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Try choosing a bit easier song next time. I would advise you to find some good editor who could beta test for you and explain all the details. Good luck with next works.
Some tips for the future:
Always try to give a lot of thoughts to matching the tone and mood of the song with the clip that you are placing. Also try to give some thoughts to how long you should leave the same clip playing before cutting it, and where would be a good spot to do that cut and move to another clip.
Keep going dude, always cool to see new faces joining the fandom.
how about go to AnimeMusicVideos.org ?
Well I'm Trying m best It was the first one but I'll asure you I will do better next time and thanks alot for watching
Sorry that I can't really speak Russian I used Google translate for your comment and yeah Indeed I know So sorry to disappoint you but I'll assure you I'll do better next time.