Index > AMVs by alphabet

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0..9

  Beatrix Kiddoz 16.11.2015

Комментарий автора: After much consideration I decided to edit to this weird new FOB song.. made during the summer I figured it would just be a loose summertime video, and I'd just kinda do whatever, then after doing some late research on the song I found that I wasn't too far off with the meaning.. the song was used in a pepsi commercial, and is a tribute to Uma Thurman as an actress. And so is this video! Except the drink I'm advertising is coca-cola, apparently.
For the main sources I was looking for anime that had a similar style. I started off with Gainax and had to throw KLK in there as well (which is a Gainax offspring). Mekakucity Actors ended up being apart of this just cause I like the studio and it kinda worked well with the dance aspect I originally had with this.
My best description of this would probably be that it's about some kids wanting to be like the strong fictional characters they see on TV.

Аниме: Kill La Kill, Mekakucity Actors, Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt, Re: Cutie Honey
Музыка: Fall Out Boy - Uma Thurman

Beatrix Kiddoz

Categories: Action |  Downloaded: 1025 |  Comments: 10 |  Rating: 3.513.51

  Bardo 11.11.2015

This AMV is about life struggles and emotions.. when you lose something so close to you, it's like losing yourself.. it's really hurts... These feelings is hard to put into words. Just watch and feel it.

Аниме: K-project 1,2,movies, Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Ao No Exorcist, Durarara
Музыка: Nightcall ft. Dreamhour - Dead V
Награды: 2 место в категории Drama/Romance на Aeon Speedproof IC


Categories: Drama |  Downloaded: 1292 |  Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.763.76

  Bliss 06.11.2015

My first AMV/MAD. I think it shows love, adolescence and happiness because I keep all these feelings during making it. I believe that Chitanda and Oreki love each other and I use this video to memorize the moments they stay together. Wish you like this video.Made by Louis (LUISYLVIA.Co)
By the way, the subtitles in the video was made by me but not contained in the original materials. (^_^)

Аниме: Hyouka
Музыка: Ken Arai - BLISS


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 751 |  Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.723.72

  Beyond Oblivion 06.11.2015

This collab has been made in 3 hard days for SpeedProof IC contest.
A person who doesn't know where he goes... is he dead? Why other persons can't see him? Who is that girl and why he feels that is different from others? he has to discover it for escaping from oblivion.

xDeuz: Thanks for watching Beyond Oblivion;) Made this Amv with dedication, I like it in many ways, but especially editing with Strat (Uge) to achieve the end result, I'm lazy and some people know that, but the music has been inspiring and motivating. Thanks gabberMD (Dani) to add the song to SpeedProof IC New Edition, Thtat's why this AMV is dedicated to you (Hug) See ya soon.

Strat: We had a lot of problems because our idea was very ambitious for an Iron Chef, but we could communicate it very well and thanks to it we avoided other complications. We had no time for a beta between us but that doesn't mean we didin't help each other finding scenes, preparing masks etc. The trust in ourselves was very important all the days. I took advantage of the IC for testing new stuff, so I'm very happy with all the result. Thanks to xDeuz I've could learn a lot in a low time, I won't forget this.

Аниме: Charlotte, Dekinai Watashi Ga, Kurikaesu, Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo, Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie In April
Музыка: Nightcall (ft. Dreamhour) - Dead V
Награды: Best Teamwork на Aeon Speedproof IC

Beyond Oblivion

Categories: Drama |  Downloaded: 1441 |  Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.883.88

  Broken Angel 30.10.2015

I actually have 6 scrapped versions of this AMV, lets Just say I cut a lot out of this, as well as put others in. Took out a lot of masks and what not, so that wasted my time LOL XD.Since I cut the song, this is basically the short version, I have a longer version, that of course will "Never" be released because I don't like it.

