l33tmeatwad подготовил обновление сборки полезных программ для клипмейкеров AMVpack. Изменения в новой версии:
– Добавлен перевод на испанский.
– Добавлен AviSynth+ 64-bit и плагины к нему
– Добавлены FFmpegYAG, Lagarith Lossless Codec и MKVToolNix.
– Добавлены плагины к Adobe Premiere для загрузки скриптов AviSynth и стереоскопического 3D
– Добавлена возможность установки на Apple OS X для пользователей PlayOnMac (Wine).
– AviSynth и Ut Video Codec обновлены до последних версий.
– AMVSimple и MkvToMp4 убраны из сборки.
Скачать (~202 MB)
В состав обновленной сборки входят: AviSynth 2.6 (RC3), AviSynth Plugins, AvsPmod 2.5.1 (English/Español/Français/Русский), DGMPGDec 1.5.8 (English Only), FFmpegYAG 0.7.6 (English Only), Lagarith Lossless Video Codec 1.3.27, MKVToolNix 7.8.0 (English/Español/Français/Italiana/Русский), MPC-HC 1.7.8 (English/Español/Français/Italiana/Русский), Premiere Plugins (импорт скриптов AviSynth и видео в 3D), tsMuxeR 2.6.12 (English Only), Ut Video Codec Suite 15.2.0, VirtualDub 1.10.4 (English/Français/Русский), Zarx264gui 3.0 (English Only)
Reasons for duplicate features:
FFmpegYAG was originally intended to replace MkvToMp4 for recontainering and AMVSimple, & Zarx264gui for encoding, but I ended up using Zarx's ffmpeg compiles (for 64-bit options) and decided to just include that gui as well (since it was only a few MB extra to do so).
Lagarith was included because of multiple requests (probably the most requested feature).
32-bit and 64-bit AviSynth were included since 32-bit is more stable and has the most available plugins, however 64-bit is required for the Premiere plugin to work.
Since 64-bit AviSynth was included I included 64-bit VirtualDub to allow for testing and processing of 64-bit AviSynth scripts.
If you have any other questions about AMVpack feel free to ask, I try to cover it all in the documentation as to why certain things were included.