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Female Titan Zone 30.09.2013

There isn't much to say about this video here. I decided to get back into the groove of video editing after being out for nearly three years. I feel I've grown a lot since then and I hope my new series of AMV's show that. So, for whatever it's worth, enjoy this here video and have fun for with it.

Аниме: Shingeki No Kyojin
Музыка: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 HD - Emerald Hill Zone

Female Titan Zone

Comments: 20 |  Rating: 3.083.08
Author: Frostreturns

SAO MATRIX 30.09.2013

Тема из Матрицы в сочетании с сюжетом Sword Art Online. Kirito выступил в роли Нео, Asuna в роли Тринити. Работал с помощью программы Adobe Premiere Pro. Чисто монтаж без эффектов (пока не умею обращаться ими). Каждое действие под стать звуку. Если понравиться то дальше буду продолжать трейлерами!

Аниме: Sword Art Online
Музыка: The Matrix - Trailer Sound Clip


Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.453.45

Sweet Life 29.09.2013

I made this AMV using lots of anime and it take me about a week to finish it. I am hoping for a good reaction from the viewers cause this is my first time posting my work here.Tell me what you guys thought about it.

Аниме: Katte ni kaizou, Lucky Start, Suzumiya Haruhi, Bakemonogatari, Maken Ki, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, To aru majutsu no index, Ame and Yuki Wolf Children, Infinite Stratos, Macross Frontier, One piece, Bleach, Star Driver kagayaki no takuto, Shakugan No Shana, Angel Beats, Shirokuma cafe, Beelzebub, Anohana, Shinyaku Ika musume, Mayo chiki, MM, Boku wa Tomodachi ga sukunai, Oreimo, EF, Steins Gate, Sora no Otoshimono, Puella Magi, Code Geass, Asobi ni Ikuyo, Kara no kyoukai, Fortune Arterial, 5 centimeters per second, Yume kui, K-on!, Nichijou
Музыка: Chipstep - Insert Coin

Sweet Life

Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.303.30
Author: Paranoize96

Fate 28.09.2013

It's the first time I made the amv with dubstepmusic. There are some details I didn't manipulate well to present what I want to say. Although I was not able to avoid these kinds of defects in this work, to me, it is still a great attempt . I'll keep trying to make my videos better and better

Аниме: Fate Zero
Музыка: Guardians At The Gate


Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.863.86
Author: May

Lift Me Up 27.09.2013

Hey :) And yes I know the fact that recently had been uploaded a lot of amvs with this source but I started it for sometime ago and wanted to finish it. As the source asked I used a chill song to give the amv necessary atmosphere, also followed the story of the anime. I tried to keep the amv clean and smooth, and hope that it transmited some emotions to you :). So yeah enjoy

Аниме: Kotonoha no Niwa
Музыка: Mree Lift Me Up (High Performance Remix)

Lift Me Up

Comments: 6 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: EvilSpiritAmv

A Short Yui AMV 27.09.2013

I always wanted to make an AMV for Yui, but there are not enough clips to make a full length AMV for her. So I decided to make a short AMV for her to test out my new video editing software. I just learned how to do a lot of the stuff in this video, so if you could tell me what you think to help me with my future videos.

Аниме: Angel Beats!
Музыка: Bomb This Track - Mindless Self Indulgence

A Short Yui AMV

Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.243.24
Author: 2ndState

Love drim 26.09.2013

В этом "AMV" клипе я пыталась раскрыть основную тему аниме сериала "Tora-Dora"...Я хотела сделать его так сказать "БИТНЕЕ", но под такую музыку не получилось, это моя вторая работа , хорошо получилось или нет, судить вам... Приятного просмотра,надеюсь понравится.

Аниме: ToraDora
Музыка: Katy Perry -Teenage dream


Comments: 14 |  Rating: 2.822.82

Halo Of The Spirits 25.09.2013

Моя первая "осознанная" работа, делавшаяся больше для себя. Хотя навыков создания клипов тогда было еще очень немного, но это был первый клип, который не был сделан под влиянием момента и работа над которым продолжалась достаточно долго (по тем временам).
Акынство и ситуационный липсинк были сделаны намеренно - тогда это казалось забавным. Стоит отметить, что мне удалось "вписать" их в повествование без вреда для видеоряда. Тогда мне это дало некоторое понимание принципов сведения сцен.

