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  Senescence 08.04.2012

Клип участник конкурса AMVNews: Big Contest 2012

"Если кажется, что та, кого вы полюбили, как две капли воды похожа на вас и хочет всего того, чего хотите вы, то в действительности вы будете любить не ее, а только себя." - Маргарита Валуа

Аниме: Yosuga no Sora
Музыка: Dirty Elegance – Dark Psychology


Categories: Big Contest 2012 |  Downloaded: 2559 |  Comments: 86 |  Rating: 3.643.64

  Step to the Death 02.04.2012

- Ну что скажешь про сюжет?
- Кто-то совершил самоубийство и потом стал ангелом (странно самоубийство и вдруг ангел), там этот кто-то подружился с черноволосой девушкой, у которой не в порядке с головой, т.к. она то обрезает крылья, то меняет их цвет с черного на белый.
- Ну да, ты права, все примерно так и есть.

Аниме: Haibane Renmei, Lain - Serial Experiments
Музыка: Life's Decay – Claressa

Step to the Death

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 807 |  Comments: 11 |  Rating: 3.413.41

  Stars in the sky 30.03.2012

Привет всем! Я не так давно делаю АМВ, и вот решил выложить свой клип, чтобы получить от вас трезвую конструктивную критику, заранее благодарен, готов к любым отзывам. Приятного просмотра ~
Спасибо за небольшую помощь MangaLub.

Аниме: Tengen Toppa Gurren - Lagann
Музыка: Linkin park - New divide

Stars in the sky

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 1002 |  Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.513.51

  She is a Pirate 30.03.2012

Сабли корабли, пираты. Приятного просмотра =)

Аниме: Anime: Moretsu Uchuu Kaizoku
Музыка: Music: The Curse of the Black Pearl OST - He's A Pirate

She is a Pirate

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 977 |  Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.403.40

  Shawn Got the Shotgun 26.03.2012

На мой взгляд, это лучшая работа Кайла…. Не понимаю только, почему он сам её сюда не добавил? У любого НАСТОЯЩЕГО пацана использованная музыка должна вызвать бурю восторга (считайте, что это тест …на трушность). Единственный минус — концовка: её как бы вообще нет.

Аниме: Blood: The Last Vampire, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Kite Liberator (OAV), Welcome to the NHK (TV)
Музыка: Robert Prince - Shawn Got the Shotgun

Shawn Got the Shotgun

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 904 |  Comments: 24 |  Rating: 3.583.58

  Save My Soul 19.03.2012

Hello everyone, I'm bringing more of this project, my desire was always edit with black rock Shooter, and how much I like this song I decided to edit it, I think the mood of the music very good for this anime, this is personal to and I hope you enjoy and come back soon with more projects, thanks!

Аниме: Black Rock Shooter
Музыка: Hatzel feat Knob - Yoredet

Save My Soul

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 820 |  Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.703.70

  Sleepwalker 19.03.2012

Комментарий автора: HELLO EVERYNYAN! Однажды я услышал замечательную песню и решил сделать под нее AMVшку. Это первый ролик, где я просто плыл по течению своего воображения, так что некоторым он может показаться сумбурным/непонятным/etc. И все же надеюсь, что клип вам понравиться, так как я вложил в него всего себя!

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Evangelion, NHK ni youkoso, Ergo Proxy, Kara no kyoukai, Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Akira, Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue, 5 centimeters per second
Музыка: The Anix - Sleepwalker, The Anix - Warning Signs


Categories: Psychedelic |  Downloaded: 2165 |  Comments: 61 |  Rating: 4.144.14

  Stylin' 16.03.2012

Комментарий автора: My clip for Soul's Team IRON CHEF 08. I thought i'll never finished this... Stupid idea of cross over in 3 days between both schools shibusen and Fairy Tail, took me a lot of work and time selecting scenes. Enjoy )

Аниме: Soul Eater, Fairy Tail
Музыка: The Qemist - Renegade
Награды: 1 место на IRON CHEF VIII


Categories: Action |  Downloaded: 6152 |  Comments: 77 |  Rating: 4.154.15

  Silent love between us 06.03.2012

Давно хотела научиться делать AMV. И вот моё первое в жизни AMV, вообще первый в жизни клип! Решила его сделать его про Ичиго и Орихиме из Bleach. Очень уж мне нравится этот пейринг) Надеюсь вам понравится моё творенье.

