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it is less fighting than "Move Along"
action can be fun/cheerful when the fighting is not in the foreground and when the fighting is not serious (I can't call such videos "action-fighting")
your arguments works for those who are familiar with Toaru series
I think it fits with the song very well. The song isn't exactly cheerful. It's about fighting through hardships and the suffering that always accompanies the process. The line from the chorus "And even when your hope is gone, move along" is incredibly appropriate for the Toaru series. It's about fighting against the odds. Sometimes winning, sometimes losing, but never giving up.
It's not that the song is cheerful. It's exciting and full of energy. Just like the Toaru series. And that's why I used it.
Actually action-fighting can be cheerful depending on what the editor wants it to look like and on the mood of the song like in the video Chronicles Of The OCD Goth Cowboy Jesus Future Overlord where it shows both expressions and kept it a fun action.
There are different types of action type videos and not just serious, so that pretty much explains everything.
on the other hand AMV contains some fighting with "scary faces" (0:07, 0:31-0:33, ...) and blood (0:25, 0:44, 1:19, 1:21, ...)
thus we have "emotional dissynchronization" - AMV is cheerful to hear and "scary" to watch
even if so, I didn't read it,
and there is no clues in the AMV to find out that the source anime is comedy too (till the very end - 3:25)
I feel the need to address this. The Toaru Series is all about the combination of comedy and action. That's what the author had in mind when he wrote the novels. I tried to honor this.
Клип смотреть было приятно и длительность 4 мин тоже не напрягла. Чувствуется любовь к исходнику и к героям, так как в эмоциональном плане клип очень хорош. Неплохая синхра и м/в. От меня 5
поэтому главная задача клипмейкера - подбор задумки и видео/аудио - завалена
это значит вот что - постарался он там, эмоции выразить, подыскать отрывки получше, засинхрить, но все впустую - на оценку клипа уже с самого начала был наложен серьезный минус
action-fighting shouldn't be so cheerful
primary aim of the clip maker - to choose the idea and video/music - isn't successfully achieved
it means that all the effort - to express the emotions, to choose the exact video fragments, to synchronize video and music - is wasted 'cause the final rating of the clip is damaged initially
4, против
3 и оставайся в оценочной :(
З.Ы.Блендинг надо отключать.
Anyway, I liked 4 GL in future edits!