Реклама Все выложенные на сайте видеоролики целиком и полностью созданы энтузиастами (поклонниками аниме или музыки) для других энтузиастов и не связаны с музыкальными исполнителями или аниме компаниями никаким образом. Использование материалов сайта разрешено при условии наличия активной гиперссылки на первоисточник. |
Maybe some more transparancy could ease the problem. Show people, who upvoted and downvoted which AMVs. But in the end even if an AMV get's more upvotes than downvotes it's still a admin decision if the AMV goes to frontpage or not.
One thing that kinda bugs me is that if an AMV doesn't get out of exam it will always have this shit branding and won't have any tags like Action or romance. I don't mind a Video Not getting front page but having it stripped of most of the sites features is also bad. Maybe instead of giving shit AMVs the exam tag, reward a frontpage tag to the good AMVs? Or a special site design or stars or gold letters or something. Thus all AMVs can use all features and the selected few still get a reward.