Index > Big Contest 2013, Action, Sentimental > Fiction X Reality Print

Fiction X Reality

This AMV is about the idea of escaping your crappy everyday-life into fictional worlds, an idea I think every Anime-Fan can identify with. The Song, being about how non-sense reality is, brought me to this concept.
First there is Makoto, daydreamer and big scifi-fan. Then there is the mad scientist, who had enought of his job being all about future developments and whishes for a nice, old-fashioned fantasy-world. Haruhi dreams of being a magical girl and Shinji has no luck with woman and sees replacement in 2D-girls.
I hope I succeeded in transfering this concept into the video and you like it. This is also my first try on an AMV and video-editing in general, so please be gentle with me.

Anime: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Guilty Crown, Black Lagoon The Second Barrage, Black Rock Shooter, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Redline, Steins; Gate, Sword Art Online, .hack//Quantum, Kara no Kyoukai, Sword of the Stranger, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka ?, Kämpfer, UN-GO, Nisemonogatari, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Evangelion Shin Gekijouban Jo, Evangelion Shin Gekijouban Ha, Mirai Nikki, Needless, Highschool of the Dead, Black Lagoon Omake, Break Blade, Afro Samurai, Fairy Tail, Omamori Himari
Music: Stan SB - Flat Foot Face, Fonik - Mayan Apocalypse

Fiction X Reality

Fiction X Reality

Fiction X Reality

Fiction X Reality

Fiction X Reality

Fiction X Reality

Fiction X Reality


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Author: (video created: 15.03.2013)
Submitted by: PhilGil93 22.03.2013 at 08:09
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Comments (72)
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denismax   User profile
  22.03.2013 13:28
Переход "настоящему" к дабстепу на 0:44 вызвал улыбку - черт, я к этому не был готов:) На 0:49 и 0:56 - это была синхра, правда? Вы издеваетесь? Да дайте же кому-нибудь, смотревшему больше 1 амв в своей жизни, оценить вашу работу и потом решать, стоит ли на кон такого уровня ее выкладывать или нет... В общем, я правда пытался досмотреть, честно-честно... Но после сисек выключил:)
2- (накинул за улыбку в начале и за то, что кое-где синхра таки умудрилась попасть а такт).
ss-media wrote:
Эффекты радуют очень)

Это такие, как на последнем скрине, что-ли?
Disengager   User profile
  22.03.2013 12:31
Ох, конечно рано делать выводы, но я всё же сделаю. По результатам конкурсов в каждом году, складывается впечатление, что само амв катится по наклонной.
Mikoto   User profile
  22.03.2013 11:59
было приятно смотреть =D
not bad
PhilGil93   User profile
  22.03.2013 10:47
Default Avatar
Theredflash66 wrote:
The use of effects really needs to be improved and the entire thing looks very random overall.

At 1:04 when it did that weird looking zoom is a big NO NO. I also didn't like it when the screen zoomed out then switches (really weird >_>), same goes for 2:00 - 2:03. The masks needs to be improved, sync, and use of typography. I'm sorry, but this whole thing looks like trash to me... And then some reason I think of this "Щастье! [Happine$$]"

I know what you mean, i already figured that out myself. I tried to make the clips adapt to the music and it was a mistake. I should have choosen more clips that fit the rhythm of the track by them selfs, instead of making them fit with a bunch of different effects.
But what exactly dont you like about the sync, i tried and thought i succeded to time it frame by frame perfectly with the track? I really appreciate the critics and my next clip i am already working on is all about butter-smooth transitions and scenes matching the track nice without any scaling, fading, distorting to the beat
dumtumdum   User profile
  22.03.2013 10:12
not ice)
mn_casper   User profile  Video channel
  22.03.2013 10:11
Чиаки   User profile
  22.03.2013 10:05
Классная работа. Реально интересно смотреть 5
solodyxa_92   User profile
  22.03.2013 10:00
А мне понравилось :) приятная работа
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  22.03.2013 09:45
The use of effects really needs to be improved and the entire thing looks very random overall.

At 1:04 when it did that weird looking zoom is a big NO NO. I also didn't like it when the screen zoomed out then switches (really weird >_>), same goes for 2:00 - 2:03. The masks needs to be improved, sync, and use of typography. I'm sorry, but this whole thing looks like trash to me... And then some reason I think of this "Щастье! [Happine$$]"
worrytrain   User profile
  22.03.2013 09:00
Фигово автор музыку чувствует.
mn_casper   User profile  Video channel
  22.03.2013 08:51
о)работа такая интересная.Вначале хотел выкл а далее уже интересно стало.Эффекты радуют очень)красавчик удачи!
Uniquevil   User profile  Video channel
  22.03.2013 08:19

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