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No problem, you're not the only one who has trouble understanding the stories, to me even the clearest stories of some editors I find it hard to understand, but well not to worry, I'll try to make it as clear as possible, thank you very much for your opinion :).
ok, I will keep it in mind, thank you for your opinion.
Author is too bad to work with color, the whole picture is dirty, if you want to do a similar color correction, then at least
do so Our Tapes
Maybe next time put less events to the vid or make video much longer, because in current state slowpokes like me don't understand whole story even after rewatching amv few times :D
Thx again and GL in future projects.
Hello, how about, look I explain, I made the girl have problems with drugs, she met a new guy who is supposedly the "psychopath", in the course of the video we see that little by little she is submitting to this new evil for her.
This "psychopath" always watched the girl with the boyfriend, if you get to notice well in some scenes for example in the first scenes of the beach is dark, the "psychopath" is there. The "Psychopath" contacted the girl through "Facebook", the girl accepted.
The boyfriend, saw that the girl forgot the cell phone at the dining table, and suddenly sees the messages, that's why she runs out in search of saving her "girlfriend", in the end she was saved by her boyfriend.
She have problem with brain or with heart or both?
As I told you before, she has problems with drugs, the brain as we see in the first scene, "is the psychopath" (second 12), then try to show them the profile of a "psychopath", in this case What I put were keywords:
Torture, resentment, justice, murder
In the other brain, which is supposedly the "boyfriend", I try to show them the profile of the "boyfriend", that is, the sad one, also with keywords:
Loneliness, confusion.
Regarding the heart, we see a black that has the "psychopath", permanently, I try to show them how the heart of that "psychopath" was rotten with so many drugs, a black heart is a "heart of a lot of sadness".
In the video you see the girl with a red heart, at the beginning of the video. That is to say that at that time she was completely healthy, and very happy.
And as I said before, she is submitting to this new evil for her, that's why in the course of the video we will notice that the girl's heart is becoming increasingly "black", like the "Psychopath" , is to say that his heart is getting more and more sad, it is another meaning.
At the end of the video, you see that the "girl's heart" takes the color "red", I try to show you that at that moment that she was saved, she realized that she was getting into something bad, a life full of sadness. By means of a hug from the groom, she will leave the drugs. That is why the heart changes from "black" to "red" color.
Btw you have different type of pistols in bedroom scene.
Regarding the guns, it's true what you say, what happened there is that I did not have many scenes, and that's why I tried to show you that that gun is the one of the "Psychopath" guards. .
You might think they are guns from other guards, but I did it with the intention that a single "bodyguard" must carry a weapon.
In short, the gun only has a bodyguard.
The "psychopath" has no weapon.
And the "Boyfriend" only has a "knife" as a weapon, to help the bride.
You have a lot of reason, the basis of all this is the problem "I have to tell the stories, but it seems I have to" clarify "more so that most can understand, thank you very much for your critical, I hope to have clarified your doubts, anything you ask me, a hug, greetings.
Btw you have different type of pistols in bedroom scene.
Good vid, but short and have some problem with storytelling. For examination section 5 and Yes.