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Oh my god.... Just stop commenting. If you read it before, I even pushed that guy to start saying he was trying to be "funny". I mean like go ahead and reply actually, but I think it's about time I stopped commenting here because seriously, if you read his comment and still cannot see it, what good reason do you have to have my time spent on you?
That's not mocking that's critisism
Read pic4arts's original comment.
Btw, last reply for now, but look here. I mean this is a king of "negative" comment, but I didn't reply to it, did I? :/ The reason I didn't have to reply to it was that it wasn't trying to mock me; it wasn't making false accusations; it was a flat out opinion. Let me show you how this comment would have to look for me to argue against it. "The text was trash. Next time, blend it in properly, and I don't just mean changing the colour of the font to look the same as the background."
Now I know ...
Also if you are talking about harsh criticism, if you don't like them then just don't post a video on here. Not everyone is nice when they criticize, sometimes it's a lot easier than being nice.
you don't need to claim that you are arrogant -
it is obvious from you initial comment ("started just 2 weeks ago", "I'm too lazy and impatient to work on effects")
moreover your actual work isn't so good as you think, you got 3 stars average
so you can't complain on the arrogance of the others
I think you could do much better if you try harder
and once you realize that it isn't appropriate to mention "2 weeks" or "I'm lazy" in any context, you will be enforced to try harder
Good work.
I dont like the rap music over all. For me it didn't fit with the pictures.
And if you get angry about my opinion, you really should learn how to control your anger.
Peace out.
Thinking > Writing. Enough said. Just go.
Second: This is not Youtube. Not everybody gona like your video.
Third: I don't think you have the right to call other editors "little boys who has very little knowledge of editing and edits like a fag as well" as a 18 years old. So please learn something about life and try it after 5 years again.
Не, тут у кого как.
Если тебе говорит опытный автор, то ты к нему прислушаешься, а если говорит какое-то дно, которое вообще не садилось а редактор и не знает, что куда и как, то это смешно....Что даже грустно...Как-то так...
Конечно, ведь критика и засирание это ровным счётом одно и тоже.
Quality work. But it's to quickly for me.