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P.S.Не буду спойлерить
Lift Me Up has positives and others negatives sides as all project.
-->In negative point we have:
-A little exaggeration in flash use;
-Some transitions aren't mildness how must be.
-Personally the 60fps only gave a biggest final file, I don't know exactly, but it can be for the transitions be more accurate...
-->In positive point we have:
-The video has a powerful edition, with a mood very well applied between music and anime. We have a great synchronism here too, not a giant, master sync, but a dedicated and better than normal.
The video has a very well sync lip applied too, giving a better attention for character profile here.
-The author take attention in selection of scenes too, the music lyrics has a extreme relationship with the scenes, something that I value very.
-xNagisaKun take attention to not give spoiler for us, because the anime has only 13 epi. On the contrary, make us watch the anime. (At least with me it was so).
-I understood the concept of this project as something like the vision of people that has some mental problems or the vision who are drug user.
So, Lift Me Up was my favorite on AMVCON 2015, and I appreciate so much his work, I giving my 5 for consideration, but it's a project certainly better than 3.00 points.