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мне здесь больше песня понра)
Боянные сорцы и сомнительное применение фильтров испортили все впечатление.
З.Ы. Мне показалось, или действительно в клипе периодически проскакивали "неотфильтрованные" картинки?
В добавок к словам Трампа: за ЦК также неудачно скрывается ужасное качество исходников.
now yu said it, I noticed that too O.o I thought I added romance/drama >.>
You are welcome ^^
I see, thanks ')
Глазу не за что зацепиться во время просмотра.
There is no diversity in your clip. You used only two effects for amv.
Hm... It's uncomfortable to watch.
But I think your next amv will be good =)
I hope You'll understand my bad English ;) 4-
У ностормо тоже видеоряд всегда сумбурно наложен
GhostPrince, You need good teacher.
The overall choice of resources for the video is bad. Logically - they fit OK. Except for one fact - there are millions of videos with 5cm/sec and Promised place in our Early days. If this is your first drama video, why not try to find something more interesting? Something that won't kill the wish to watch the video after reading about resources used.
About the song: it is a fantastic choice for a drama, I'll give you that.
About my comment regarding the end result: you didn't feel it.
Technically you shown that more or less you can handle special effects, yes. But.. were they necessary? They don't add almost anything to the rhythm, they don't create a certain atmosphere to the video, they do not help in creating a story, they do not look prettier than the anime used and moreover do not add anything to it. They're just there. The question is - why?
It's a drama, not a bloody dance or action video. If a person cannot clearly see what is happening on the screen, how can he feel something for the characters? Though I can interpret it as your way of going with the song and its abstract portraying of everlasting love, using abstract shapes and imagery to create the right mood. But I doubt that that's the case.
Anyway, wrapping this up: you've shown your technical skills, now show how you put them to good use. Because idea>quality in my opinion. Good luck.
was it that bad? O_o >.>
anyway, thanks for the critics, guess im still missing many things >.<
hope I"ll make something better next time :P
The other effect of some king of scratches on edges, in some moments near the end, seemed much more in place.
Overall its quite not bad, but m/v and idea is too trivial and overused, making this video just another of many, without something special. Even unusual play with saturation and brightness cant change this fact.
Сори, знаю что такое монохром, но прировнял к оригинальному значению. Всё же тут столь мало красочности, что разницу между скучным монохромом и этим клипом не много затираешь не вольно)