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[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

This is the latest MEP from AMV Art 2.0 the hungarian AMV community. 2 months of editing, coordinating, waiting and stress, and you can feed the fire with this music video including:

A falling girl, fire, pistols, train, helicopters, monsters, concert, zombies, ships, guns...

Track 1 (0:00-0:24) - Taranisz - Bakemonogatari
Track 2 (0:24-0:46) - Luggeriano - A Certain Magical Index + Kämpfer
Track 3 (0:46-1:09) - DJK - CANAAN
Track 4 (1:09-1:31) - Zakuro - King of Thorn
Track 5 (1:31-1:51) - Seni-Bibi - Genius Party Beyond
Track 6 (1:51-2:15) - Kyssifur - Angel Beats!
Track 7 (2:15-2:59) - Velho - Highschool of the Dead
Track 8 (2:59-3:30) - Yakumo - Black Lagoon + The Runaways

Have fun!

Anime: Bakemonogatari, A Certain Magical Index, Kämpfer, CANAAN, King of Thorn, Genius Party Beyond, Angel Beats!, Highschool of the Dead, Black Lagoon, The Runaways
Music: Pendulum - Watercolour, Pendulum - Watercolour [Emalkay remix]

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

[AMV Art 2.0] - Pendulum MEP 2011

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3.56 3.56 (88 votes)
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Author: (video created: 10.05.2011)
Studio: AMV Art 2.0
Submitted by: kyssifur 23.05.2011 at 05:37
3.56 3.56 (88 votes)
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Page views: 6081 times
Views on-line: 1799 times
Downloaded: 770 times
Torrent downloads: 434 times ratings: 3.739 (410 votes)
YouTube ratings: 5.00 (24 votes)
YouTube views: 1567 times

Comments (33)
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Sintara   User profile  Video channel
  23.05.2011 05:57
Посмотрела до куска с CANAAN , дальше решила не смотреть .
Br0m   User profile
  23.05.2011 05:50
суровый буржуйский рандом под танцевалочку. жестко.

меп пилили 2 МЕСЯЦА?!
Arshon   User profile
  23.05.2011 05:43
ну..музыка хорошая,клип интересно сделан,приятно смотреть,но могли сделать лучше.

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