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probably one can get used to it, nevertheless i don't want to
... you will be satisfied with 3/5 and your "effortless-style" AMVs?
ok than, good luck :)
So you were referring to the ART STYLE of DBZ? Well you're quick to say I'm unintelligent because I'm not understanding what you've said, but have a thought about the way you presented it. Firstly, the effect at the beginning of the video is somewhat of a drawing effect, so you using the term "drawing" initially would bring me to that assumption. And then there's the fact that the most renowned way of referring to the "drawing style" of any animation, is to call it "art"/"art style" - though of course most ignorant people call it "animation" even though that's something different, but the point is, I hardly see anyone refer to it as "drawing style". And, either way, if it's not an insult towards my AMV, then it's still a weak insult to the anime because you don't explain anything.
And well 3/5 doesn't hurt my pride or make me feel any less happy with my hobby of editing. I mean, clearly, no one can prove me unrighteous, and just by that, I know my views on things are probably a bit more accurate than most people's, which includes those who take part in the voting.
what is really good - to make AMVs that everybody admires (regardless of time spent on the production)
i think you can achieve better results by making greater effort
getting about 3 stars should be disappointing even if it's a hobby
i make no exceptions
i said that "most of real openings and endings are boring and pointless (and everybody skips them)"
this is my subjective opinion regarding "most of openings and endings"
i can have one - deal with it)
drawing style. what am i talking about? maybe about anime called Dragon Ball (source for your clip)?
it seems like it's you calling yourself dumb
so intelligent)
I don't actually remember you, as in you with your name and picture or whatever, but I do remember having to argue with a bunch of idiotic comments and the thing about the time being one of them. And well, no, most of the time, I brag about being able to do my work quickly - not to try and make excuses for supposed bad work (that is only seen by the less perceptive i.e. you).
It is bad, but of course, that depends on what. If it's like a professional job, where the greater the output means greater earnings of something that's significant to a rational person, then you should not be restricting yourself to what little effort can only bring forth. But if it's something as minor as AMV making as a hobby.... mate, I have more useful ways of exerting my effort and expending my time.
Firstly, saying something I did is dumb suggests I am dumb, and saying or even implying I'm dumb is like saying AMVnews is a Chinese website. I mean, if you're going to make a statement as bold as "it's dumb", at least have a sufficing explanation to make it seem like more than hateful words coming from a hateful boy.
Uhm well see, you called my work (implying I too am) dumb, but.... as you've shown here, you lack the simple intellect to know what is subjective, and what is not. Liking an opening, and disliking an opening are completely up to personal preference - I skip the opening for Naruto Shippuuden, but I don't skip the opening for Hunter x Hunter because I like it. What now? You're completely wrong - it's such an invalid argument that I am confused as to why I am even bothering to argue against it. And you really are dumb, an anime opening you see at the beginning of every episode, this is an AMV I only expect you to watch once, if you watch more, that's you watching it more. Also, I'm pretty sure there are even Russian AMV contests for alternate/fan made openings..... so yeah, it's not really as pointless of a concept as you seem to think it is.
To conclude, yes, do not even try to argue with me....the futility of it is goes further beyond even my cognition, and that's saying something.
what to say.
this is good whatever the reason (if the work took a little time of course)
finding the way to achieve the same result with the least amount of effort - is good
restricting yourself with only what you can do with a little effort - is bad
my thoughts regarding the work.
first of all - drawing style of this source is a little dumb (i actually watched the clip only to write the comment)
congratulations, you hit the bull's-eye :)
it's because most of real openings and endings are boring and pointless (and everybody skips them)
you last work uploaded here has interesting idea at least
i think you could do much better, starting with your original intention
Dragon Ball > Bleach
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