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Backfire Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Dedicated to Stephen!! (Lussuriioso)
Programs ► Sony Vegas 14
Credits ► "What You Gonna Do About It" Flux Pavillion

Author: Chiikaboom
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia
Music: Layto - Little Poor Me



Wandering Travels Monday, 13 June 2022

When miHoYo announced the Genshin Impact Anniversary Video Contest, I immediately started editing this video, but I didn't even come close to being done in time. And I probably would have dropped the entire project if my friends BecauseImBored and PantsAMV hadn't encouraged me to finish it. In the end, I'm glad that I took my time because not only was I able to add in all the characters that were released after I started, but I also managed to add at least 1 scene of every playable character in the game (as of March 18, 2022). And there are also a few unreleased characters like Baizhu, Dainsleif, and Ayato. I'm really happy with how this turned out, and so I hope you all can enjoy it as well.

Author: kireblue
Anime: Genshin Impact
Music: U2 - Beautiful Day

Wandering Travels


Whatever U Like Wednesday, 08 June 2022

Is what-not random selection of scenes from the monogatari seriues with slight follow-up on the lyrics (on some parts). nothing that special or something. It's made in 3 days for no apparent reason, a warm-up after years of inactivity. thank you for reading :)

Author: Gorilla
Anime: The monogatari series
Music: Nicole Scherzinger - Whatever U Like

Whatever U Like


SCC Saturday, 04 June 2022

Participate in TOS works. Like many people, 2021 has been a pretty hard year for me, Sika! Yawner has not only withstood the pressure, but also has to complete this work in 2021. It can only be said that it is worthy of Yawner!

Author: 哈欠厄
Anime: Promare
Music: Wildways - money money money
Awards: TOS2021 - Best Action



Love Letter Friday, 03 June 2022

I have seen many excellent works from 2018 to the present, but I did not expect that I would have the opportunity to participate in it. The original intention of making this manuscript is to submit the manuscript on Valentine's Day (the original intention is very perfunctory), I want to make a manuscript that can include all the four emotions of secret love, first love, broken love and passionate love in love, so there is "Love Letter" "This work, it is obvious that the level is still a bit lacking. After seeing the works of the big guys, I realize that I still need more effort.

Author: Green Beard
Anime: Various
Music: Taylor Swift - Back To December

Love Letter


2021 Annual Fan Drama Mixed Cut Wednesday, 01 June 2022

Кто соскучился по анимеграфии?
Не жалуйтесь на субтитры, изначально я вообще не собирался ими заниматься, но подумал что нужно больше импакта, даже если местами будет коряво, а местами вообще ничего. Порой было трудно понять что мне переводится с китайского, когда я не знаком с исходником в кадре. Все исходники можно посмотреть на официальной странице клипа в комментариях автора (используя переводчик).

Описание автора:
Ежегодная микс кат драма 2021 года. Материал включает около 200 фан-драм, театральных анимаций, короткометражных анимационных фильмов и некоторых игровых ОП, которые были выпущены в 2021 году. Этот микс был для меня вызовом, и я также испытал много неудач (в основном вырезание большого количества контента) и, наконец, разделение его на 3 части, которые тронули меня больше всего: страсть, борьба и ожидания будущего. Вторая часть тоже попытка моего нового стиля. Я извлек уроки из работ и опыта многих предшественников, и в будущем я буду добиваться большего. Отдельное спасибо старшему брату wangzai@wangzai за помощь в его напряженном графике, желаю всем вам хороших результатов в конкурсе TOS! (Я хмыкнул) Спасибо за вашу компанию в прошлом году, я желаю всем счастливого Праздника Весны, увидимся в 2022 году!

Author: 音乐鱼
Anime: Various
Music: CHiCO with HoneyWorks - 我武者羅, Layto - Beauty, JO1 - Prologue

2021 Annual Fan Drama Mixed Cut


Rewind Time Sunday, 29 May 2022

Time cannot be reversed, but the timeline can be (manual dog head) TOS2021 2nd in creative category, 3rd in drama category, nominated for best artistic conception. Congratulations to the TOS for the perfect ending. The last week's whim of the manuscript caught up with the last TOS, and also played full attendance for the four TOS competitions, full of sense of accomplishment. I really didn't expect Zhou Shao's manuscript to win an award (inner OS: He De He Neng...) Dedicated to the final TOS idol general election, as well as all the beautiful past.

Author: 音乐鱼
Anime: Various
Music: G.E.M. - I'll Be Missing You
Awards: TOS2021 2nd in creative category, 3rd in drama category, nominated for best artistic conception

Rewind Time


Can Rain Wash Guilt Away Monday, 23 May 2022

I wanted to try editing with more of a instrumental-style music track and the slow, mysterious / sad sort of vibes this song gave off made me really want to pair it with this anime.

I also combined it with some scenes from Weathering with You, the theme of rain in both of these anime made them perfect for each other. Not much fancy editing in this one, although I did put a fair amount of effort into some of the transitions and custom phone overlays and masks to help convey the story a bit better.

I hope you enjoy it. Depending on how busy I am, i'm hoping to work on a bigger project now that this is done.

Author: xyik
Anime: A Garden of Words, Weathering with You, Jujutsu Kaisen
Music: Yas - Guilty Crown

Can Rain Wash Guilt Away


Fast Rebild: Evangelion 2.22 Sunday, 22 May 2022

Первый эксперимент в создании AMV (Из косяков - пару переходов слишком лютые) Редакторы: Format Factory для перекодирования mvk в mp4, Premier Pro для склейки материала и создание основы и After Effect для всего остального. Нарезка материала, создание основы, добавление эффектов и цветкор.

Author: BOREY
Anime: Evangelion 2.22

Fast Rebild:Evangelion 2.22


Before summer begins... Friday, 20 May 2022

I was inspired to make this after I watched the final episode of Akebi's Sailor Uniform. The animation was so stunning I just had to make a video around it, so I picked this fitting Snail's House song and made something with heavy springtime vibes.

Author: Synæsthesia
Anime: Akebi's Sailor Uniform
Music: Snail's House - "Before the end of next summer"

Before summer begins...


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