Аниме: Bleach (TV)
Музыка: Blue Foundation - End of the Day (Silence)

Silent love between us

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 989 |  Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.343.34

  Sugar Skyline 02.03.2012

Niwa (Pro): I was susprised that Gee asked me at first to be his Pro for this contest, since I've already seen what's his capable of and I was certain that I couldn't teach him more than he already knew.
Apparently, he wanted to try something new and to experiment the RAW side of editing rather than his usual style with Visual Effects. So I explained him a bit about planning his structure for the editing and also choosing his scene scelection wisely during this process, but due the circumstances, we ended up working on improving his style into Visual Effects and helped him with his design and structure instead.
While he mastered most of his animation during this project, I wanted him to focus on the overall design and presentation of his M@D video rather working on the technical side, because that's what tend to be lacking from most M@D videos I've seen until now. In the end, I wished I could've helped him more and had more discussion about the concept of his video, but I'm satisfied of his results and it's been a nice experience overall. Hopefully, he'll use this knowledge to extend his own skills even further into his future works.

Kyuketsuki28 (Novice): Ever since I really wanted Niwa to teach me the basics of color correcting and color adjustments as well as the importance of color choosing in any video, weather raw or effect styled. I asked him to be my pro last year but he already gathered his 3 novices that time, I have to give up and wait for this year to join with him. Luckily he agreed to be my pro, I learned a lot from him, and I felt I improved in my style a lot. We were supposed to go for Raw editing for this contest because I want to try something that I'm not used to, but because of my tight schedule and other real life stuffs, I have to change the plan and go on for something that I can easily accomplish. This project started January 17 and ended February 19, I'm editing every night, 5 seconds of the video each day. I'm so happy I made it in time. This video like most of the MAD, is Seishiga Styled (images only). The video is intended something to enjoy while watching. I brought out the cuteness of the song using chibi images I have in my HD together with bright and colorful atmosphere that Niwa contributed a lot in teaching me. That is all, enjoy the sugar sweetness. And oh, this may not be obvious but in every scenes there are like hidden meanings. :) have fun figuring each out <3

Аниме: Code Geass, Fate Stay Night, Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Houkago No Pleidas, Ichigo Mashimaro, Kanon, K-ON, Lucky Star, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, Macross Frontier, Puella Magica Madoka, Tohou, Vocaloid, Nanami Tan (Windows 7 Os-tan), Zero no tsukaima ,Bakemonogatari, Steins Gate, Mawaru Penguindrum, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan, Full Metal Panic, To Love Ru, Ika Shinrya Musume, To aru majutsu No index, Kyo no go no ni, Azumanga Daioh, Rosario + Vampire, Toradora, Jigoku Shoujo, School Rumble, and some other random images I got from google.
Музыка: Aoki Haruko - Love Hell Rocket
Награды: 2 место в общем зачете, лучший дизайн визуальных эффектов, лучший дизайн титров и работа с текстом на Level Up 2012

Sugar Skyline

Categories: Level Up 2012 |  Downloaded: 3300 |  Comments: 81 |  Rating: 4.134.13

  She's Gone 25.02.2012

JazzsVids (Novice): So I made this AMV for Level Up 2012. Being able to work with Overture was a really amazing experience. He's so creative with his ideas and I was honored to be his novice. Originally we were going to work on an AMV with a bit more complex concept, but due to time restrictions we had to settle for something a bit smaller. I'm still very satisfied with the way this AMV came out. After working with Overture I feel a lot more confident in my ability to work in AE. I have also learned to pay more attention to details and think more creatively. I feel that overall I have made some major improvements in my editing.

