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Trouble On My Mind 29.10.2016

Hello :D We are glad we can present you our 2nd MEP! Today is MEP's deadline so we are proud of our team that we could finish it on time :D Hope you guys will enjoy our work! We would be thankful to hear your opinion!

Аниме: Noragami, Kiznaiver, The Dissaperance of Haruhi, Re:Zero, Sankarea, Wolf Children, Garden of Words, Kizumonogatari, Zankyou no Terror, Hal, Boku dake ga inai machi, Hyouka
Музыка: Hurts - Weight of the world

Trouble On My Mind

Comments: 14 |  Rating: 3.233.23
Author: AMVDealer, Oshi, Tyler (+7)

Dont Let Me Down 29.10.2016

Hello. I just take my 2 favorite animes and gather in this amv was my first time usanto Twixtor so I did not stay as expected, but also liked the result.
Edited with Sony Vegas Pro 13. Plugins: Twixtor
PD: Sorry for my bad english

Аниме: Re:Zero, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari
Музыка: Dont let me down - The Chainsmokers

Dont Let Me Down

Comments: 7 |  Rating: 2.632.63
Author: ZyonN AMV's

Faulty Future 28.10.2016

Я попыталась воссоздать задумку сюжета, но вышло размыто. В основу входит та же история с письмом из будущего, но теперь ребята несколько раз пытаются спасти Какеру, но не выходит. Также в сюжет входит история о матери. Она оставила его ещё в детстве со смертельной болезнью. Нахо помогает Сува, но также не успевает вовремя. Нахо же скоро также предаёт Какеру, завязывая роман с Сувой. Какеру этого не переносит.
Да, сюжет может не раскрытый и, может, даже глупый, но это первый мой нормальный клип. Свои ошибки я знаю, но и от критики не откажусь~

Аниме: Orange, Masou Gakuen HxH, Ajin
Музыка: Hurts - Weight of the world

Faulty Future

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.442.44
Author: NekoChu

Monster 28.10.2016

Hope you enjoy my Gintama AMV. I made this on Thanksgiving Day. Thanks :) That's all.

Аниме: Gintama
Музыка: Skillet - Monster

Gintama「AMV」- Monster

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 1.611.61
Author: Liquefire AMV

Crash 27.10.2016

The video was created by an inspiration for a friend amv I did it quickly and it is not a story or anything else behind it is a new style because I wanted to try. I hope you like and thanks for watching.

Аниме: Fate/zero, Fate/stay night unlimited blade works , Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
Музыка: Decyfer Down - Crash


Comments: 6 |  Rating: 2.102.10
Author: Kyuubbankai

Amnesia - Last Breath 27.10.2016

Комментарий автора: Yo! A new solo with quite an unexpected style from me I think :P I hope you'll still enjoy! It was originally for the first Nero Team IC but I had to change of project to make "Live Anew" but anyways, here it is!

Аниме: Psycho-Pass
Музыка: In Fear and Faith - Relapse Collapse

Amnesia - Last Breath

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.313.31
Author: MagicDarkLight

Petite Romance 26.10.2016

Небольшая стори линия, целиком и полностью посвященная любовной арке Кумико и Рейны. Нет, без тортиков. Да, это не Кейон. Держите красивый постер :3
P.S.Проверка на внимательность - интересно кто первый найдет масочку с Рейной...

Аниме: Hibike! Euphonium S2, Hibike! Euphonium
Музыка: Vive la Fete – Love Me, Please Love Me

Petite Romance

Comments: 10 |  Rating: 3.203.20
Author: Pushok

Sleepwalker 25.10.2016

This is my first entry. I hope you won't be too rough. I edit music videos for a very long time. I can't say much about this video other than the fact that I used my imagination to make it. I hope you'll like it.

Аниме: Black Rock Shooter OVA
Музыка: Adam Lambert - Sleepwalker

Black Rock Shooter Music Video - Sleepwalker

Comments: 1 |  Rating: 2.652.65
Author: smilingpixels

AnimeMathVideo 23.10.2016

Стучи в барабан и не бойся,
Целуй маркитантку под стук;
Вся мудрость житейская в этом,
Весь смысл глубочайший наук.

