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Angels on the Battlefield

Special for Stylize 6th Eden Team IC

Track 1: JazzsVids
Track 2: [madaraxD]
Track 3: gabberMD
Track 4: Nekkozie
Track 5: ReplayStudios
Track 6: Sempai
Track 7: JazzsVids
Transitions: AmvLuna

Anime: Air, Ambition of Oda Nobuna (TV), Angel Beats (TV), Arpeggio of Blue Steel (TV), Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q (Movie), Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (Movie), First Squad - The Moment Of Truth (OVA), Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid, Hataraku Maou-sama!, Innocent Venus (TV), Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.22 - You Can [Not] Advance (Movie), No Game No Life (TV), So-Ra-No-Wo-To (TV), Zankyou no Terror
Music: Lindsey Stirling - Shatter me
Awards: 3rd place in Eden Team IC: Stylize 6th

Angels on the Battlefield

Angels on the Battlefield

Angels on the Battlefield

Angels on the Battlefield

Angels on the Battlefield

Angels on the Battlefield


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4.09 4.09 (381 vote)
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Author: (video created: 19.08.2014)
Studio: Æon Studios
Submitted by: Turbo 26.08.2014 at 09:30
4.09 4.09 (381 vote)
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Page views: 23394 times
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Comments (36)
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Sempai3607   User profile  Video channel
  26.08.2014 16:16
Уря залили на главную
S.A. Robert   User profile
  26.08.2014 15:19
Какой-то стрёмный рандомчик, да и м/в вызвало вторжение, в итоге не досмотрел :(
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  26.08.2014 13:07
неплохо. Местами доставило. Няшка с мечом под дождем на 1:46 откуда ( на постере она же)? Рисовка больно милая у сорца.
KEEREN   User profile
  26.08.2014 13:05
забавно 4
MIBIHA   User profile
  26.08.2014 09:57
fullmaster   User profile
  26.08.2014 09:54
not bad, 4

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