Аниме: Angel Beats, Grisaia no Meikyuu, Death Parade, Clannad After Story, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, 5 Centimeters Per Second, Hotarubi no Mori e, Little Busters, Charlotte,
Музыка: Boyce Avenue - Broken Angel

Broken Angel

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 577 |  Comments: 0 |  Rating: 3.003.00

  Bleach AMV 23.10.2015

11 место в номинации лучший клип конкурса на BRA 2014
Я действительно рад, что моя работа была достойно оценена на конкурсе. Не ожидал, что получу так много голосов. Из более чем 100 участником было сложно выделиться, ибо помимо моего AMV было много отлично сделанных работ только по тому же аниме Блич. В общем, спасибо моему сенсею за то, что подтянул меня. Будем надеяться, что следующая работа будет как минимум не хуже. Всем добра^^

Аниме: Bleach
Музыка: Powerwolf – Die, Die, Crucified

Bleach AMV by Sai333

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 329 |  Comments: 4 |  Rating: 2.792.79

  Badlands Cowboys 22.10.2015

Комментарий автора: Surprise :P Today, I bring you a semi-full new AMV :D So I watched Trigun and OMG it's an epic anime, I suggest all of you to check it out :) And after that I watched the movie Trigun: Badlands Rumble and I decided to make a small AMV with this song that fits the Anime (cowboys and stuff). So please watch all of it, ignore any mistakes, I did it in one and a half day, comment your opinion, share and subscribe :)
Programs: Sony Vegas Pro 11 and Adobe After Effects CS6

Аниме: Trigun, Trigun: Badlands Rumble
Музыка: Crashdiet – Cocaine Cowboys

Badlands Cowboys

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 347 |  Comments: 1 |  Rating: 3.103.10

  Back the fuck up! 16.10.2015

My participation for the Japan Expo 2014. Mon clip pour la Japan expo 2014, non retenue au concours mais je suis tout de même satisfait du résultat final. Il ne plaira pas à tout le monde mais j'èspère que certaines personnes y trouveront leur compte.

Аниме: Rebuild of Evangelion(1~3), The End of Evangelion
Музыка: Exotype - For Those Afraid To Speak (feat. Rekoil)

[Bigalaxy] - Back the fuck up!

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 630 |  Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.373.37

  Beautiful 15.10.2015

Yo! Here is a new clip originally made for Japan Expo contest (YES, 2 month ago i know ._.) I didn't finish at time due to some things...i wanted to do a simple clip, has you can see all is about  "Beautiful" :D

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Tears to Tiara, Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin, Black Bullet, Kyoukai no Kanata, Code Breaker, Hanasaku Iroha, Bleach, C3 Cube x Cursed x Curious, Romeo x Juliet, K Project, Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance, Oda Nobuna no Yabou, Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova, Blade and Soul, Zetsuen no Tempest The Civilization Blaster, Strike the Blood, Angel Beats, Hyouka, Guilty Crown, Hitsugi no Chaika, Fate Zero, Sword Art Online, Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, Toaru Majutsu no Index, Dog Days, Tales of Symphonia, Kuroko no Basuke, Tales of Zestiria, Tales of Xillia, Shakugan no Shana, Ar Nosurge, Black Rock Shooter, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods, Hunter x Hunter
Музыка: Tommy Trash - Beautiful (Arion Liquid Dubstep Remix)


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 1024 |  Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.293.29

  BloodBorne 11.10.2015

Клип-участник Japan Expo 2015

Комментарий автора: Hey ! it's my entry for Japan Expo 2015 (The third time was the right one xD). For this amv, I wanted to try something in the continuity of Animus Project, a crossover but more advanced. I decided to do this on Black Bullet and Tokyo Ghoul after that I had this idea xD. I had a big inspiration on this project and I am proud of it! It's not perfect on some details but I am very happy of result. I would like to thank a lot of person for helping me during all this time spent on this work! The Hunt Begins! Enjoy!
Programs : SV pro 11 (toi je te vire xD), AE CS3, Photoshop CC

Аниме: Black Bullet, Tokyo Ghoul, Noragami
Музыка: Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 776 |  Comments: 4 |  Rating: 3.643.64

