursday, 01 February 2018

   Akross Con 2014

Best Video:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. buggy - Delusion 
3. JustRukia - Bloody Tears
4. Radical Dream - Morpheus Fragment 
5. Nekroz - Moonlight 
6. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
7. Hilary Cullen - Quintessence 
8. Cegan - Loneliness
9. DrPenguin - Lucida
10. irriadin - High Faentasy
11. leolide - Faded But Worse
12. iSynister - Providence
13. JFmoon - The origin of the story
14. PieandBeer - Fringe
15. vontoki - HIGHWAY FUNKY  

Best Action:
1. Radical Dream - Morpheus Fragment 
2. JustRukia - Bloody Tears
3. peco@mv - Screaming Time  

Best Drama:
1. buggy - Delusion 
2. iSynister - Providence
3. Cegan - Loneliness  

Best Romance:
1. Nekroz - Moonlight
2. Cegan - Loneliness
3. Kroner - That Day  

Best Comedy:
1. MycathatesyouAMV - One Trick Pony 3
2. leolide - Faded But Worse
3. MikuriAki - Птички  

Best Fun:
1. vontoki - HIGHWAY FUNKY
2. HQ - City Ganker
3. asd4486 - Moon&Back 

Best Dance:
1. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
2. vontoki - HIGHWAY FUNKY
3. asd4486 - Moon&Back 

Best Psychedelic:
1. Hilary Cullen - Quintessence 
2. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
3. leolide - Faded But Worse

Best Character Profile:
1. Artofeel - Nozomi
2. Nards - A Moment Apart
3. Chaiberry - Be Somebody

Best Story/Plot:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. iSynister - Providence
2. DrPenguin - Lucida

Best Original Concept:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. leolide - Faded But Worse
3. buggy - Delusion 

Best Technical Work:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. buggy - Delusion 
3. UnluckyArtist - Counter 

Best Design Of Visual Effects:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
3. buggy - Delusion
Best Presentation/Design:
1. buggy - Delusion 
2. JustRukia - Bloody Tears
3. Nards - A Moment Apart

Viewers Choice Award
Nekroz - Moonlight
Cegan - Loneliness


 Detailed results here


CreaGame 2017 (Finalists) Thursday, 01 February 2018

Finalists of the videoclips competition CreaGame 2017 were published (videos use game sources).


NCS AMV Contest 2018 -Winter Edition- Sunday, 28 January 2018


Närcon 2108, the largest Scandinavian anime convention invites you to take part in AMV contest. Exclusive entries accepted, the ones never previously released either online or offline. Valuable prizes are waiting for winners (top 3 places in overall rating and Audience choice). The contest final will be streamed on Youtube and anyone can vote for their favorite AMV via mobile app.
Entries accepted till February 15th, 2018.

Detailed contest rules at our forum


Big Contest 2018 announcement Tuesday, 23 January 2018

 Big Contest 2017 announces the annual spring AMV competition - Big Contest 2018. We welcome creators from all over the world to join us with any kind of AMVs. Remember that contest entries should be exclusive, i.e the contest video can't be released online before the premiere at AMVNews. Participants can register via on-line form, registration is opened till the submission deadline for those who have the site account. Videos can be submitted from March 15th till April 15th, 2018. This year we have rule which allows to use any animation.

Prize fund
1 place – 5000 roubles + statuette
2 place – 4000 roubles + statuette
3 place – 3000 roubles + statuette
4 place – 2000 roubles + statuette
5 place – 1000 roubles + statuette

We have the contest rules translated to several languages. We used last year translations made by community volunteers with some minor changes so if you find any mistakes in any of the rules please let us know. Also, if you are a foreign creator and are willing to help us with more translations please write a PM to Turbo or Minstrel. AMVNews won't forget you! )


-Registration for Big Contest 2018
-Apply as jury for Big Contest 2018
-List of registered jury and participants of Big Contest 2018


Конкурс AMV от центра Sakura Matsuri Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Центр восточного развития и культуры "Сакура Мацури" (г. Киев) приглашает всех желающих принять участие в ряде конкурсов, посвященных 25-летию украинско-японской дружбы. С полным списком конкурсов можно ознакомиться на сайте организации. Вкратце о самом актуальном для нас мероприятии: конкурсе AMV.

К участию принимаются как эксклюзивные, так и неэксклюзивные работы, до трех клипов от однго участника. Дедлайн подачи работ - 1 сентября 2018 года. Победители конкурса будут выбраны зрительским голосованем в ходе фестиваля "Дракон. Феникс. И небесная жемчужина". Предусмотрены призы для победителей.

Полные правила конкурса на сайте организаторов
Заявка участника


Winners of Cubicon 2017 Thursday, 07 December 2017


CubiCon 2017 contest is over. And the winners are:

1st place: Владислав Пахомов - Hostage (59)
2nd place: Линарт Ишматов - Shinobu Trip (47)
3rd place: София Снежная - Candy Box (46)
3rd place: Vlad Covert  +1000- Roses (46)
5th place: Антон ๖ۣۜFersaiT Шаманин - Kak dela? (42)

The figure in brackets is the number of points given by jury. Two videos shared the third place. 
Follow the link to watch all semi-finalist videos.

Congratulations to the winners, and see you at the next CubiCon!


AKROSS Con 2017 deadline extension Tuesday, 05 December 2017
AKROSS Con registration and submission deadlines have been extended! New dates:
Registration deadline - January 10th.
Deadline for entering video's info in "Participant's Panel" - January 10th 
Deadline for uploading - January 13th
Finalists announcement - January 15th
Viewers Vote for additional finalists - January 17th-18th.
Finalists Vote - January 20th-23rd.
"Viewers' Choice" Vote - January 23rd-25th.
Winners announcement - January 25th.

Полуфиналисты Кубикон 2 Sunday, 26 November 2017

The semifinalists of the contest Cubicon 2 were determined. All 39 coubs available below.


Sakura-Con 2018 AMV Contest Saturday, 11 November 2017


Anime convent Sakura-Con 2018 (Seattle, Washington, USA) is now accepting entries for AMV contest. Sakura-Con is one of top-10 largest american anime conventions, so don't miss the chance to watch your video on big screen in front of a really huge audience!
The contest is open for non-exclusive videos premiered after August 1st, 2017. Entries accepted till Ferbuary 3rd, 2018 via on-line form. Prizes reserved for the winners!

Contest thread at our forum
Detailed Rules
Registration of participants


Кубикон2: второй конкурс коубов от Monday, 30 October 2017

В нашей группе Вконтакте стартовал второй конкурс коубов (коротких зацикленных видеороликов с несинхронным звуковым сопровождением, подробнее здесь). К участию принимаются коубы на аниме, мангу, японские видеоигры, вокалоиды и косплей персонажей из этих источников. Каждый участник может подать до двух работ. Требуется предварительная регистрация на конкурс, зарегистрироваться можно до 3 ноября включительно. Дедлайн приема работ - 17 ноября. Победителей ожидают призы!

Работы победителей первого "Кубикона" можно посмотреть здесь.

Полные правила конкурса
Регистрация участников и обсуждение конкурса


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