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Lift Me Up

Hey :) And yes I know the fact that recently had been uploaded a lot of amvs with this source but I started it for sometime ago and wanted to finish it. As the source asked I used a chill song to give the amv necessary atmosphere, also followed the story of the anime. I tried to keep the amv clean and smooth, and hope that it transmited some emotions to you :). So yeah enjoy

Anime: Kotonoha no Niwa
Music: Mree Lift Me Up (High Performance Remix)

Lift Me Up

Lift Me Up

Lift Me Up

Lift Me Up

Lift Me Up

Lift Me Up


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3.75 3.75 (67 votes)
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Author: (video created: 21.09.2013)
Submitted by: EvilSpiritAmvs 27.09.2013 at 20:13
3.75 3.75 (67 votes)
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Comments (6)
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S.A. Robert   User profile
  29.03.2014 00:58
Трек занятный, послушал с удовольствием. А клип? Он тут разве был? :|
Daru   User profile
  30.09.2013 09:42
Какой всё-таки Синкай читерный. А трек лучше было оригинальный брать.
If you want your skills will be appreciated, try not to use so cheating sources ;)
zzakker   User profile
  28.09.2013 09:57
Default Avatar
F1xeR wrote:
У синкая что-то новенькое вышло? качество хорошее

Ты видимо отстал от жизни
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  28.09.2013 02:39
not too bad, but the atmosphere needs to be a bit more fluent. I didn't see much except for a lot of hard cuts, zooms, and shakes. They appeared kind of like a pattern, you should change up a bit and loosen up a little. In places I find the atmosphere was creating, but it cuts off soon after. You should also try some other transitions to make things look a bit better.

Good luck on your next! From me, no more than 3.
F1xeR   User profile
  28.09.2013 00:46
У синкая что-то новенькое вышло? качество хорошее
MigeL   User profile
  27.09.2013 21:22
Трек фигово обыгран. Мало понравилось. 3

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