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Понравилось 4. Только хотел сказать: "В коем веки без всякой мистики", но похоже не судьба - в результате первая часть дополнила вторую, titre to like.
I understand your desire for making effects, but here it seems like you trying to do as many as you can: no general stylization can be found. They aren't even artistic. The good effect is the one you could hardly recognize, it feels like being 'implanted' in videotrack, as if it originally was in the videosource.
At the same time, the goal could be achieved by using just one artistic trick.
You could try to do your next work basing either only on montage (which is immortal way of making AMVs: there could be no effects, but AMV still could be great having none) or, for example, on some of methods here: AMV Technique Beat.
Try to direct all visual and sound features to create monolithic piece of art, monolithic feeling, where using of one of the means follows from others.
Good luck!
PS. I like the transition from the main part to the titles, it's appropriate and nice, but why you cut them off so roughly? ) Don't do that.
Secondly, your montage is alot better than your effects, but it's still excessive and awkward all around. Of course you don't need to listen to some guy from snowy Russia, but if you want my advice, it would be: "try to be moderate". That way you'll have alot less chance to make a mistake with your sporadic attempts to make your video more lively. Anyway, i rate it 3 and wish you luck. Типа того.