Аниме: Spirited Away
Музыка: Linkin Park - In The End

Halo Of The Spirits

Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.053.05
Author: Alkatraz

A New Challenge 25.09.2013

I got inspired after I watched Fairy tail, so i decided to edit this amv. Fan made trailer of final fight of fairy tail. it´s my first try of triller edit. Sorry for my english. Watch with subs on youtube.

Аниме: Fairy Tail
Музыка: Tony Anderson - The Prophecy

A New Challenge

Comments: 1 |  Rating: 2.672.67
Author: Psycobrah

Вылет с приземлением 24.09.2013

После первой попытки слепить AMV, пусть и не очень удачной, захотелось продолжения. Идей было несколько. Вариант Лапута и 1100 сначала возник как шутка, ибо аниме всё-таки про другое, хотя полётов там хватает. Но шутка воплотилась в это.

Аниме: Laputa: The Castle in the Sky
Музыка: Ария-1100

Вылет с приземлением

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 2.352.35
Author: Sympak

Existence 24.09.2013

Что значит быть? И главное — зачем?
Для вас поставлены вопросы мной.
Вы, зрители, решите для себя:
Мой клип анафеме предать и потерять покой,
Иль мудрость проявить для самосохранения.

О, выбор! О, вершитель судеб! Ты суров.
Мы все рабы перед тобой.
От власти нам твоей не уклониться.
Мы все проголосуем только «За»,
Иначе с жизнями придётся нам проститься.

Так знай же всяк, удел людской таков:
Бояться за себя и делать всё, чтоб не увидеть мрак
— существовать, для нас, есть — проявлять свой страх.

Аниме: Black Heaven
Музыка: KAI cyber-core project — Как хочешь


Comments: 17 |  Rating: 3.173.17
Author: Deviant

Last Showdown 23.09.2013

This mad was ranked 3rd at Korean Madmovie site: Risky Madmovie syndrome's 8th mad movie contest. This mad is a collaboration: zj C and Fate/zero, Kai - Kara no Kyokai and Guilty crown. Generally all parts are cross and feeling to fight.

Аниме: Kara no Kyokai,C,Fate Zero,Guilty Crown
Музыка: The prodigy - Invaders must die

Last Showdown

Comments: 11 |  Rating: 3.313.31
Author: zJ, Kai

Brinkmate R 23.09.2013

A little remake of an amv I made for a contest made by amv-france (Online contest 2.0). I had to make an amv based on a theme...redemption. While browsing my anime, I decided to take a little risk not being too generic, to choose a pretty unknown anime that I enjoyed a lot to watch and that I wanted to spread a bit.
I didn't wanted to add filter or fancy color thingy. I wanted the anime to stay at it's most "pure form" since anyway, I don't think anyone really knows about that anime. After seing Go by Ngsilver, I wanted to try synching a bit the same way. But, I'll tell you that, it was quite a challenge to keep a logic story, synch and rythm and im quite glad I've kept my initial theme and intention. The only regret I really have is not having used a bit crappy quality. From what I gathered, a lot of people agree to say the story is good, the anime looks repulsive with it's graphics and that the cut are a bit too violent...well, still sharing it!
I really love shogi by the way! I sometime play in my spare times!

Аниме: Shion no Ou
Музыка: Emiko Mizukami - Amol

Brinkmate R

Comments: 6 |  Rating: 3.413.41
Author: General-Guy

Leave Out All The Rest 22.09.2013

Try to kinda summarize the end and sacrifice that Madoka and Lain made from the original story and line them up with another story as following. Well, confusing for sure, but hope u could get most of the end I kinda made up and enjoy this AMV. 
PS: Had this idea 2 years ago when I was making the source list of "God is a girl" and spent about 2 months to make this one, much longer than I originally thought. The feeling it brings is not as good as I expected and didn't work on details more, however, I achieved all my basic goals, so here it is.

Аниме: The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Gekijouban Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Serial Experiments Lain
Музыка: Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest

Leave Out All The Rest

Comments: 11 |  Rating: 3.363.36
Author: Miyazaki1990

Be the Fear 22.09.2013

[Old project started in August 2012]
Everyone has a dark side within himself.. and what happens when it takes over? Well, I think that we would have no more fear.. because then, we'll be the fear itself.

Аниме: Hellsing OVAs
Музыка: Linkin Park - Figure 09

Be the Fear

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 3.703.70
Author: Yusuke

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