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[Galaxia] Lose Control

There are serious spoilers in video!

I decided to extend/remake my Galaxia Lose Control video. HOLY CRAP it is a almost 5 minute song on just her. I added more color correction and effects to try and blend a lot of these scenes together. And this is such a heavy instrumental and vocals by evanescence. I added dialog from the movie. Which was also another experiment using more Adobe programs. Even in the original anime I thought this was a very fitting song for her. But never had inspiration to edit it.

Anime: Sailor Moon Cosmos
Music: Evanescence - Lose Control

[Galaxia] Lose Control

[Galaxia] Lose Control

[Galaxia] Lose Control

[Galaxia] Lose Control

[Galaxia] Lose Control

[Galaxia] Lose Control

[Galaxia] Lose Control

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2.89 2.89 (9 votes)
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Author: (video created: 20.01.2024)
Submitted by: GodFire91 06.06.2024 at 05:53
2.89 2.89 (9 votes)
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Comments (3)
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Strannick610   User profile  Video channel
  06.06.2024 14:16
Очередной клип со вшитым не отключаемым хардсабом. А так как я англицкий не знаю, то для меня эти буковы внизу экрана информационный шум. Софт сабы же сделать проще простого.
okhostok   User profile  Video channel
  06.06.2024 12:22
Тема конечно мое, но за полноценную историю 5, за.
Sintara   User profile  Video channel
  06.06.2024 06:28
Все ничего, но диалоги по звуку сильно выдернуты на передний план. Вроде даже перегружены.

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