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Scars of Romance

Author's comment: Nothing much i have to say about this right now. I am overall pleased with the outcome of the final video. This wasn't made to be a spectacular amv or anything like that, it was to challange myself and for once edit something i liked. If you would think i should of done otherwise, i highly suggest you think twice before watching this video. So, this was, afterall, made for a very special person in my life, so please dont go hatin' on the amv -wink-
I appreciate any kind of criticism you guys are willing to offer me. And thanks for reading this and watching my video (if you did <3)

Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Parallel Works: The Sense of Wonder
Music: My Favorite Highway - Bigger than Love

Scars of Romance

Scars of Romance

Scars of Romance

Scars of Romance

Scars of Romance


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3.76 3.76 (213 votes)
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Author: (video created: 12.11.2011)
Studio: Asylum Studios
Submitted by: S.A. Robert 20.06.2012 at 19:52
3.76 3.76 (213 votes)
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Comments (33)
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Bjakua   User profile
  21.06.2012 02:29
Мило, скучно, обычно. Хлопорты ещё бы убрать... ну хрен с ними.

SanPolina   User profile
  21.06.2012 01:13
Из пяти минут сделать две минуты .-. Ну а так мило.5
MrakDren   User profile  Video channel
  20.06.2012 20:52
Повторы не понравились.

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