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Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

'Shock and D'aww' is a light-hearted Halloween themed MEP. Editors were tasked to use scenes with Anime characters in costume. No gore, violence or supernatural stuff. Just Halloween, like you might normally experience it. The parts were to be wholesome and cute.

This is our 20th MEP and incidentally in 2023, the german AMV Community also turned 20 years old. Regards and Prost!

Anime: Gabriel Dropout, Healer Girl, Himouto! Umaru-chan, Is the Order a Rabbit?, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Love Live! School Idol Project, Lycoris Recoil, Mitsuboshi Colors, My Dress-Up Darling, PriPara, The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious, Uma Musume Pretty Derby, Wataten!, Ya Boy Kongming!
Music: Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho

Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

Shock and D’aww: A Sweet Halloween

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3.50 3.50 (38 votes)
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Author: (video created: 31.10.2023)
Studio: amvde
Submitted by: Cenit 04.11.2023 at 14:19
3.50 3.50 (38 votes)
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Comments (8)
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Урзак   User profile
  26.04.2024 18:01
Хлопорты летящей походкой спешат к вам в монитор, но всем нормально?...
олух царя небесного   User profile
  06.01.2024 06:59
Deidara69 wrote:
милота ^_^

Что милого в колядках?
Deidara69   User profile
  06.01.2024 02:14
Какая милота ^_^
Yonakano   User profile
  26.11.2023 20:55
И синхронизация хромает. И музычка заезженная.
Darksss 73   User profile
  26.11.2023 01:33
Как то не особо аккуратно + хлопорты эти (В местах не в тему) = видимо спешили.
S.A. Robert   User profile
  08.11.2023 00:33
Приятный тематический mep, нравится.
okhostok   User profile  Video channel
  04.11.2023 22:29
S†eelshine wrote:
звука в плеере нет.

Поправил, спасибо.
S†eelshine   User profile
  04.11.2023 16:05
звука в плеере нет.

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