  Blue Spring 09.10.2015

Клип участник конкурса Souls Team IC 11

Комментарий автора: Such an original title. :D My goodness, it's been so long since I last edited. DX Though I am super proud of myself for finishing it in 72 hours. P.S. I'm late in uploading this cause I went back and fixed up some dodgy masks/camera movements/lip flap/bad quality scenes (except there's still like 34857345 glitches I can no longer be bothered to fix - just pretend you can't see them) and also added a few touchups. If you want to see the difference between this and the original I submitted to the competition, you can DL the original here:

Аниме: Ao Haru Ride
Музыка: Phoebe Ryan – Mine

Blue Spring

Categories: Romance |  Downloaded: 942 |  Comments: 9 |  Rating: 4.034.03

  Berserk - Desire 06.10.2015

Являясь большим фанатом игр серии Dark Souls, я не мог пройти мимо невероятно атмосферного трейлера второй части - Hollow Lullaby. Как многие знают, создатели Dark Souls многое взяли из Берсерка, поэтому с выбором видеоряда проблем не возникло. P.S: На моем канале вы можете посмотреть английскую версию.

Аниме: Berserk - Golden Age Chapter III - Advent
Музыка: Dark Souls II "Колыбель немёртвого" Trailer Audio [Дубляж StopGame.Ru]

Berserk - Desire

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 568 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.533.53

  Broken, but alive 03.10.2015

Несколько историй, связанных вместе главной героиней. У персонажей опускались руки, но они не сдавались, они находили в себе силы, чтобы двигаться вперёд. История о том, как беды делают сильнее. Главное оставаться живыми..

P.S. Перевод песни.
Мои глаза привыкли к темноте,
Как и моё сердце.
Тяжесть мира угнетает меня
И давит мне на голову.
Я жив или мёртв?
Кто-нибудь может услышать мой зов?
Ведь я зову...

Вот и всё - я ломаюсь...
Где ты сейчас?
Уже столько времени
Я пытаюсь жить без тебя...
Я задыхаюсь, ты мне нужна мне, чтоб дышать.
Дотянись до меня и подними на поверхность, вытяни меня,
Пока я не глубоко похоронен...

Я построил этот дом на берегу,
Но хотел большего...
Затем я почувствовал, как стал утекать песок,
И увидел трещины на стенах,
Которые я просто закрашивал,
Пытаясь игнорировать, как мог.
Но я не могу игнорировать...

Вот и всё - я ломаюсь...
Где ты сейчас?
Уже столько времени
Я пытаюсь жить без тебя...
Я задыхаюсь, ты мне нужна для того, чтоб дышать.
Дотянись до меня и подними на поверхность, вытяни меня,
Пока я не глубоко похоронен...

Я думал, что выкарабкиваюсь,
Но это лишь тянет меня на дно,
То, что скрыто здесь, рядом со мной.
Мне казалось, что я один,
Но теперь это затягивает меня ещё глубже,
Мне не спастись...

Аниме: Akatsuki no Yona
Музыка: Red - Buried Beneath
Награды: 3е место на фестивале Higan 2015

Broken, but alive

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 414 |  Comments: 6 |  Rating: 3.353.35

  Blood Rush 01.10.2015

Yo les friends !
Voici mon IC réaliser avec PBE pour l'iron chef gang wars organisé par la nero team et la sora to kasai !
j'ai bien aimé faire cet IC avec PBE au début on comptais faire un full Kyoukai no kanata mais
se repartir les episodes tout ça en IC ça m'saoulais grave mdr donc j'ai préféré trouver un autre anime
et au final je suis pas vraiment déçus du résultat même si de sûr on aurais pu faire beaucoup mieux !

Аниме: Kyoukai no kanata, Tokyo ghoul
Музыка: We came as romans - A moment

Blood Rush [Collab with Zuuki' for Gang Wars Iron Chef]

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 376 |  Comments: 2 |  Rating: 2.422.42

  Beginning 29.09.2015

Hello~ This is my third upload and it will be cool~ Well... actually I wanted to submit at Big Contest 2015 but I failed... So... I uploaded like this... I thanks to my team and my friend who give me many ideas. Please enjoy~

Аниме: Sword Art Online 1~2
Музыка: ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 612 |  Comments: 2 |  Rating: 2.772.77

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