Буди барабаном уснувших,
Тревогу без устали бей;
Вперёд и вперёд подвигайся —
В том тайна премудрости всей.

И Гегель, и тайны науки —
Всё в этой доктрине одной;
Я понял её, потому что
Я сам барабанщик лихой!

(Генрих Гейне)

Аниме: Aki No Kanade
Музыка: Canvas Solaris — Berserker Hypothesis


Comments: 20 |  Rating: 3.363.36
Author: trampler

Can't Be Tamed 22.10.2016

I have nothing to say besides thank you for watching :)

Аниме: Ajin 
Музыка: Miley Cyrus (Male Version) - Can't Be Tamed

Aijin 2nd Season「AMV」- Can't Be Tamed

Comments: 7 |  Rating: 1.641.64
Author: Liquefire AMV

Eiderdown 21.10.2016

Клип-участник AWA Pro 2016

Комментарий автора: This is my second video I did for Pro this year ^^. I am sorry it is with Madoka, I know people are tired of seeing it, and you guys probably wont really like it. I tried to avoid using Madoka, and have been trying to figure out what to use with this song for over a year because of it, but honestly, in the end, I knew if I used a different source, I would have made a much weaker video, and I wasn't willing to do that do my video. Also sorry for the lack of a PB logo, I was having computer issues exporting it so I gave up. Anyways, I had a blast working on this. It is probably the most fun I have had editing a video ever. This is my favorite type of music, and I love every second of making it. I will probably try to edit with this music a lot more in the future because I really enjoy it being despite how time consuming it is xD. This is probably the most time I have ever spent on a video, but, unlike Swivel, I didnt have huge phases where I just felt frustrated and awful making it haha.

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Музыка: Xandria - The Watcher


Comments: 10 |  Rating: 3.613.61
Author: Xophilarus

Discord 20.10.2016

Hello im ZyonN and I hope you liked my AMV (Discord). I did using the final animations before each death so beware of Spoilers. Edited with Sony Vegas Pro 13.
PD: Sorry for my bad english.

Аниме: Danganronpa
Музыка: Caleb Hyles - Discord (The Living Tombstone Remix)


Comments: 4 |  Rating: 2.522.52
Author: ZyonN AMV's

Crazy 19.10.2016

Barakamon / Handa-Kun are one of my favorite Anime's of all time. I like the character because they're too funny :) This is my Original Video without subtitles. If you want with subtitles you can find it in my additional video! Thanks for understanding guys :)

Аниме: Handa-kun
Музыка: Bebe Rexha - I'm Gonna Show You Crazy

Handa Seishuu「AMV」- Crazy

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 1.871.87
Author: Liquefire AMV

I'm Gonna Get You...Get You...Get You...Get You... 18.10.2016

A change of style since a long while, I would say this is a pretty fun experience for me to use a totally different BGM genre to make an AMV. I don't know it fits into psychedelic categories or story since I'm leaning more towards matching the lyrics and try to tell a story of these main characters. Anyways, thanks for watching and feel free to leave any comment and advise.

Аниме: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Музыка: Kraddy&Lady Ali-One Way ; MYTH&ROID-STYX HELIX

I'm Gonna Get You...Get You...Get You...Get You...

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 2.462.46
Author: MapleMAD

Dreaming of the Dead 18.10.2016

Комментарий автора: So this turned out really messy, and I'm not sure how much I like the final result, but I still wanted to upload it since the concept was cool (as in before I ruined everything). Speaking of the concept, I'm not entirely sure people who haven't watched the anime will understand it too well, but I twisted the plot a bit anyways so whatever.

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Gekijouban Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Shinpen: Hangyaku no Monogatari
Музыка: Florence + The Machine - Blinding

Dreaming of the Dead

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.093.09
Author: Keizu

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