Overture (Pro): I mainly wanted to focus on teaching Jazz creativity, detail, and thinking outside of the box with her concepts since that is what i feel most editors are lacking now days. We were extremely excited for our original concept, but it was much bigger than the amount of time we had. Im still very proud of what she made in the end and she made it easy for me since she was a fast learner. It was fun having a slave... um, i mean NOVICE for these couple of months and i hope she continues to take what i taught her and level up higher than she ever thought possible :D

Аниме: Macross Frontier
Музыка: She - Coloris
Награды: 3 место в общем зачете и лучший клип в жанре Dance на Level Up 2012

She's Gone

Categories: Level Up 2012 |  Downloaded: 3216 |  Comments: 82 |  Rating: 3.813.81

  Sex and caramel 19.02.2012

Комментарий автора: This was an experimental video for me. The inspiration came from two places: the trailer for the film Closer and the DVD menu (yes, the DVD menu :P) for the film Garden State. It's pure coincidence that Natalie Portman is one of the main stars in both movies. Anyway, I first heard the song in the Closer trailer, and thought it gave the trailer a stylish, sexy feel. I wanted to make an AMV that could emulate that feel. The Garden State DVD menu has some stylish, simple effects that I thought would be a good fit to the song, so I ended up using similar effects in the video.

Аниме: Noir
Музыка: Suzanne Vega - Caramel

sex and caramel

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 688 |  Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.123.12

  Summer 18.02.2012

Комментарий автора: In every human life, supposedly, there's just a single, one-of-a-kind sultry summer. The best summer of his youth, the sultriest of all. What happens afterwards is just a mere reminiscence of this intense, heart-taking experience. With this video I want to take you back to those days of exaltation, of pure ecstatic splendour. Let your mind reactualise the memories stored in the dusty attic of oblivion, fill them with the colours of your newer self and rejoice your heart once again.

Аниме: Working!!, Usagi Drop, Nichijou, Steins;Gate, B Gata H Kei, Hana-saku Iroha, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Seitokai Yakuindomo, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, Nyan Koi!, Amagami SS, Idolmaster, Shiki, Mayo Chiki!, My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, Durarara!!, Kobato, Angel Beats, Princess Lover!, Darker Than BLACK, 5 Centimeters per Second
Музыка: Neverstore - Summer


Categories: Sentimental |  Downloaded: 4070 |  Comments: 82 |  Rating: 4.054.05

  Sailorville 17.02.2012

Привет всем, это снова я, снова кроссопенинг и снова "Сейлор Мун". Только в этот раз я скрестил с не менее известным сериалом, чем "Санта-Барбара" или "Зачарованные", а именно "Тайнами Смолвиля".

Собственно это можно назвать моим первым "серьёзным" опытом работы с АЕ.

Аниме: Sailor Moon Stars
Музыка: Remy Zero - Save Me (TV Size)


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 667 |  Comments: 24 |  Rating: 3.673.67

  Science: Poetry in Motion 09.02.2012

Комментарий автора: Steins;Gate was amazing. Definitely anime of the year for me. It had everything I wanted from a series: interesting characters, comedy, drama, GREAT story .... so I just couldn't resist this project. So about what is this AMV? Good question .... it's about ...... LOVE, PASSION AND SCIENCE (and me having good time). But really now, I wanted to make an AMV out of this anime before we get flooded with drama stuff. Steins;Gate got its share of a drama side to it but it is also a fun series and I wanted to show that. Kurisu and Okarin are a dynamic duo that reminds me a bit of Holo and Lawrence from Spice & Wolf.

So yeah, believe it or not, this IS a romance AMV ..... romance by Crossfade that is.

I wanted to have fun editing and toy a bit with the viewer at the same time. AMV is sometimes random but within limits of SCIENCE. The dynamic duo is supported by a great cast of characters from Evangelion, Nichijou and even Back to the future! There are a lot of "hidden" stuff throughout the whole AMV so don't be shy to pause it from time to time :3.

Прототип клипа на Youtube. Можно смотреть до или после, как угодно) Слова там примерно такие:

It's poetry in motion
She turned her tender eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
Mmm - but she blinded me with science
"She blinded me with science!"
And failed me in biology

When I'm dancing close to her
"Blinding me with science - science!"
I can smell the chemicals
"Blinding me with science - science!"

Аниме: Back to the Future, Ergo Proxy (TV), Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.11 You Are [Not] Alone (movie), Nichijou (TV), Steins;Gate (TV), Team Fortress II (PC)
Музыка: Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science

Science: Poetry in Motion

Categories: Comedy (Fun) |  Downloaded: 1797 |  Comments: 76 |  Rating: 3.633.63

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